US sells $30 billion in F-15 jets to Saudi Arabia

USA - The United States has confirmed the sale of nearly $30 billion (19.5 billion pounds) of fighter jets to Saudi Arabia. The US will send 84 Boeing F-15 jets to its key Middle Eastern ally, and upgrade 70 existing Saudi F-15s. The agreement is part of a $60 billion arms deal covering 10-15 years, approved by the US Congress last year.

North Korea tells world to 'expect no change'

NORTH KOREA - North Korea has told the international community not to "expect any change" in the wake of Kim Jong-il's death. The message came in a statement carried by state media and attributed to the powerful National Defence Commission.

The Leading Cause of Breast Cancer?

USA - Profiteers in the medical CT scan business took a big hit last week from a major new government report on the causes of breast cancer. Published by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the health arm of the National Academy of Sciences, the exhaustive analysis found that medical radiation, particularly the large radiation dose delivered by CT scans, is the foremost identifiable cause of breast cancer.

You Won't Believe How Corrupt, Lazy And Rich Our Congress Critters Have Become

USA - If our founding fathers could see the cesspool that the US Congress has become today, they would roll over in their graves. Most Americans don't realize this, but we already have a "part-time Congress". Members of Congress only "work" a little over a third of the days on the calendar. The rest of the time they have off. It is no wonder why so many members of Congress are involved in so much corruption - they have so much free time on their hands that they are bound to get into trouble.

Greek economic crisis turns tragic for children abandoned by their families

GREECE - Nation shocked by stories of parents forced to give up children because of poverty - but charities warn of more cases to come. Even before Greece's economic crisis engulfed his own home, Dimitris Gasparinatos found it hard to provide for his six sons and four daughters. His wife, Christina, who was struggling to make ends meet with his salary of 960 euros (800 pounds) a month and welfare aid of about 460 euros every two months, was unhappy and desperate.

Massive solar storm 'could knock out radio signals' over next three days

UK - Skywatchers will be hoping for clear skies from today because particles from a recent solar storm will slam into Earth and produce amazing Northern Lights, or auroras. On the downside, experts expect radio blackouts for a few days, caused by the radiation from the flare - or coronal mass ejection (CME) - causing magnetic storms.

Single-parent Britain

UK - A higher proportion of children are being brought up in one-parent families in Britain than in any other major European country. One in five live with a single mother or father - a far higher ratio than in France, Germany or Scandinavian countries.

Hospital bugs hit an all-time high

UK - A record number of patients picked up life-threatening infections in NHS hospitals last year, alarming figures show. Poor hygiene on the wards has resulted in those with hospital-acquired infections doubling from 22,488 to 42,712 in just two years.

Oil standoff: Iran, West on brink of war?

RUSSIA - A top Iranian military official has said blocking a crucial oil export channel will be "easier than drinking a glass of water." Experts say the West should listen, because Iran's influence in the region has grown significantly. Iran's navy chief Habibollah Sayyari said that "closing the Strait of Hormuz for Iran's armed forces is really easy."

What a cheek! Russia criticises US for its human rights abuses

RUSSIA - Russia's Foreign Ministry has attacked America's human rights record in its first report on injustice elsewhere in the world, offering examples such as the Guantanamo Bay prison and wrongful death row convictions to paint the US as hypocritical for lecturing other nations on the subject of rights.

UK Bishops Come Out Clearly Against Israel

UK - "Good will to all men" in UK churches, but not, apparently, to Israelis. The head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales has offered the Palestinians a powerful tool of propaganda: the comparison with Jesus' passion. "We are to be freshly attentive to the needs of those who, like Jesus himself, are displaced and in discomfort", Archbishop Vincent Nichols said during his Christmas Mass sermon at Westminster Cathedral. "A shadow falls particularly heavily on the town of Bethlehem tonight... We pray for them tonight".

Los Angeles/Long Beach ports struggle to meet Panama Canal challenge

USA - Business, labor and public officials push projects to make the LA and Long Beach ports competitive with a wider and deeper Panama Canal, but not everyone in the region is on board. A major expansion of the Panama Canal is raising alarms in Southern California, where business, labor and public officials are warning that the project threatens to dent the region's role in international trade.

Clerics fight at Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - A fight broke out at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem after rival groups of Orthodox and Armenian clerics clashed over the boundaries of their jurisdictions inside the church.

New Greek Government Runs Out of Steam

GREECE - Six weeks after forming a transitional government to overcome its crisis, Greece is still failing to deliver its promised reforms. The cabinet of Prime Minister Lucas Papademos is deeply divided and has lost the public's confidence. Even the most urgent measures have ground to a halt.

Rabbis get biblical on same-sex lovin'

USA - In a stunning formal statement that directly confronts Barack Obama's presidency-long campaign to promote and normalize homosexuality, a coalition of Orthodox rabbis and respected mental-health professionals says being "gay" is a behavior that can be changed and healed with therapy, if the person has the desire.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)