2023-10-07 (LGD PM)

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by Andrew Munro
True Wealth
given Wales UK 7 Oct 2023
We give our offerings to the One who created everything. Real wealth is the knowledge we have - and that is priceless. (1.8 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 126 - The second time Zion is returning
sung Derbyshire UK 14 Oct 2006 - played Wales UK 22 Apr 2022
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by Jon Bowles
The Meaning of The Last Great Day
given Derbyshire UK 7 Oct 2004 - played Wales UK 7 Oct 2023
The meaing of this day is what religion doessn't teach - what education doesn't know and science can't discover. As in Adam all die - through Christ the same all will be made alive. (14.2 Mb)

2023-10-07 (LGD AM)

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by Alex Henderson
Read All About It
given Wales UK 7 Oct 2023
This sermonette shows the contrast between our present world news with what it will be like in the future - using 3 areas: food, peace and education. (2.0 Mb)
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by Paula Henderson
Psalm 19 - All Praise The Great Eternal One
sung Wales UK 7 Oct 2023
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by Ian Henderson
A Brief Overview Of The Feast
given Wales UK 7 Oct 2023
An overview of the food in due season showing how everything physical is temporary. God's plan for mankind and the meaning of life has been revealed to us - and that is what we have got to learn so that we can teach it in the future. (13.4 Mb)

2023-10-06 (FOT Day 7)

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Split Sermon
by Philip Henderson
The Joy Set Before Us
given Wales UK 6 Oct 2023
Just as Christ used the joy set before Him to endure to the end of His physical life - we must use the joy set before us to endure to the end of this age. This split sermon examines the joy that is set before us along with examples of what it will be like to be Spirit. (6.2 Mb)
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by Small group
Psalm 21 - For the King Shall Joy
sung Wales UK 5 Oct 2023
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Split Sermon
by Andrew Munro
A Time For Health
given Wales UK 6 Oct 2023
In the Millennium there will be no need for hospitals as God will provide true healing. If mankind obeys God's laws they will reap multiple passive health benefits - A true contrast to today's world. (7.5 Mb)

2023-10-05 (FOT Day 6)

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by Ian Henderson
Lessons from Jeremiah 32
given Bristol UK 6 Aug 2005 - played Wales UK 5 Oct 2023
Jeremiah found himself in prison, the princes wanted him killed, the city was under siege by the Babylonians and people were dying of famine and disease. Yet in the midst of this hostile, difficult environment - God commanded him to buy a field! Why? (1.9 Mb)
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by Paula Henderson
Psalm 89 - For All Time Will I Sing
sung Wales UK 5 Oct 2023
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by Jon Bowles
A World Restored!
given Derbyshire UK 9 Oct 2006 - played Wales UK 5 Oct 2023
The world today is impoverished - physically, mentally and spiritually. The importance of restoration taking place in the Church today cannot be overemphasised - as an end-time Church also seems specifically prophesied to play a vital role in the restoration of all things in the Millennium. (11.0 Mb)

2023-10-03 (FOT Day 4)

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by Philip Henderson
Growing Old In The Millennium
given Wales UK 3 Oct 2023
The Millennium will bring with it the restoration of all things - back to how God intended things to be before Adam's sin. This includes how humans age and will be dramatically different to how it is in this age. (2.2 Mb)
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Special Music
by Rochella Gardner
Hymn By Vangelis
played Kentucky US 9 Oct 2014 - played Wales UK 3 Oct 2023
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by Jonathan Pippy
Our Tremendous Destiny
given Kentucky USA 30 Sep 2007 - played Wales UK 3 Oct 2023
A tremendous job opportunity lies ahead of us - to add to the Kingdom of God in the Millennium. This sermon examines our destiny reigning on thrones under Jesus Christ, restoring God's government over the earth. (9.2 Mb)

2023-10-02 (FOT Day 3)

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by Andrew Munro
The Real Sound Of Freedom
given Wales UK 2 Oct 2023
God's future children were kidnapped by Satan 6,000 years ago and have been in slavery ever since. When the Kingdom of God is established on this earth all mankind will be rescued and free from Satan's grasp. (1.8 Mb)
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by Paula Henderson
Psalm 87 - On That Holy Hill
sung Wales UK 2 Oct 2023
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by Jon Bowles
Cities In The Future
given Wales UK 1 Oct 2003 - played Wales UK 2 Oct 2023
Our cities today are founded on warfare - in the Millennium this will not be the case. This sermon covers 1) The links between cities and warfare; 2) The jubilee and land inheritance; 3) The inheritance of the Levites; 4) Jerusalem in the World Tomorrow. (11.1 Mb)

2023-10-01 (FOT Day 2)

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by Jonathan Gardner
We Are Commanded To Rejoice At The Feast
given Wales UK 1 Oct 2023
At this Feast we are commanded to rejoice ... to show joy. God gives us the means to rejoice through 2nd tithe but we also have the wonderful blessing of knowing why we must rejoice. (2.1 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 73 - It's Clear That God Is Good To Israel
sung Dallas USA 19 Apr 2014 - played Wales UK 1 Oct 2023
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by Ian Henderson
We Are Greatly Privileged
given Wales UK 1 Oct 2023
We are privileged to be able to understand what is going to happen in the Millennium and to understand our part in it. The World Tomorrow will be changed from being under Satan's sway to God's way - and we are called to teach that way. (13.0 Mb)

2023-09-30 (FOT Day 1 PM)

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Split Sermon
by Nathaniel Korkut
Chasing The Kingdom
given Kentucky USA 30 Sep 2023
The Bible contains several references to "chasing the wind" - but we should be chasing the Kingdom. Our life is limited but God's purpose for us is spiritual and lasting. This Feast is a foretaste of the Millennium ruled by the Kingdom of God. (7.7 Mb)
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Special Music
by Tauer / Gardner quartet
The One Whom The Father Sends
sung Kentucky USA 30 Sep 2023
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Split Sermon
by Zeki Korkut
The Coming Family Reunion
given Kentucky USA 30 Sep 2023
God has a time table. Relationships with each other as God's children are so important now as a rehearsal for the future. (7.7 Mb)

2023-09-30 (FOT Day 1 AM)

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by Ian Munro
Three Aspects Of Giving
given Wales UK 30 Sep 2023
This sermonette explores 3 key aspects of giving which should be applied when we give an offering. Our offerings should be 1) Quality and of a willing heart, 2) Planned and 3) of a cheerful attitude. (1.6 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)