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by Mr Armstrong
Mission of the Philadelphia Church Era
given 1983, played in Wales UK 27th December 2003
In this sermon Mr. Armstrong spoke about the mission of the Church in 1983, and stresses how the Bible has been primarily written for the Philadelphia era today. He also shows how a number of vital truths have been restored to the Church during our time. In this context he examines how one was prophesied to come in the power and spirit of Elijah during the end-time in which we currently find ourselves, and makes very clear that such scriptures were being fulfilled by what God accomplished through him. (10.7 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
God's Message in The Story of Joseph
given Florida USA 27th December 2003
This bible study examines Joseph, and shows how his life is a type of our own: How it pictures us now; Trials for righteousness; How things change overnight; Pictures us in the Kingdom of God; Teaches us about forgiveness. (12.2 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
The Conversion of Jacob
given Oswestry UK 20th December 2003
This bible study examines the life of Jacob, and shows: How the entire bible is about Jacob/Israel; How his life began in carnality; How he was converted; The trials he went through after conversion; Yet how God's hand was constantly there - though often unseen. (10.7 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
Are you really a Christian?
given 9th July 1983 played Wales UK 13th December 2003
Mr Armstrong makes plain, that baptism in water - though required - does not make someone a Christian. It is the baptism (immersion) by one Spirit that places someone into the body of God's One True Church (1Cor 12:13), giving us a totally different purpose, attitude and direction in life. This Spirit is the essential ingredient to create within us God's mind and attitude - as children of God. Increasing this character of God must continue throughout our human lives. (11.2 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 13th December 2003
This analysis of the news includes: The knighthood of Mick Jagger (Is 3:1-4); The transvestite winner of the Turner prize (Is 1:8-10;3:9); Conservationists and marauding bears in USA (Lev 26:22); A sick UK teenage generation; Banning religious symbols in France; The new European constitution (Rev 17:13). (3.2 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Romans 9:28 "A Short Work"
given Bristol UK 6th December 2003
A number of questions have come up about Rom 9:28 "For he will finish the work, and cut [it] short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth". This verse is explained in five points: What is Paul talking about; How Mr Armstrong used the verse; The original verses in the Old Testament; Is there a Work to be done today? How does the verse apply to us today? (9.6 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Opening Doors
given Bristol UK 6th December 2003
This sermonette draws on personal experiences when working for the College in the News Bureau on behalf of Mr Armstrong back in the 1960s. If God opened doors then - to help the particular Work He intended to do at that time - He will undoubtedly do the same today when the time is right - even though the job of preaching the gospel to the world as a witness, has now been done (MA page 291). (1.6 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
The Mark of the Beast
given 11th Dec 1982 played Wales UK 29th November 2003
This sermon examines the subject of the mark of the beast. Though given in 1982, the subject is even more valuable today, as the urgency Mr Armstrong had at that time - shortly before his death - applies even more to us today. Mr Armstrong goes step by step through the subject, towards the conclusion - that imposition of Sunday observance over the Sabbath is once again to be imposed by the Holy Roman Empire - under the direction of the Pope. (11.9 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 29th November 2003
This analysis of the news includes: The instability within Georgia following the fall of Shevardnadze; The duplicity of secret talks in Berlin on EU army; Muslim bomber sleeper cells in Britain; Deception to be found within the Queen's speech - including promotion of homosexuality. (View Transcript) (4.6 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Lessons from the Temple
given Plymouth UK 22nd November 2003
Christ will return to His Spiritual Temple - made up of converted human beings. This bible-study examines a number of lessons to be learned from the original temple, including: Being the symbolic dwelling place for God; Containing the Word of God - with the Law at its heart; Being a place of sacrifice; Being a place of incense; Being an armoury in times of crisis; Being constructed of the finest materials. (9.7 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Plymouth UK 22nd November 2003
This analysis of the news includes: Mr Bush's visit to the UK; EU corruption; vulnerability of Taiwan; Terrorism as one of the curses; How Britain and America are separating from Europe. (3.7 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Warning Message from Haggai
given Wales UK 15th November 2003
This bible-study examines a passage within Haggai that seems to be talking directly to the Church today. Five points are covered: The prophecy in Haggai; Achan's sin; The Church's responsibility; Individual responsibility; The responsibility within the ministry. (9.5 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 15th November 2003
This analysis of the news includes: falling UK birthrate; European identity cards; The Iraq war; The Iranian A-bomb; Trouble in Georgia and European/Turkish oil pipeline; The continual rise of China (4.1 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
Remembrance Day for the Church
given Wales UK 8th November 2003
This sermonette draws our attention to the Remembrance Service that took place this week in London for all those who gave their lives in 2 World Wars. Their motto "for your tomorrows we give our todays" applies even more poignantly to the Church. (1.3 Mb)


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by Chris Hancock
Meaning of Many Mansions
given Bristol UK 1st November 2003
This sermonette examines the scripture in John 14 that talks in the King James version of "many mansions". Does this mean we will live in big houses? The answer is more a case of opportunities to serve. (1.1 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Focus On The Future
given Wales 26th October 2003
This Bible Study is designed to encourage all to keep On Track - following an excellent Feast of Tabernacles. Five points are covered: Why Elijah before Christ? What was restored to Church; Putting all we see through the filter of God's Government; Remembering examples of the past; The areas we must deal with continually. (9.2 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales 26th October 2003
This News Analysis deals with: Our twisted view of death - both animals and man; The West's incorrect view of Islam; Violence and junk-food; The drought in Britain; (3.5 Mb)

2003-10-17 (FOT)

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by Jon Bowles
Commerce In the World Tomorrow
given UK 17th October 2003
Commerce, Industry and trade will be a radically different system from today. This sermon looks at 1) A change of direction, 2) Quality, 3) Joseph, 4) Slavery, the Sabbatical and Jubilee, 5) Usury. All to prepare a group of people for the Last Great Day. (12.8 Mb)

2003-10-13 (FOT)

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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Habakkuk's Song
sung UK 13th October 2003
 (0.6 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Sabbatical Year
given UK 13th October 2003
Agricultural implications of the Sabbatical year explained through the letter and spirit of the law. In the Millennium we are looking forward to the magnification of this law with the restitution of all things. (12.8 Mb)

2003-10-06 (Atonement)

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by Jon Bowles
The Meaning of Atonement
given in Wales on Atonement 6th October 2003
This Sermon covers the meaning of Atonement with five points: Why are we Here? Stages of God's Plan; Destroying the Works of Satan; Satan's Problem; Atonement and Liberty. (10.4 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 68 - Let the Foes of God all Scatter Now
sung in Wales on Atonement 6th October 2003
This piece of music is an arrangement of Psalm 68. (0.3 Mb)
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by Ian Munro
given Wales on Atonement 6th October 2003
This sermonette stresses the need to count our blessings - particularly spiritual ones - as we do what is required of us at this season in giving an offering on the day of Atonement. (0.9 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Feast Preparation
given in Wales 4th October 2003
This Bible Study is given as a reminder of what must be in our minds as we prepare for the soon coming Feast of Tabernacles. Three points are covered: The importance of prayer; Collectively reflecting God and His Way; Rejoicing in the meaning of the Feast. (3.7 Mb)

2003-09-27 (Trumpets)

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by Ian Henderson
The Meaning of Trumpets
given Bristol UK Trumpets 27th Sept 2003
This sermon deals with the meaning of the day of Trumpets. It shows how monumental must be the destruction of the present world - to prepare for the Kingdom of God. (10.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)