mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Hebrews part 4 - Our High Priest broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 11 Sep 2010 |
"With all this upsurge of religious interest that we hear reported on every side, why is it my friends that almost nobody today knows what real Christianity is ..." (3.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Mr Armstrong |
The Plan given LGD 9 Oct 1982 - Played Wales UK 11 Sep 2010 |
The sermon begins: "Well greetings all you wonderful brethren all over the United States and Canada - and the United States includes Alaska and Hawaii - but here we are, the last service of the Last Day ..." Mr Armstrong then goes right back to the beginning to show how the entire plan of God for mankind finally culminates in the Great White Throne Judgement. (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Meaning of Trumpets given Bristol UK Trump 9 Sep 2010 |
The Jews also keep The Day of Trumpets, but call it Rosh Hashanah - "the head/first of the year". But the question is, why do we not keep it as the Jews do? To see the true meaning, this sermon examines: Christ magnified the Law; Trumpets as part of the Law; Christ to "come again"; Blowing of trumpets; The first resurrection. (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Offering Music by The Henderson Trio |
Psalm 68 - Let The Foes Of God All Scatter Now sung Bristol Trump 9 Sept 2010 |
(0.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Chris Hancock |
Offering given Bristol UK Trump 9 Sept 2010 |
Deut 16:16 commands the men to give an offering in the 3 Holy Day seasons. But no mention is made of the ladies. However, there is ample evidence in many other areas of scripture to show they are included also. (2.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Ian Henderson |
Numbers In The Bible given Bristol UK Trump 9 Sep 2010 |
God is a Creator of order and harmony. He is certainly intent on using particular numbers that have great significance. This sermon goes through several passages showing the way this appears to be done. (Note: Our apologies, but the beginning of this sermon is missing. The hall in which we were meeting lost all power and unfortunately damaged the recording. The last 55 mins was saved.) (7.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Mr Armstrong |
Our Calling given FOT 10 Oct 1976 - Played Wales UK 4 Sep 2010 |
The sermon begins: "... This era of God's Church is now in its second generation. And those of you who have come into the Church in the last 10 to 20 years know perhaps little - at least, too little - about what went on in the Church, how it was started, what led up to the point where you came in..." Mr Armstrong then goes right back to the beginning of time itself as the foundation on which all who are in God's Church today should understand their calling. (17.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Ian Munro |
Honour Your Father and Mother given Wales UK 28 Aug 2010 |
A key commandment - bridging those that apply to God and those that apply to men - is the command to honour our Father and Mother. Yet this is a crucial quality God requires both in our families, within the Church, and for the World Tomorrow. (1.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
The Mind of God given Wales UK 28 Aug 2010 |
Though God's thinking is far, far above ours - there are aspects of it that are brought out in scripture. This sermon examines some of them, including: How we also need that Mind; The Mind of The Creator; As seen in His Law; In Christ; And in the future. (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Jon Bowles |
Listening in 2010 given Wales UK 21 Aug 2010 |
This sermonette is designed as a prelude to the sermon from Mr Armstrong being played today: "Warning To The Church" Although recorded in July 78 it is equally applicable today - provided we listen using ears of 2010. Two areas are covered: How we present ourselves before God and The smorgasbord of Churches of God today. (2.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Mr Armstrong |
Warning To The Church given 1 July 1978 - Played Wales UK 21 Aug 2010 |
Also called "Day of Fasting and Prayer", the sermon begins: "Well, greetings everybody. I have called a special day of prayer and fasting today because God's church is IN FATAL DANGER!..." Mr Armstrong then explains how the Church is in danger of falling into a Laodicean attitude and speaks directly to many ministers sitting in the audience at Pasadena who he said disagreed with him and were instead promoting their own false ideas - particularly intellectualism. The parallels with the state of the Church today is spine-chilling. (View Transcript) (14.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Hebrews part 3 - Salvation broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 14 Aug 2010 |
"A few years back a man who was 82 years of age came to me and said, 'I've never heard the real plain whys and wherefores of this thing they call salvation' ..." (3.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Overcoming Slander given Wales UK 14 Aug 2010 |
This sermon continues the message given last week on: "Are We Qualifying?". It examines the scripture in Rev 12:11 how the devil is overcome by the blood of the Lamb; the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives to the death. (11.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Hebrews part 2 - Solomon's Wisdom broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 7 Aug 2010 |
"My friends, very few of us know anything about the World Tomorrow. We don't know too much about the world today; and the why of it; and what's causing all of the eruption in this world today. You know it's amazing when you come to understand why this world could be in such darkness ..." (3.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Are We Qualifying? given Wales UK 7 Aug 2010 |
Mr Armstrong mentioned many times how Jesus Christ qualified to replace Satan as the ruler on this earth. Christ did this partly as an example of what we too must do. But the question is, are we qualifying? This sermon examines: Grace and works; Qualifying for what? Overcoming Satan; Submitting to God; Being a doer of the word. (11.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Chris Hancock |
The Way given Bristol UK 31 Jul 2010 |
What has been entrusted to our care is not simply a religion - but a way of life that influences every aspect of our existence. It is vital that we recognise this, as "That Way" is not easy. (1.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
God's Timing given Bristol UK 31 July 2010 |
Again and again in scripture there are warnings that God's people will begin to feel "my Lord delays His coming!" It is vital that we keep God's view in mind by examining: Jehu; The Congregation; Gibeonites; Ammon and Moab; Monarchy; Christ. (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Hebrews part 1 - Christ Our High Priest broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 24 Jul 2010 |
"How many people ever really prove one way or the other whether the Holy Bible is the very word of a Creator who brought into existence everything that is, and who sustains by His power every force ..." (3.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Ian Henderson |
The Old and the New given Wales UK 24 Jul 2010 |
Continually within the New Testament, Old Testament scriptures are quoted. However, the people they were originally written to knew their Old Testament - much of it quotable from memory. Only when we go back to the original passage can we get the full meaning. This sermon examines several such examples. (10.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Short Talk by Mr Armstrong |
History of AC forum given AC 1980s - Played Wales UK 17 Jul 2010 |
Begins: "Well, hello everybody. I shouldn't be here but I came anyway. I still have one degree of temperature, sore throat, head cold, and I guess I'll blame it on the Russians - they call it an asian 'flu ..." Mr Armstrong then gives a little of the history of Ambassador College - explaining some of the struggles he went through to begin it as an institution that would indeed be God's College - and how God forced him to explicitly rely on Him in faith every step of the way. (8.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Mr Armstrong |
Christ Will Rule given FOT 11 Oct 1984 - Played Wales UK 17 Jul 2010 |
Begins: "Well, greetings brethren, not only to you here in Pasadena, but to all you brethren who just telephoned in from New Zealand, that you are getting the program down there; and right now it's very close to 9 o'clock tomorrow morning!..." Mr Armstrong then gives the meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles - including why we don't have a utopia today, because of our life style: the way we live. But he shows how even this situation fits within the incredible purpose of the Great Creator God. (8.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
John 10 Ministers Condemned & Healing broadcast 15 Aug 1979 - played Wales UK 10 Jul 2010 |
"...The Gospel that Jesus preached. They recognize it. The world doesn't recognize it because the carnal mind is enmity against God, and Jesus is the Word of God ..." (3.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Godly Leadership given Wales UK 10 Jul 2010 |
In the world today there is a dearth of godly leadership in all quarters, yet in the World Tomorrow God expects His True Church to be ready to lead as kings and priests. This sermon examines the subject showing how Godly Leadership: Must flow from God; Must be for others' good; Must recognise the potential of those led; Our true needs; Delegation. (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Ian Munro |
Worshipping the Beast given Wales UK 3 Jul 2010 |
In Rev 13:4 it says, "...and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?"; but how is it possible for someone to worship the clearly symbolic beast found in Revelation? This sermonette explains. (1.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
The Twitter Mindset given Wales UK 3 Jul 2010 |
The world today is a very different place from 20, 40, 60 years ago. Modern inventions have not only changed how we live - but also how we think as well. This sermon examines: The Twitter mindset; This age will pass; Representing a different age; Be still and think; The FOT 2010. (13.0 Mb) | ||