Childhood food allergies

USA - Food allergy awareness posters in elementary schools list the following 8 food products as the most popular food allergies among children. Allergic reactions from exposure, consumption or injection of these foods can be fatal. Those 8 ingredients include peanuts, nuts, wheat, soy, milk, eggs, fish and shellfish. If your MD tells you that your food allergies are hereditary, maybe that’s because your parents were injected with the same food “excipients” when they got their dozens of vaccines growing up.

Either you inherited your parent’s allergies, or millions of humans are simply allergic to injecting proteins, foreign animal blood cells, aborted baby blood cells, known carcinogens, and heavy metal toxins directly into their muscle tissue and blood, which would make perfect sense for any normal person with a perfectly functioning immune system.

Could vaccine food ingredients be the “inexplicable” reason millions of American children can’t even be in the same room where someone else opens a package of nuts? Consider this: Peanut oils were first used as carriers in influenza vaccines in the mid-1960s, thought to enhance the vaccine’s strength. Before that, anaphylactic shock “syndrome” from exposure to nuts was virtually nonexistent. Nobody was fainting and suffering from respiratory distress and experiencing convulsions just because somebody ate a Snickers bar on the other side of the room.

Today, peanut allergy is the #1 cause of death from food reactions, and it’s primarily among children. Coincidence? The reaction surge kicked into full force in the early 1990s. Is that because the mandated schedule of CDC-approved vaccines for children (before they turn age 7) doubled from the 1980s? It has more than doubled again since then! Take a look.

1980: 20 vaccines

1995: 40 vaccines

2011 – 2017: 68 vaccines (36 of those vaccines are administered before the age of 18 months)

That means nearly all of the vaccines given in the first 7 years of life in 1995 are now ALL given in the first 18 months of life. Maybe we should rename the top 8 food allergies “serum sickness.” Then the root cause would be realized and maybe doctors who actually understand nutrition (naturopaths) could step in and do something to reverse the “epidemic.”

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