mp3 rm stream | Offering Music by Paula Henderson |
Psalm 119 (Mem) - O How I Love Your Law Eternal sung Wales UK UB1 PM 15 Apr 2014 |
(0.2 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Meaning of UB - Sincerity and Truth given Wales UK UB1 PM 15 Apr 2014 |
Kosher for Passover in Jewish circles can be very different from what we understand as unleavened. But the subject revolves around correctly understanding the spirit and intent of God's Law - described by the apostle Paul as the Unleavened Bread of sincerity and truth in 1Cor 5:8. (12.4 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Ian Munro |
A New Way of Life given Wales UK UB1 AM 15 Apr 2014 |
Deleavening teaches us just how deep-rooted sin can be. Removing it is a lifelong process towards God's Way - a totally new way of life. (2.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Mr Armstrong |
Rely on God given UB 6 April 1985 - Played Wales 15 April 2014 |
Begins: "...Before I begin speaking, I want to thank all of you for the generosity and the nice offering that we had this morning, breaking a record once again..." Mr Armstrong then examines the history of why the Church of God keeps these days. It shows how we must continually grow out of sin by putting on God's righteousness. (View Transcript) (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Jon Bowles |
Is Passover on the 14th or 15th of Nisan? given Wales UK 12 Apr 2014 |
Most Jews today combine Passover and the first Holyday of Unleavened Bread - and some COG groups appear to be doing the same. But the Bible is clear - both in the New Testament and even in the Hebrew scriptures - that Passover and Unleavened Bread are clearly separate. (1.9 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Mr Armstrong |
Passover Examination (UK) given UK 27 Mar 1982 - played Wales UK 12 Apr 2014 |
Begins: "I have just returned to the airport, I have come from having a luncheon, Mr Aaron Dean and myself with King Leopold and his family over in Belgium." Mr Armstrong then shows how the key area we all need to examine prior to taking the Passover, is our level of true repentance. This is a similar sermon to the one he gave a few weeks previously in Pasadena - but was given in St Albans England. (View Transcript) (15.1 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Split Sermon by Joseph Forson |
Passover - When God Looks for Fruit given 29 Mar 2014 played Wales 5 Apr 2014 |
God does not just ask us to examine ourselves once a year at Passover, He too appears to specifically examine everyone in His Church from time to time - to see how we are growing and developing. (Notes/Transcript) (10.4 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Split Sermon by Jon Bowles |
The Forgiveness of Paul given 22 Nov 2008 played Wales 5 Apr 2014 |
The apostle Paul could easily have been called as one of the disciples with Christ. But God chose not to do so. Why? The answer has much to do with the lessons of forgiveness we can all learn from his example in scripture. The sermon examines: The sins of Saul; The forgiveness of God; The Church view of forgiveness; Paul's view of forgiveness. (9.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
The Arms Race broadcast date unknown - played UK 29 Mar 2014 |
"... The big question now is becoming this: Who really is ahead right now in the arms race? Now there's going to be a World War 3 - a shooting war - in due time. Everything is working up to it..." (3.9 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
The Conversion of Paul given 8 Nov 2008 played Wales 29 Mar 2014 |
The apostle Paul was once a Pharisee who kept the physical "righteousness which is in the law, blameless" (Phil 3:6). But God revealed a spiritual "Way" that completely changed his purpose and direction - starting to convert him from what he was, to what God requires. The sermon examines: The unconverted Paul; "The Way"; Paul's blindness; Paul's baptism; Paul's conversion. (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Prayer broadcast 14 May 1979 - played UK 22 Mar 2014 |
"Is there anything to 'prayer'? Did you ever stop to think about that? Is it just a superstition? Is prayer just something to well, let's just say in plain language, just sort of kid people along..." (View Transcript) (4.1 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Peace In A Troubled World given Wales UK 22 Mar 2014 |
As we move towards the end of this age, troubles are set to increase. Yet God's true people should still have peace of mind. But how? This sermon gives the following pointers: Health and the Tribulation; Having the right centre; Thankful prayer; Courageous bible study; A forward focus. (11.8 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Chris Hancock |
The Bread of Life given Bristol UK 15 Mar 2014 |
Christ quoted the scripture that "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God" (Matt 4:4 Luke 4:4) and declared, "I am that bread of Life" (John 6:48). To have that same character we too must feed on the same word - in written form - The Bible. (1.5 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Ian Henderson |
The Resurrection of Christ given Bristol UK 15 Mar 2014 |
The Passover is a memorial of the death of Christ. But that death led to the resurrection - an event that was not anticipated by the disciples, even though Christ explained to them what was about to happen. This was because until the Holy Spirit was given, they remained carnal - and simply could not grasp it. (14.1 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Extended Sermonette by Jon Bowles |
The Order of Services given Wales UK 8 Mar 2014 |
Why are the COGiW services as they are? Why in a largely lecture format? The answer lies in scripture - particularly 1 Corinthians 14 - and understanding the very purpose of having Church services at all. (6.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jonathan Pippy |
Christ's Final Hours given Canada 11 Mar 2006 played Wales 8 Mar 2014 |
With Passover only a few weeks away, our minds need to begin being focused on the sacrifice of Christ - freely offered on our behalf. Several aspects of this sacrifice, can be seen in the events Christ went through before He died. They include: A series of illegal "trials"; Who was Barabbas who was freed; The last words Christ uttered. (10.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Angels Part 5 broadcast date unknown - played UK 1 Mar 2014 |
"... But there's a little bit of good news today: we've been talking about angels, and I've mentioned, I've asked you, have you ever heard a message about angels?..." (4.3 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Our Apostle and High Priest given Wales UK 1 Mar 2014 |
With just 6 weeks to go to Passover it is appropriate to "consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession: Christ Jesus" (Hebrews 3:1). This sermon therefore examines: God's Sons; Christ as the Logos; The Creator; Christ as our Light; Christ as The Apostle; Christ as our High Priest. (12.3 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Angels Part 4 broadcast date unknown - played UK 22 Feb 2014 |
"Have you ever heard a message about angels? Do you believe that they exist? I'm certain that no scientist ever told you anything about an angel..." (4.3 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
The Wisdom of Proverbs - Part 5 given Wales UK 22 Feb 2014 |
We are admonished in Daniel 12:10 that at this end-time "the wise shall understand" - but we will need wisdom for many reasons as God's Sons. This fifth sermon in a series examines: the wise view of wealth - as Laodicea is prophesied to feel it is "rich and increased with goods and in need of nothing" (Rev 3:17). (12.4 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Andrew Munro |
Electronic Fellowship given Bristol UK 15 Feb 2014 |
With the launch of a secure Fellowship Forum within the Member's Section a great tool is now available for fellowship and encouragement. This sermonette looks at some of the scriptures that apply and encourages us all to make the most of it. (1.7 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Ian Henderson |
Heart And Mind given Bristol UK 15 Feb 2014 |
The sermon was sparked by a Good News Personal from April 1984 that showed how the Bible does not only speak to man's heart, but does so through the mind. So what is the difference between the mind and the heart? This sermon explains. (12.7 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Angels Part 3 broadcast date unknown - played UK 8 Feb 2014 |
"Now we brought up the question in the preceding programme on the daily series 'did angels marry human women back before the flood?'..." (4.3 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Mr Armstrong |
Prophecy Part 2 given 10 Aug 1984 - played Wales UK 8 Feb 2014 |
Begins: "Well brethren, we need to realize the time that we are living in. The condition today is serious." This sermon was given a month after Prophecy Part 1 played in the UK 4 Jan 2014. In this sermon Mr Armstrong divides the subject into: The World; Ephraim and Manasseh; And the Church. However, he runs out of time before being able to adequately deal with prophecies that relate to the Church. (View Transcript) (10.3 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Angels Part 2 broadcast date unknown - played UK 1 Feb 2014 |
Carries on from WT programme on angels in the Hebrew series - which was also part 1 of this mini-series. Begins: "And as I was saying in a previous broadcast, there is some good news today. Now, what do angels have to do with you? With you personally? ..." (4.3 Mb) | ||