Pope Calls For Palestinian Homeland
time.com - 14/05/2009

BETHLEHEM, WEST BANK - Pope Benedict XVI told Palestinians on Wednesday he understands their suffering and supports their quest for a sovereign homeland, standing in the cradle of Christianity and offering his strongest public support yet for an independent Palestinian state.

The Double Silence of the Pope
spiegel.de - 14/05/2009

JERUSALEM - In the past, Pope Benedict XVI's speeches have gotten him in trouble. Visiting the Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem on Monday, it was what he didn't say that irked his audience. Israel is disappointed, as are Jews in Germany.

Somalia 'worst drought in decade'
BBC - 14/05/2009

SOMALIA - Somalia is facing its worst drought for at least a decade, says the UN. Satellite surveys of rainfall and ground research show the drought's severity, said UN humanitarian co-ordinator for Somalia, Mark Bowden.

The Pope's Muddled Message for the Middle East
time.com - 13/05/2009

JERUSALEM - As the Pontiff carried a message of peace and reconciliation to some of the holiest sites of the three monotheistic faiths, the weeklong papal visit to the Middle East risks unraveling under the weight of the region's complicated history and Benedict's continuing struggle to be heard both loudly and clearly.

Sweden rules 'gender-based' abortion legal
thelocal.se - 13/05/2009

SWEDEN - Swedish health authorities have ruled that gender-based abortion is not illegal according to current law and can not therefore be stopped, according to a report by Sveriges Television.

GM May Leave Detroit
cnbc.com - 13/05/2009

USA - General Motors is open to considering moving its headquarters from Detroit, selling off US plants and even renegotiating parts of its restructuring plan with its major union, the new chief executive said Monday.

Will Benjamin Netanyahu fall out with Barack Obama?
telegraph.co.uk - 13/05/2009

ISRAEL - On Monday, (18th May) Benjamin Netanyahu will have his first formal meeting with Barack Obama in the White House. All the signs are that relations between Israel and its superpower ally are not as harmonious as usual, says David Blair.

Police's latest brainwave
dailymail.co.uk - 13/05/2009

UK - In the latest example of innovative policing in Britain, the Gloucestershire force is encouraging members of the public to report people wearing too much 'bling' during the recession.

"Westminster or Brussels: Who rules Britain?"
Open Europe Press Summary - 13/05/2009

WESTMINSTER - Gisela Stuart looked at the European elections, noting that even as a Labour MP she doesn't know exactly what 'her group' in the European Parliament - the Party of European Socialists - stands for in reality.

Pigs, people may soon eat their way to flu resistance
public.iastate.edu - 13/05/2009

IOWA, USA - A team of researchers from Iowa State University is putting flu vaccines into the genetic makeup of corn, which may someday allow pigs and humans to get a flu vaccination simply by eating corn or corn products.

US Quietly Sets Deadline for Iran
Aruyz Sheva News Service - 13/05/2009

USA - The United States is willing to continue talks with Iran over suspension of its nuclear development activities for the next four or five months, according to sources in Jerusalem. But in October, the hourglass will finally run out, unless Iran has shown signs of softening its resistance to ending its uranium enrichment programme.

A renegotiation of Britain's membership of the EU?
Open Europe Press Summary - 13/05/2009

LONDON - In an article for the Spectator, Foreign Secretary David Miliband argues that Conservative Party policy to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty if it has not passed into EU law is dangerous because, "IT RESTARTS AN INSTITUTIONAL DEBATE IN EUROPE when that is the last thing the people of the UK need."

Dry Taps in Mexico City
time.com - 13/05/2009

MEXICO - The reek of unwashed toilets spilled into the street in the neighborhood of unpainted cinder block houses. Out on the main road, hundreds of residents banged plastic buckets and blocked the path of irate drivers while children scoured the surrounding area for government trucks. Finally, the impatient crowd launched into a high-pitched chant, repeating one word at fever pitch: "Water, Water, Water!"

Neo-Nazis attack concentration camp survivors
dailymail.co.uk - 12/05/2009

AUSTRIA - Survivors of a Nazi death camp were shot at and abused as they gathered to remember their liberation. Masked neo-Nazi thugs screamed 'Heil Hitler!' and 'This way for the gas!' at ten elderly Italian men and women, who returned to the site of the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria.

BBC appoints Muslim to top religious post
dailymail.co.uk - 12/05/2009

LONDON - The BBC yesterday appointed a Muslim as its head of religious programming in a radical departure from broadcasting tradition. The post - considered one of the most influential religious roles in the country - has gone to Aaqil Ahmed, who has been working as an executive at Channel 4.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)