David Cameron: no vote on Lisbon Treaty
telegraph.co.uk - 03/11/2009

UK - David Cameron is to tell the British people that a Conservative government will not give them a referendum on the European Union's Lisbon Treaty. The Tory party leader's admission, which could come as early as Tuesday, will bring accusations that he has broken clear promises to grant a popular vote on the treaty.

Water rationing for Venezuela's capital city
breitbart.com - 03/11/2009

VENEZUELA - Residents of the Venezuelan capital face cuts in water service for as much as 48 hours per week, after the government imposed rationing to stem a 25 percent shortfall in the city's supply, officials said Monday.

Half of US kids will get food stamps
AP - 03/11/2009

CHICAGO, USA - Nearly half of all US children and 90 percent of black youngsters will be on food stamps at some point during childhood, and fallout from the current recession could push those numbers even higher, researchers say.

Myners' super-fast shares warning
BBC - 03/11/2009

UK - Companies could become the "playthings" of speculators because of super-fast automatic share trading, Treasury minister Lord Myners has warned. The peer, a former fund manager, told the BBC this was one of the main dangers of such a system.

2012 forecast: Food riots, ghost malls, mob rule, terror
wnd.com By Bob Unruh - 03/11/2009

USA - A trends forecaster says the current economic "rebound" from last winter's Wall Street collapse of banks, insurance companies and automobile manufacturers is an artificial blip created by "phantom money printed out of thin air backed by nothing."

Zombies versus Vampires: Battle of the recession monsters
dailyfinance.com - 02/11/2009

USA - In 2009, the fangs are bared. Everywhere you look, it seems like a vampire flick is either in pre-production, post-production, or a theater. New Moon, the long-awaited sequel TO 2008'S TWILIGHT, is scheduled to come out around Thanksgiving, and the third movie in the series, Eclipse, is already being shot for a 2010 release.

Europe's Limitations
german-foreign-policy.com - 02/11/2009

ABU DHABI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES/BERLIN, GERMANY - The German ThyssenKrupp Corporation is cooperating in the production of warships with the Abu Dhabi state enterprise and has buried plans for a common European shipbuilding company.

How the EU is watching you
Open Europe Bulletin - 02/11/2009

EUROPE - Open Europe's new report, "How the EU is watching you - the rise of Europe's surveillance state", was reported in the Sunday Express, News of the World, Mail, Telegraph and Express. Open Europe's Stephen Booth was quoted in the Express saying "Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty will see POWERS OVER JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS POLICY ALMOST COMPLETELY SHIFTED TO THE EU LEVEL."

Across US, Infrastructure Is Crumbling
sphere.com - 02/11/2009

SAN FRANCISCO, USA - Billions of dollars from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 are being spent on infrastructure projects across the country, but as this week's closing of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge shows, for every problem that gets addressed, it seems like 10 more are waiting.

Frankenstein Update
jesuslives.co.za - 02/11/2009

USA - These days, genetic engineering has become child's play. At least, the dicing and splicing of genes is no longer confined to the labs of silver-haired geneticists. Halloween weekend, 103 teams of college kids will gather to show off their genetically modified creations at the International Genetically Engineered Machine competition.

It is Japan we should be worrying about, not America
telegraph.co.uk by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard - 02/11/2009

JAPAN - Japan is drifting helplessly towards a dramatic fiscal crisis. For 20 years the world's second-largest economy has been able to borrow cheaply from a captive bond market, feeding its addiction to Keynesian deficit spending – and allowing it to push public debt beyond the point of no return.

Depression link to processed food
BBC - 02/11/2009

UK - Eating a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression, research suggests. What is more, people who ate plenty of vegetables, fruit and fish actually had a lower risk of depression, the University College London team found.

CIT Group files for bankruptcy
reuters.com - 02/11/2009

NEW YORK, USA - CIT Group Inc, a lender to hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized businesses, filed for bankruptcy on Sunday, as the global financial crisis left it unable to fund itself and the recession clobbered its loans.

Germany has healed the scars of the Berlin Wall
dailymail.co.uk - 01/11/2009

GERMANY - Twenty years ago next Monday, the Berlin Wall – the intimidating 96-mile manifestation of the Iron Curtain – fell, reuniting the city after 28 years and spelling the end for communist rule in East Europe.

Federal regulators close 9 banks
AP - 01/11/2009

NEW YORK, USA - Regulators shut nine banks Friday, including Los Angeles-based California National, as the still-weak economy produces a stream of loan defaults. The banks were units of privately held FBOP Corp, a Chicago-based bank holding company.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)