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by Jon Bowles
God's Power In Man And For Man
given Tennessee USA 1 Jan 2005
This Sermon examines the way God works mightily when showing his power Himself - but starts in a very small way when it operates within men. It examines Moses; Abraham; Jehosophat; Christ and the Apostles; and our lives today. (9.5 Mb)
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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Purpose Being Worked Out Here Below
broadcast 27 April 1979 - played Tennessee 1 Jan 2005
"My friends - one of the most shocking things that can possibly happen, is to wake up to find out that the gospel of Jesus Christ is not what we have believed at all..." (3.3 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Caring For Our Physical Temple Part 2
given Oswestry UK 25 Dec 2004
This Bible Study is the second in a series on Health, and examines the subjects of: Air - including exercise; Environment - including hygiene and avoiding bodily injury; and Time - including sleep, rest and relaxation. (10.0 Mb)
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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Truth About Xmas
played Oswestry UK 25 Dec 2004
"Once again, let me ask this question - Where did Christmas come from? Many of you are going to be absolutely shocked and surprised when you learn the truth about Christmas. Did it come from the bible? Or did it come out of paganism?..." (3.6 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Caring For Our Physical Temple Part 1
given Wales UK 18 Dec 2004
This Bible Study is the first in a series on Health, and examines the subject of Food. View the article referred to by Mr Armstrong at the beginning titled The Key to Radiant Health (Plain Truth Feb 1982). (9.6 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 18 Dec 2004
This News Analysis deals with the current drunken epidemic within UK cities. It asks how such an uncontrolled population would react, should financial meltdown remove the living standards from society. Not only would civil unrest trigger the application of recent legislation - ostensibly introduced to curb terrorism - but with it the removal of many legal safeguards - currently taken for granted throughout the English speaking world. This body of law dates from the Magna Carter of 1215, and can be traced back even further - to ancient Israel. (5.0 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
Transition From Sardis to Laodicea
given 24 June 1983 - played in Wales UK 11 Dec 2004
"What I want to give you is the history of the transition of the Church between the Sardis era and the Philadelphia era... Brethren I want you to know, there was no just sudden ending of the one and beginning of the other. There was a transition, when one gradually - over a period of some few years - merged from the one into the other..." (11.4 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 11 Dec 2004
This News Analysis deals with the recent decision by OPEC to reduce the oil supply - even though there is an incredible demand for oil. The reason seems to lie in the declining dollar - and the wider global implications, and God's view, is examined. (3.7 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
The Names Of God
given Bristol UK 4 Dec 2004
This sermon examines the names of God - as an extension of the sermon given the previous week. It looks at the Hebrew names; The names in Greek; and briefly examines the controversial subject of "sacred names". For a fuller discussion on the subject of sacred names - including an article by Mr Armstrong on the subject - see Good News Nov/Dec 1972. (11.8 Mb)
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by Chris Hancock
Does how we live affect how we work?
given Bristol UK 4 Dec 2004
An article in the previous week's newspaper emphasised the government's policy that a politician's private life did not affect his public office. This sermonette examines the concept and shows how the people of God certainly cannot separate how a person lives from how they work. (1.3 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Where is our Focus?
given in Wales UK 27 Nov 2004
This sermon asks the question "how can people in the world be good, upright, up-standing and honourable - yet God does not give an indication that He intends to use them within His Kingdom?" The answer lies in an understanding of FOCUS: Four points are examined: Why is there a difference? What should be our focus? What is the joy that Christ kept before him? How this problem is still in God's Church today. (11.1 Mb)
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by Ian Munro
Count your blessings
given Wales UK 27 Nov 2004
Although the song is not a Psalm "Count Your Blessings" sung by Bing Crosby certainly conveys a truism: God expects us to be grateful for all the blessings we have - particularly for the Truth that He has revealed to us. (1.3 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Promises And Patience
given in Plymouth UK 20 Nov 2004
This bible study examines the "bankable" nature of God's promises. It does so through 4 points: Recognising the nature of the God who gives them; Examining ancient promises and examples; Promises that are immediate; Promises that we must wait for. (10.4 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Plymouth UK 20 Nov 2004
This News Analysis deals with the recent bill banning fox hunting in the UK. It also deals with so many other pieces of legislation that have been passed - destroying not only civil liberties, but changing the very basis of law within the country - moving it in-line with Europe. (4.1 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
How You and I Came to Be Here
given in Melbourne Australia 1981 - played in Wales UK 13 Nov 2004
This sermon was given when God was putting the Church back on Track - and deals with the way God has always placed His Truth within His Church through apostles. This Way - this Government - flows down from God - through Christ - through the apostle sent with that Truth - to a people specifically drawn and selected to be part of His Church at this time. (11.7 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 13 Nov 2004
This News Analysis deals with the recent death of Yasser Arafat and the difference in approach between Europe and the USA toward him. The greater geopolitical issues are also examined, including the current desparate need for oil by China. (3.4 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Are you Ready to Rule?
given Bristol UK 6 Nov 2004
This sermon examines the kind of rulership that we must prepare for: A true government coming; Gentile rule to be replaced; How we must learn to rule now; Looking forward to the end of political bureaucrats. (11.3 Mb)
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by Ian Munro
See The Salvation of The Lord
given Bristol UK 6 Nov 2004
This sermonette emphasises the difficulties currently seen within the world - but reminds us that as they increase, so this should effectively encourage us to look more and more to God for our salvation - or rescue. (1.7 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
Ephesians 2
given 27 Dec 1980 - played in Wales UK 30 Oct 2004
This bible study was given when God was putting the Church back on Track - and deals with much more than Ephesians. It particularly examines repentance and the vital purpose of forgiveness within the Plan of God. (9.2 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 30 Oct 2004
This News Analysis deals with the uncertainty in the world at present: The US election, and the "announcement" by bin Laden; The signing of the constitution for the EU; The Middle East without Arafat. (4.8 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
given Wales UK 23 Oct 2004
This bible-study examines what God's word says about Edom (Esau). It examines the history behind both the birthright and blessing going to his brother Jacob; Shows the fulfilment of various prophecies that have already taken place; Asks where Edom can be found today; and shows what is prophesied for this people in the future. (10.8 Mb)
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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Hebrews Part 1
played Wales UK 23 Oct 2004
 (3.7 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
The Master Potter
given Wales UK 16 Oct 2004
This bible-study begins with a short audio clip from Mr Armstrong - where he closes his sermon in 1982 on Aversion Therapy, and talks of important scriptures not covered that deal with God being a master potter. It examines the specific scriptures; Looks at "vessels of wrath"; "vessels of honour"; and "chosen vessels" that God decides to use. (11.1 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 16 Oct 2004
This News Analysis deals with: Amphibians on edge of extinction; Conflict between Israel and the EU; The erosion of civil liberties in both the USA and EU; The possible conversion of Mr Blair to Catholicism; The recent sacking of an accountant who exposed the EU's "Enron style" book-keeping. (3.6 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
US of Europe is Coming!
given 27 Nov 1982 - played in Wales UK 9 Oct 2004
This sermon was given when God was putting the Church back on Track - and examines the imminent rise of a United States of Europe, not the EEC as it was then, leading to the Mark of the Beast, and the destruction of the English-speaking Peoples. (11.3 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)