Stunning warning: War coming to Europe

EUROPE - With millions of Muslim migrants pouring into Europe, some experts are warning the continent faces a future of revolution, civil war or surrender to Islamic rule. Author, WND columnist and anti-Shariah campaigner Pamela Geller thinks it is already too late. Asked if she thought it would come to civil war in Europe, Geller told WND, “Yes, I do.”

She’s not alone.

“If the European political establishment maintains its stranglehold on power, it seems unavoidable that Islam will continue to build a political presence that will ultimately lead to Muslim uprisings and a European reaction outside of accepted political channels,” said GM Davis. Davis, a Stanford PhD and the author of “House of War: Islam’s Jihad Against the World,” believes the only way the problem could be solved peacefully is through “an effective anti-Islamic political movement” taking shape in Europe “within a generation.”

The situation in Europe already seems to be spiraling out of control. Austrians are stocking up on weapons, and intelligence analysts warn of an imminent terrorist attack in the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, European governments are cracking down on their own populations, even as tens of thousands of Muslim men are marching through the countryside like an invading army. Davis argues if mainstream political forces are not able to quell the continuous influx of Muslim migrants into Europe, “grassroots organizations” will take up the “defense of Europe.”

Diana West, a WND columnist and the author of “The Death of the Grown-Up: How America’s Arrested Development is Bringing Down Western Civilization,” says the real enemy Europeans face isn’t invading Muslims. It’s their own governments.

She explains: “These governments have rejected their own most basic responsibilities to safeguard and perpetuate their own peoples, religions, native cultures, law, public safety, homelands – everything except the One World ‘multicultural’ (read: non-Western) ideology. It’s staggering to behold this overt rush to abandon sovereignty and everything else for globalist prerogatives. Their template, Marxist in origin, is perhaps best described as ‘forced diversity.’” West charges that states such as Germany and Sweden are “in effect overthrowing their own peoples.”

“The situation with Islam that seems to be unfolding suggests what happened with the rise of communism and Nazism: because no one wants to face the possibility of having to use force to suppress such an ideology – and force is an undeniable possibility – then no one will recognize the nature of the problem itself.” The result is a Europe essentially doomed to inaction by its own democratic practices until it is too late.

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