Terrorist we can't kick out

UK - Released after half his sentence but still 'a risk to the public'... the suicide bomb fanatic who's free to stay - thanks to his 'human rights' Eritrean-born Ali will not face deportation because judges rule he could face 'inhumane treatment'. The Home Office is appealing the decision and pledges to try to have him removed from the UK

Pakistan will not attack Haqqani group, defying US says report

PAKISTAN - Pakistan's military will not take action against a militant group Washington blames for an attack against its embassy in Kabul, despite mounting American pressure to do so, a Pakistani newspaper reported on Monday.

Abbas Declares 'Palestinian Spring'

MIDDLE EAST - As Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas returned to the West Bank Sunday to declare a "Palestinian Spring," officials closely watching the recent Palestinian push for statehood in the United Nations say the effort is fraught with peril - not only to Israel's security but for the PA's own survival.

NYPD chief: Police could take down plane if needed

NEW YORK, USA - The chief of the New York Police Department says city police could take down a plane if necessary.

Christine Lagarde: IMF may need billions in extra funding

USA - Christine Lagarde has signalled that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may have to tap its members - including Britain - for billions of pounds of extra funding to stem the European debt crisis. The head of the IMF has warned that its $384 billion (248 billion pounds) war chest designed as an emergency bail-out fund is inadequate to deliver the scale of the support required by troubled states.

Six weeks to save the euro

USA - World leaders were warned last night that they have just six weeks to save the euro from collapse. On another day of gathering economic gloom, George Osborne savaged eurozone leaders for failing to get a grip on their towering debts.

Where are the leaders with the vision to act?

EUROPE - Words, words, words. The world is 'staring down the barrel,' says the Prime Minister... Western economies are in a 'dangerous phase', says the head of the International Monetary Fund... There must be 'forceful action' to pull the eurozone back from the brink, says the President of the US... The global economy has entered a 'danger zone,' says the head of the World Bank...

IMF economy warnings: Time to panic?

USA - Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF, says the window for action is narrowing. When the dramatic becomes wearisomely familiar, maybe it is time to panic. With the IMF meeting in Washington we again have a parade of world leaders issuing dire warnings about the state of the economy.

America has lost patience with Europe

USA - The veteran US monetary official did not mince his words in a private conversation over dinner. 'America is very, very angry over what has been going on in the eurozone.' As the markets went into freefall over the last few days, the deterioration in relations between the US and the countries of the single currency has become frightening.

Global economy pushed to the brink

EUROPE - Time is running out to find a solution to the eurozone crisis and prevent another global recession, finance ministers warned on Friday, as they hinted that discussions were under way to boost the firepower of European rescue funds.

EU given six weeks to protect itself against 'inevitable Greek default'

EUROPE - IMF tells eurozone to address debt crisis once and for all amid mounting frustration over threat of double-dip recession. European Union governments will spend the next six weeks building a financial firewall to protect their fragile banking systems against what is now seen as an inevitable Greek default.

1.75 trillion pounds deal to save the euro

EUROPE - British taxpayers risk being caught up in a 1.75 trillion pounds deal aimed at saving the euro by allowing Greece to default on its massive debts. The three-pronged deal would set up a massive fund to create a "firewall" around the most indebted eurozone countries, allow for an "orderly" Greek default on at least some of its liabilities, and bail out European banks most at risk from debt.

Yemen: The Most Dangerous Domino

MIDDLE EAST - Floundering regimes always blame their plight on enemies, real or imaginary: the more anxious the autocrat, the more fictional the foe. Egypt's Hosni Mubarak fingered the Muslim Brotherhood. Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa pointed to Iran. Libya's Muammar Gaddafi alternates between youth on hallucinatory drugs and al-Qaeda.

BBC turns its back on year of Our Lord

UK - The BBC has been accused of 'absurd political correctness' after dropping the terms BC and AD in case they offend non-Christians. The Corporation has replaced the familiar Anno Domini (the year of Our Lord) and Before Christ with the obscure terms Common Era and Before Common Era.

Pope Benedict's Blunt New World

GERMANY - It was the beginning of the pope's four-day visit to his homeland, his first state visit to Germany, and one that has already generated enormous interest in the country, particularly his Thursday afternoon address to the German parliament in Berlin. His core message in Germany is clear: Do not turn your backs on religion; do not turn your backs on the Catholic Church.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)