Bringing Satan to Springfield!

USA - Amidst the Christmas trees and Hanukkah menorahs, the Illinois capitol is decked out with an unusual decoration this festive season: a black snake sculpture from the Chicago branch of The Satanic Temple. The sculpture, named ‘Snaketivity,’ depicts a coiled snake wrapped around an arm holding an apple, a symbol of knowledge. A plaque under the piece bears the inverted pentagram of the Temple of Satan, and the text: “Knowledge is the greatest gift.” The installation was crowdfunded by The Satanic Temple, with the GoFundMe page reading “please consider what you may do to help us bring Satan to Springfield!”

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)