Women-hating CNN says we shouldn't call breastfeeding 'natural'

USA - It's harmful to call breastfeeding "natural," says CNN in this astonishing demonstration of medical illiteracy, because it might encourage women to engage in other "natural" behaviors. CNN, which is funded by pharmaceutical interests, harkens back to the days when infant formula manufacturers told women that breastfeeding was a barbaric practice and should be replaced with factory-made infant formula.

Now, CNN wants to make sure women aren't encouraged to pursue anything that might be called "natural," starting with breastfeeding (but not stopping there). CNN's greatest fear, of course, is that women might begin to see vaccine injections as a type of "artificial immunity" - which they are, of course - and begin to reject them.

Thus, the network believes that the best way to ensure vaccine compliance among women is to start berating breastfeeding and assaulting anything a women does that might be considered more "natural" than being injected with a cocktail of dead viruses blended with mercury and aluminum.

CNN, in other words, has gone "full retard" on the issue of women's health. This is the same network that claims anyone who opposes partial-birth abortions is attacking women's health; yet somehow breastfeeding is bad at CNN, where nourishing a child with mother's milk is somehow considered a bizarre, barbaric act.

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