2013-09-24 (FOT Day 6 UK)

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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 119 (Zain) - Remember Your Word To Your Slave
sung Wales UK FOT 24 Sept 2013
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by Jon Bowles
Trees In The Kingdom
given Kentucky US FOT 24 Sept 2013
Trees will play a major part in God’s Kingdom. Trees today are being destroyed but they will provide healing and nourishment to God’s People in Tomorrow’s World. Will we plant the heavens with trees? (9.2 Mb)

2013-09-23 (FOT Day 5 UK)

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by Andrew Munro
Quality And Beauty In Building
given Wales UK FOT 23 Sept 2013
The quality of the materials used in building in the Millennium will be vastly different from today. (2.2 Mb)
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Special Music
by Trio
Psalm 46 - God Our Refuge And Our Strength
sung Wales UK FOT 23 Sept 2013
 (0.2 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
A Completely New World
given Wales UK FOT 23 Sept 2013
A look at what conditions will be like when people come back into the land. (9.7 Mb)

2013-09-22 (FOT Day 4 UK)

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Split Sermon
by Zeki Korkut
Effective Teachers In The World Tomorrow
given Kentucky US FOT 21 Sept 2013
We will be teachers in the World Tomorrow. What makes an effective Teacher? This message covers six traits of effective teachers in the Millennium. (4.6 Mb)
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Special Music
by Ian and Paula Henderson
Psalm 5 - Give Ear Unto My Words
sung Wales UK FOT 22 Sept 2013
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Split Sermon
by Jack Jackson
Healing And Health In The World Tomorrow
given Kentucky US FOT 21 Sept 2013
Imagine what it will be like to live in a world of perfect health? We were created with perfect health but after 6000 years that has changed. What happened? God will heal the sick and prevent sickness through proper education. (6.5 Mb)

2013-09-21 (FOT Day 3 UK)

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by Ian Munro
The Honour Bestowed
given Wales UK FOT 21 Sept 2013
The honour of being called the Sons of God now and later born into His family (1.5 Mb)
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Special Music
by Trio
Psalm 23 - The Lord's My Shepherd
sung Wales UK FOT 21 Sept 2013
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by Jonathan Pippy
Preparing For The Kingdom
given Kentucky US FOT 21 Sept 2013
We are pioneers of a new way of life in the coming World Tomorrow. (10.1 Mb)

2013-09-20 (FOT Day 2 UK)

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by Chris Hancock
From Human Nature to Divine
given Wales UK FOT 20 Sept 2013
Changing fruits of the flesh to those of God's Spirit (1.0 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 138 - I Will Praise You With My Being
sung Wales UK FOT 20 Sept 2013
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by Mr Armstrong
Foundation of a New World
given 1 Dec 1983
"The doomsday clock has just been set up by the atomic scientists from 4 to 3 minutes before midnight..." This is how Mr Armstrong begins his sermon, and goes on to show how the foundations of this world actually guarantee its destruction. And yet the churches believe they have to save the world now - in the present chaos. But this is not God's Way. The Way of God is to allow the entire structure of today's society to come crashing down, and be replaced by The World Tomorrow - a totally new structure - resting firmly on correct, entirely new foundations. (10.0 Mb)

2013-09-19 (FOT Day 1 PM UK)

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by Zeki Korkut
given Kentucky US FOT 19 Sept 2013
 (1.1 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Rochella Gardner (Piano Solo)
played Kentucky US FOT 19 Sept 2013
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Special Music
by Jonathan and Rochella Gardner
The Arrival Of The Queen Of Sheba
played Kentucky US FOT 19 Sept 2013
 (0.6 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Teaching People To Rejoice In Tomorrow's World
given Kentucky US FOT 19 Sept 2013
Focus on the spiritual side of things. Rejoice! We will be teaching the right focus and how to rejoice in God's Way as directed by Christ. (8.5 Mb)

2013-09-19 (FOT Day 1 AM UK)

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by Ian Munro
Rejoice at the Feast
given Wales UK FOT 19 Sept 2013
Rejoicing is a great part of the Feast and was to be done by the whole household including strangers within your gate. (0.3 Mb)
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Special Music
by Trio
Psalm 84 - Oh How Lovely Are Your Dwellings
sung Wales UK FOT 19 Sept 2013
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by Ian Henderson
Meaning Of The Day
given Wales UK FOT 19 Sept 2013
"You shall observe the Feast of Tabernacles seven days and you shall rejoice in your Feast." (10.7 Mb)

2013-09-18 (FOT Opening Night UK)

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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 5 - Give Ear To My Prayer O Lord
sung Wales UK FOT 18 Sept 2013
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Opening Message
by Ian Henderson
Opening Message
given Opening Night FOT UK
 (4.9 Mb)

2013-09-14 (Atonement)

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Offering Sermonette
by Ian Munro
Offering Sermonette
given Wales UK Atonement 22 Sept 2007
When we compare the operating budget of the Church 20 years ago, compared to the operation we are involved in today, there is little similarity. But the Truth remains the same. (1.0 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 119 (Ain) - I Have Done Judgement and Justice and More
sung Wales UK Atonement 22 Sept 2007
 (0.2 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)