Being born white makes you a bad person

USA - Parents of school-age children in Wisconsin are making their grievances known about the latest onslaught of racist curriculum to creep into the state’s public “education” system. According to reports, eighth-graders in West Bend, a northwest suburb of Milwaukee, are apparently now being taught that they’re bad people if their skin color is white, or if their families have two parents of the opposite sex who are still married.

During a recent segment on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson explained that students attending schools in the West Bend area, which is predominantly white, are being given so-called “privilege tests” during class that identify being white and having an intact family as representing undue “privilege” in society. Students who fall into either or both of these categories are basically being shamed by their teachers and told that they’re inherently racist, while black and brown students are being told that they’re victims who deserve special treatment in society.

Many parents are understandably outraged that this is taking place under the guise of “education” – and with their hard-earned tax dollars. Most 12- and 13-year-olds are too young to even understand race, let alone made-up liberal concepts like “white privilege.” And yet, they’re now being subjected to this child abuse under the auspices of “public education.”

Such insanity is taking place at many other schools as well, including at the University of Michigan where a “whiteness” conference was recently held to make white students feel bad about being white. Kennesaw State University in Georgia also has an anti-white bias, as this indoctrination center recently decided it would be a good idea to segregate white students from “students of color.”

It’s all part of a much larger anti-white agenda – one that leftist extremists are using to divide the country and create chaos. Should it continue without being nipped in the bud, much worse times are coming, at least for white people – and white males specifically – who will increasingly become the targets of politically-correct racism, which is the only kind of racism that’s tolerated in America today.

The payoff for the Left’s diversity and multicultural agenda is stoking racial discord.

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