Fireman Sam creator branded a racist over quip to airport

UK - As David Jones passed through airport security, his thoughts were turning to lunch with his daughters, who were already ‘airside’. But a light-hearted remark as he placed his scarf through the X-ray scanner led to Mr Jones, the creator of the animated children’s character Fireman Sam, being held for an hour by security guards and accused of racism.

Protectionism and disputes 'will rise'

BRUSSELS, EUROPE - Arnoud Willems, a partner at US law firm Sidley Austin LLP, is filled with excitement these days after successfully helping Chinese shoemakers win an anti-dumping case. His clients will be compensated with millions of dollars in tax refunds.

Obama faces tense meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on Iran policy

USA - When President Obama sits down face-to-face with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week to discuss Iran, he will be staring down the greatest challenge on Israel he’s faced during his presidency. It is the first time Mr Obama has met Mr Netanyahu since last spring, when the Israeli leader appeared to lecture the president on his country’s history in front of cameras at the White House.

Is Israel losing Temple Mount war?

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Ira Pasternack couldn't believe his eyes. The tractor's huge blade was lifted high up and then brought down with great force, shattering the ancient floors on Temple Mount. The large clods of earth exposed by the work were cast aside by the mustachioed driver. Yet even an amateur archeologist could spot the priceless remnants of Jewish, Christian and Muslim history being cast away.

Expert: There Will be No Choice, Other than to Attack Iran

ISRAEL - Former Mossad official Eliezer Tsafrir, who was the last person to serve in the agency's office in Iran, said on Sunday he believes there will ultimately be no choice other than to launch a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Archaeology Holocaust on Temple Mount

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - For centuries, Jews have remembered the destruction of their holy Temple by crushing a glass at weddings or leaving unpainted a patch of wall in their homes. Rabbi Isaac Levy, of the Har Etzion hesder yeshiva and an Israeli rabbinic expert on the Temple Mount, has told Arutz Sheva that a detailed report on the situation at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, written by Israel's ombudsman, has been kept under wraps at the request of Israel's police department.

George Osborne: UK has run out of money

UK - The Government 'has run out of money' and cannot afford debt-fuelled tax cuts or extra spending, George Osborne has admitted. In a stark warning ahead of next month’s Budget, the Chancellor said there was little the Coalition could do to stimulate the economy.

Benefits families could pay off £1 million mortgage

UK - Almost 100 families are raking in enough housing benefit to fund a £1 million mortgage, raising fresh doubts over the Government’s cap, figures released yesterday show. Some 30 families are receiving £1,500 a week — three times what they would be earning on a national average wage — to pay their rent while another 60 are receiving up to £5,000 a month, according to the Department for Work and Pensions.

Expert Warns of Waqf's Dangerous Plans for Temple Mount

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Archaeologist Dr Eilat Mazar warned on Thursday about the plans of the Muslim religious authority, the Waqf, for the Temple Mount. Speaking to Arutz Sheva, Mazar said that for the past 12 years, the Waqf has constantly built on the Temple Mount in an attempt to implement its final plan: the establishment of a huge mosque on the Mount.

German cabinet minister calls for Greek euro exit

EUROPE - Germany’s interior minister called for Greece to leave the eurozone on Saturday as hopes that the world’s richest countries would stump up more cash to help the International Monetary Fund (IMF) fight Europe’s debt crisis faded.

Soaring oil prices will dwarf the Greek drama

EUROPE - Since last week's eurozone "grand summit", the headlines have been positive and, in the official photos anyway, the main players appear to be smiling. As such, the global equity rally goes on. Behind the rictus grins, though, the gloves remain off, the rhetorical daggers still drawn.

Gender Benders

UK - Mixed-up five-year-olds and the alarming growth of the gender identity industry: 20 years ago the condition didn't exist. Now British children are being given puberty suppressing drugs on the NHS. The Tavistock Clinic is based in an anonymous concrete building in North London. Once there, you have to go to the third floor to find the Orwellian-sounding Gender Identity Development Unit.

State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs

USA - The State Department has begun coordinating with Syria's neighbors to prepare for the handling of President Bashar al-Assad's extensive weapons of mass destruction if and when his regime collapses, The Cable has learned.

Debt doomsday may come sooner than expected

USA - The federal government could hit the debt ceiling sooner than expected — and possibly around the November election — according to a report out Friday. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill had hoped that last summer’s deal to end the nasty fight over lifting the debt ceiling would ensure the issue wouldn’t resurface until at least 2013.

Church 'does not own marriage'

UK - The Church does not "own" marriage nor have the exclusive right to say who can marry, a government minister has said. Equalities minister Lynne Featherstone said the government was entitled to introduce same-sex marriages, which she says would be a "change for the better".

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)