mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
FOT and God's Law broadcast 20 July 1979 - played Wales UK 12 Dec 2009 |
"My Friends, get out your Bibles and have a shock! Because I think there is nothing more shocking than to learn that the Bible says exactly the opposite of what you've been taught you think it says. Why have you not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ?..." (3.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
The Miracle of Growth given Wales UK 12 Dec 2009 |
If the growth of a baby were to continue at the same rate as in the womb, once it has been born, it would result in a child weighing several million tons by a year old! But the truly remarkable thing is that such phenomenal foetal growth is given as a type of our required spiritual development following baptism. This sermon examines: Physical/spiritual growth; The power to grow; The mother of us all; Trials. (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | News Analysis by Jon Bowles |
given Wales UK 5 Dec 2009 |
The family - consisting of a man, his wife and their children - is the God-designed unit in which the next generation is both created and develops. Unfortunately, this is often not the case today. And this destructive development can repeatedly be seen throughout the pages of our newspapers. (5.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Mr Armstrong |
The Value of Human Life given 29 Oct 1983 - Played Wales UK 5 Dec 2009 |
Begins: "Greetings once again, brethren! It's been three - let's see, one, two - three weeks since I spoke to you here and two weeks ago I spoke to about one thousand brethren in England..." Mr Armstrong then examines both the way the human frame is worth less than people in the world imagine, yet at the same time illustrates how it's potential is infinitely more valuable than they imagine. Towards the end of the tape Mr Armstrong deals with the subject of abortion and also at what moment the spirit in man enters into a human being. (View Transcript) (9.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Matthew 18:21 Forgiveness and Repentance broadcast 19 July 1979 - played Wales UK 28 Nov 2009 |
"Why is it, my friends, that today we hear a so-called way of salvation proclaimed that's exactly the opposite that Jesus Christ proclaimed that we should receive eternal life? Why is it that we hear doctrines promulgated today exactly the opposite of those that the Apostle Paul taught the Gentiles? Because he taught exactly as Jesus Christ had taught His disciples..." (3.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
God's Way of Health given Wales UK 28 Nov 2009 |
God has allowed the world to proceed further and further away from Him and this can particularly be seen in the area of health and healing. However God expects His people to walk in all His Ways - including His Ways of health. The sermon covers: Evolution and greed; Prophesied health problems; Food; Sleep relaxation and exercise; The mind; Healing. (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Bob Evans |
Purpose and Goals given Peterborough Canada 21 Nov 2009 |
When Mr Armstrong asks, "Why the firstfruits" in Mystery Of The Ages, he explains that we are being now trained to be the future teachers - part of the Kingdom of God. But to fulfil this position, overcoming and growth is essential. (1.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jonathan Pippy |
Did Christ Fulfil Matt 5:17 given Peterborough Canada 21 Nov 2009 |
Christianity found in the world is radically different from the Truth found within scripture. Nowhere is this more true, than the approach toward God's Law. The world's view is that it was nailed to the cross. But the scriptural Truth reveals a very different picture - making the entirety of God's Spiritual Law - including all ten of the 10 commandments - even more binding than ever before. (10.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Jon Bowles |
Being Ready to Give an Answer given Bristol UK 14 Nov 2009 |
There are several passages that tell us not to premeditate before answering officials that question us. But it tells us in 1Pet 3:15 to "be ready to give an answer". How are these two directives correctly understood and reconciled? (2.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Ian Henderson |
The Book of Amos given Bristol UK 14 Nov 2009 |
The prophecy written in the book of Amos was given 50 years before the nation of Israel went into captivity. Many of the warnings found within it were also given to the descendants of Israel within our lifetime. And the same prophesied fate now appears imminent! (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Ian Munro |
Keeping The Vision Clear given Wales UK 7 Nov 2009 |
In this world, so often today's problems were merely yesterday's "solutions". But during these winter months, we need to be sure to project our thoughts beyond today's news - to the Wonderful World Tomorrow. (1.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves given Wales UK 7 Nov 2009 |
Being "wise as serpents, harmless as doves" (Matt 10:16) is a passage of scripture quoted by the world to indicate using an approach which is both canny and trusting. But the passage it comes from has far more to tell us. This sermon asks: What is the context? When should it be applied? Who is it specifically about? How should we apply the instruction? and Where in scripture, can we see examples? (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Matthew 18:15 and Prayer broadcast 18 July 1979 - played Wales UK 31 Oct 2009 |
"And now, once again, will you get out your Bibles. Will you open them up and see how you have believed that the Bible says exactly the opposite of what it does? At least in so many very fundamental places and fundamental precepts, fundamental teachings and doctrines..." (3.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
The Beast and God's Promises given Wales UK 31 Oct 2009 |
Following the sermon on Embracing the Promises last week, this sermon examines a specific area - the coming Beast power and its end-time leader found in the book of Revelation. It deals with: Our faith and patience; Who we are looking for; His rise to power; The real power behind him; His prophesied end. (11.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Hades And Gehenna Explained broadcast 17 July 1979 - played Wales UK 24 Oct 2009 |
"And now my Friends, get out your Bibles and see some things that are going to astonish you! Why is it that you have been brought up to believe exactly the opposite of what the Bible says. That is, to believe it says just exactly the opposite that it does..." (3.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Embracing The Promises given Wales UK 24 Oct 2009 |
If we are to succeed in what God sets before us, we need to apply the principles found in the examples in Hebrews 11 who "all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth (Heb 11:13). This sermon examines the subject via: The world's view; Kings love Truth; Faithful Abraham; Seeking another country; Our clear promises. (11.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | World Tomorrow by Mr Armstrong |
Christ's Mission and Message - Continued broadcast 16 July 1979 - played Oswestry UK 17 Oct 2009 |
"Yes, it's a wonderful thing that news is going to be good, tomorrow. There is a reason why it isn't good today. And it isn't good because we haven't made it good..." (3.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Mr Armstrong |
Why The Holy Days? given LGD 13 Oct 1979 - Played Oswestry UK 17 Oct 2009 |
Begins: "I am speaking now to everybody from down in Florida, up into northern New York, from Seattle, Washington down to Pasadena, California and to at least four or five Feast sites in Canada..." Mr Armstrong then gives the meaning of the Last Great Day in 1979 from where he was speaking at the Feast site in Tucson. He concentrated particularly on how though God has cut people off from the Holy Spirit through the ages, there is absolutely no respecter of persons with God - once you see how the meaning fits into His overall Plan. (View Transcript) (12.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Meaning of the Day Played Wales UK FOT Sat 10 Oct 2009 |
This sermon looks at the meaning of the Last Great Day. The points covered are: 1) Why are we here? 2) Why do we link this day to the Second Resurrection? 3) Who is in the Second Resurrection? 4) How long will it last? 5) The Second Death. (11.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Special Music by Festival Choir |
Psalm 50 - From the Rising of the Sun Sung Wales UK FOT Sat 10 Oct 2009 |
(0.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Ian Henderson |
This is a true story, It just hasn't happened yet given Wales UK FOT Sat 10 Oct 2009 |
Where there is no vision, the people perish. Keeping vision alive is vitally important if we are to reach our final goal. In light of the Last Great Day, this sermon covers: 1) Just how important is vision in our life; 2) How can we keep the vision of God's Kingdom; 3) God is in total control; 4) Long term vision overcomes short term problems; 5) The enemy of vision is fear; 6) We have the floorplan. (13.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Special Music by Generations Choir |
Psalm 119 (Aleph) - Blessings sung Wales UK FOT Sat 10 Oct 2009 |
(0.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Chris Hancock |
Hope for all Mankind given Wales UK FOT Sat 10 Oct 2009 |
All men have hope where God's plan is concerned. We are compared to worms in scripture, yet as a grub turns into a beautiful butterfly, so will all men have the opportunity to become part of the family of God. This day pictures that Last Great Day when the majority of mankind will finally be given this chance. (1.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Special Music by Festival Trio |
Psalm 23 - The Eternal is My Shepherd sung Wales UK FOT Fri 9 Oct 2009 |
(0.3 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Andrew Munro |
The Work Ethic in the Millennium given Wales UK FOT Fri 9 Oct 2009 |
The work ethic in the WT will be entirely different than today. This sermonette focuses on the Godly Ethics of the World Tomorrow, including working with all one's might, fair balances and family-based businesses. (1.0 Mb) | ||