Merkel Asserts Leadership

GERMANY - Chancellor Angela Merkel emerged from 10 hours of negotiations in Brussels with a plan to stem the debt crisis that might as well have been written in Berlin.

Eurozone crisis explained

EUROPE - The key elements of an emergency "three-pronged" deal to fix the eurozone's debt crisis, which was clinched after marathon talks in Brussels.

Eurozone seeks bailout funds from China

EUROPE - The head of the eurozone's bailout fund is beginning attempts to persuade China to invest in a scheme to help rescue member countries facing debt crises. After meeting Chinese leaders, Klaus Regling said there were no formal negotiations and would be no deal now.

Stock trades to exploit speed of light

UK - Financial institutions may soon change what they trade or where they do their trading because of the speed of light. "High-frequency trading" carried out by computers often depends on differing prices of a financial instrument in two geographically-separated markets.


EUROPE - Just hours after Germany issued a chilling warning that war could again engulf Europe, EU leaders made a desperate 1 trillion bid to save the euro.

France Stares into the Euro-Crisis Chasm

FRANCE - Falling productivity, a stagnating economy and growing debt: France's economic health leaves plenty of room for improvement. Markets have begun to notice and the country threatens to become mired in the ongoing European debt crisis.

Pope Benedict uses mobile platform in St Peter's instead of walking

VATICAN - Pope Benedict was wheeled up the main aisle of St Peter's Basilica on a mobile platform at the start of a ceremony on Sunday to spare him the unnecessary fatigue of walking.

Europe Turns to China for Aid in Debt Crisis

FRANCE - French President Nicolas Sarkozy said he plans to call Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao today to discuss China contributing to Europe's efforts to resolve the region's debt crisis.

Nazi jokes, wrath at Germans highlight Greek despair

GREECE - The dark shadow of German-driven austerity measures squeezing Greece has revived historical enmities and evoked comparisons to the massive destruction of the Mediterranean country at the hands of Nazi Germany over 65 years ago.

Merkel wants 'permanent' supervision of Greece, warns of war

BRUSSELS, EUROPE - Peace should not be taken for granted if the euro fails, German chancellor Merkel told MPs Wednesday (26 October) ahead of the eurozone summit where an increase of the bail-out fund firepower may lead to Germany's own state assets being taken as collateral.

European banks given just eight months to raise 106 billion euros

EUROPE - The deadline was one of the few concrete resolutions to be agreed at the crucial debt crisis summit in Brussels. The 27 heads of state said banks will be required to hold 9 per cent of the "highest quality" capital by June - but delayed decision on the details of other rescue measures until November.

Don't Just Bash the Bankers

GERMANY - Enraged crowds have been gathering in New York and other cities around the world to protest against presumed bank misconduct. Many in politics have sought to profit from their anger. But blaming the financial industry misses the point. It is the politicians themselves who are to blame.

Euro zone strikes deal on second Greek package

EUROPE - Euro zone leaders struck a deal with private banks and insurers on Thursday for them to accept a 50 percent loss on their Greek government bonds under a plan to lower Greece's debt burden and try to contain the two-year-old euro zone crisis.

What is Going on at the Temple Mount?

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Isn't it about time the Temple Mount should be open for Jewish worshipers? I was detained by police for bowing down in prayer there. In what other democracy would a citizen be interrogated for praying?

'If the euro fails, Europe fails'

GERMANY - Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel today warned that the failure of the euro would lead to the fall of Europe as she outlined a plan to bail out Greece's stricken economy. European leaders should agree to a deal that will result in a write-down of half of Greece's huge national debt, she told the German Parliament.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)