2015-10-03 (FOT Day 6 UK)

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Split Sermon
by Zeki Korkut
Mankind's New Pilot
given Kentucky US 30 Sep 2015
Like the two trees and the two ways of life, there are two "aircraft", the Church and the World. Christ is the pilot for the Church and Satan is the pilot for the World. The World is on a tailspin and crash course. Christ will correct the flight. (5.5 Mb)

2015-10-02 (FOT Day 5 UK)

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by Chris Hancock
Reasons To Rejoice
given Cornwall UK 2 Oct 2015
We have been given an understanding of God, His Holy days and the future. (1.5 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 91 - Within Your Secret Place
sung Cornwall UK 2 Oct 2015
 (0.5 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Why Are We Here?
given Oct 1978 played Cornwall UK 2 Oct 2015
God has given us seven annual festivals to picture His master plan. (9.2 Mb)

2015-10-01 (FOT Day 4 UK)

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by Philip Henderson
Investing In The Future
given Cornwall UK 1 Oct 2015
Major changes will need to be made to the way investments are handled in the Millennium - the end result will mean blessings for all parties. (2.3 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 147 - All Praise The Great Eternal One
sung Cornwall UK 1 Oct 2015
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by Ron Meisner
We Humans At God's Feast
given Cornwall UK 1 Oct 2015
What makes God's Feast so great? God wants us all here at His Feast of Tabernacles and calls us saints and beloved. (9.9 Mb)

2015-09-30 (FOT Day 3 UK)

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by Steve Upton
Our Job in the World Tomorrow
given Kentucky US 28 Sep 2015
Even going through tribulation, men will fail to repent. We will need to deal with these people in the Millennium. The Sabbath will be one of the first things we will need to teach them. (1.5 Mb)
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Special Music
by Trio
Psalm 110 - The Lord Said To My Lord
sung Cornwall UK 30 Sep 2015
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by Jonathan Pippy
The Greatest Generation
given Kentucky US 28 Sep 2015
This generation is the chosen generation, the greatest generation of first fruits. We are being taught, nourished and focused to become part of the greatest generation that ever lived. This festival is here to remind us to think beyond our cares. We are the chosen ones. (9.0 Mb)

2015-09-29 (FOT Day 2 UK)

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by Ian Munro
The Second Law of Success is Education
given Cornwall UK 29 Sep 2015
Education in the Millennium will be family based (1.7 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 121 - I Lift Up My Eyes To The Hills from Afar
sung Cornwall UK 29 Sep 2015
 (0.3 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
God's Pure Language
given Cornwall UK 29 Sep 2015
"...I will restore to the peoples a pure language" (Zephaniah 3:9) (10.7 Mb)

2015-09-28 (FOT Day 1 PM UK - live from US)

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by Doug Grace
Offertory - Preparing the Bride
given Kentucky US 28 Sep 2015
This day is sanctified and set aside. We have a big job to do on this first day. We need to prepare for it, to prepare the Bride. We must learn to make the right choices and be humble and teachable. (1.1 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Rochella Gardner
Moonlight Sonata
played Kentucky US 28 Sep 2015
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Special Music
by Violin Duet
The Emperor's March
played Kentucky US 28 Sep 2015
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by Jack Jackson
Meaning of the Day
given Kentucky US 28 Sep 2015
Why are we here? Because God has called us to do a job. God allowed the Church to be shattered to teach us a lesson. We individually have the responsibility to hold fast. The future is so fabulous such that we can't comprehend. We are here to practice the Kingdom as if we're in it already. (9.7 Mb)

2015-09-28 (FOT Day 1 AM UK)

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by Chris Hancock
Real Food In The Future
given Cornwall UK 28 Sep 2015
Study what God has taught us about food. (1.7 Mb)
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Special Music
by Trio
Psalm 67 - Oh God, Lord Of All
sung Cornwall UK 28 Sep 2015
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by Ron Meisner
Our Relationship With God Beings
given Cornwall UK 28 Sep 2015
How much does the Feast mean to Christ? (9.7 Mb)

2015-09-27 (FOT Opening Night UK)

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Special Music
by Ian and Paula Henderson
Psalm 134 - Behold As Night Is Falling
sung Cornwall UK 27 Sep 2015
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by Ian Henderson
Opening Message
given Cornwall UK 27 Sep 2015
Where did we get the knowledge and understanding about these Feast Days of God? (9.1 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Spirit in Man
broadcast in the 1980s - played UK 26 Sep 2015
"...Jesus Christ came as a messenger, a messenger of a covenant and that was the New Covenant ..." (4.0 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 111 - With My Whole Heart
sung Cornwall UK 26 Sep 2015
 (0.3 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
The Reality Of Immortality
given Cornwall UK 26 Sep 2015
God's plan for our future is greater than we can imagine but we can learn much from those that have gone before us. (9.1 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)