mp3 rm stream | Bible Study by Jon Bowles |
Lessons from the Temple given Plymouth UK 22nd November 2003 |
Christ will return to His Spiritual Temple - made up of converted human beings. This bible-study examines a number of lessons to be learned from the original temple, including: Being the symbolic dwelling place for God; Containing the Word of God - with the Law at its heart; Being a place of sacrifice; Being a place of incense; Being an armoury in times of crisis; Being constructed of the finest materials. (9.7 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | News Analysis by Jon Bowles |
given Plymouth UK 22nd November 2003 |
This analysis of the news includes: Mr Bush's visit to the UK; EU corruption; vulnerability of Taiwan; Terrorism as one of the curses; How Britain and America are separating from Europe. (3.7 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Bible Study by Jon Bowles |
Warning Message from Haggai given Wales UK 15th November 2003 |
This bible-study examines a passage within Haggai that seems to be talking directly to the Church today. Five points are covered: The prophecy in Haggai; Achan's sin; The Church's responsibility; Individual responsibility; The responsibility within the ministry. (9.5 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | News Analysis by Jon Bowles |
given Wales UK 15th November 2003 |
This analysis of the news includes: falling UK birthrate; European identity cards; The Iraq war; The Iranian A-bomb; Trouble in Georgia and European/Turkish oil pipeline; The continual rise of China (4.1 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Ian Munro |
Remembrance Day for the Church given Wales UK 8th November 2003 |
This sermonette draws our attention to the Remembrance Service that took place this week in London for all those who gave their lives in 2 World Wars. Their motto "for your tomorrows we give our todays" applies even more poignantly to the Church. (1.3 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Chris Hancock |
Meaning of Many Mansions given Bristol UK 1st November 2003 |
This sermonette examines the scripture in John 14 that talks in the King James version of "many mansions". Does this mean we will live in big houses? The answer is more a case of opportunities to serve. (1.1 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Bible Study by Jon Bowles |
Focus On The Future given Wales 26th October 2003 |
This Bible Study is designed to encourage all to keep On Track - following an excellent Feast of Tabernacles. Five points are covered: Why Elijah before Christ? What was restored to Church; Putting all we see through the filter of God's Government; Remembering examples of the past; The areas we must deal with continually. (9.2 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | News Analysis by Jon Bowles |
given Wales 26th October 2003 |
This News Analysis deals with: Our twisted view of death - both animals and man; The West's incorrect view of Islam; Violence and junk-food; The drought in Britain; (3.5 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Commerce In the World Tomorrow given UK 17th October 2003 |
Commerce, Industry and trade will be a radically different system from today. This sermon looks at 1) A change of direction, 2) Quality, 3) Joseph, 4) Slavery, the Sabbatical and Jubilee, 5) Usury. All to prepare a group of people for the Last Great Day. (12.8 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Special Music by Sylvia Duke |
Habakkuk's Song sung UK 13th October 2003 |
(0.6 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
The Sabbatical Year given UK 13th October 2003 |
Agricultural implications of the Sabbatical year explained through the letter and spirit of the law. In the Millennium we are looking forward to the magnification of this law with the restitution of all things. (12.8 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
The Meaning of Atonement given in Wales on Atonement 6th October 2003 |
This Sermon covers the meaning of Atonement with five points: Why are we Here? Stages of God's Plan; Destroying the Works of Satan; Satan's Problem; Atonement and Liberty. (10.4 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Offering Music by Sylvia Duke |
Psalm 68 - Let the Foes of God all Scatter Now sung in Wales on Atonement 6th October 2003 |
This piece of music is an arrangement of Psalm 68. (0.3 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Ian Munro |
Offering given Wales on Atonement 6th October 2003 |
This sermonette stresses the need to count our blessings - particularly spiritual ones - as we do what is required of us at this season in giving an offering on the day of Atonement. (0.9 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Bible Study by Jon Bowles |
Feast Preparation given in Wales 4th October 2003 |
This Bible Study is given as a reminder of what must be in our minds as we prepare for the soon coming Feast of Tabernacles. Three points are covered: The importance of prayer; Collectively reflecting God and His Way; Rejoicing in the meaning of the Feast. (3.7 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Ian Henderson |
The Meaning of Trumpets given Bristol UK Trumpets 27th Sept 2003 |
This sermon deals with the meaning of the day of Trumpets. It shows how monumental must be the destruction of the present world - to prepare for the Kingdom of God. (10.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Our Immediate Future given Johannesburg S.Africa 13th Sept 2003 |
This Sermon asks what our Immediate Future is prophetically - as far as the Church of God is concerned. Five points are covered: Old Testament examples; New Testament examples; Our own journey to this point; What we know of immediate prophecy; So what must we do now? (10.0 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermonette by Jaco Pieterse |
Listen to Instruction given Johannesburg S.Africa 13th Sept 2003 |
This sermonette uses principles learned when training to fly a plane that can be applied to our present lives within the Church. God expects us to listen to his instruction - to watch and be alert - as there seems to be a problem with sleeping at the end time - the antithesis of alertness. (1.6 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Bible Study by Mr Armstrong |
Zerubbabel's Temple given 21 July 1978 - played Wales UK 30th Aug 2003 |
This Bible Study begins by Mr Armstrong recording a video clip to be used in the Feast Opening Night film. A little of this is missing on this particular recording. He then goes over the scriptures that deal with Zerubbabel's temple and shows how much of this material was actually talking directly to us in 1978 as Mr Armstrong was led to put the Church "back on Track". Such scriptures also talk of the same tasks that we today - in the 21st century - should be concerned with as we are - once again - led individually "back on Track." (View Transcript) (9.8 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Mr Armstrong |
What Is Christ Doing given 24 April 1982 - played Wales UK 16th Aug 2003 |
This Sermon deals with how Christ precedes us into the Kingdom of God - as our High Priest. It is one of the "Back on Track" sermons given by Mr Armstrong and covers the requirement of all of us to live "The Way" of God if we are also to rule with Christ in the future. The beginning of Hebrews and Romans 8 are covered in some detail. At the end of the sermon, Mr Armstrong brings out that being "on Track" implies we keep moving, driving ourselves, as the Track is something on which we travel. (10.5 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Short Bible Study by Jon Bowles |
Zerubbabel given Wales UK 16th Aug 2003 |
This introduction to the sermon today briefly examines the life of Zerubbabel - the type of one mentioned in Haggai who was to prepare the Spiritual Temple just prior to Christ's return. Four points are covered: How his heritage goes back to David; How he restored the daily sacrifice and almost 2 years later laid the foundations; How he was hindered for 17 years by the Samaritans; How that after the Temple was built in just 4 years there is no mention of him at the dedication or afterwards - even though "his hands shall also finish it" (Zech 4:9). (3.4 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Jon Bowles |
Everything Must Change given Bristol UK 9th Aug 2003 |
This Sermon deals with the scale of change required by God - down to each thought being brought into subjection to God's Government - which is God's "Way". Five points are covered: Change within the natural world in the World Tomorrow; The Way of God and His Character; The difference between "fruits" and "gifts"; "a more excellent Way"; The world is waiting for us to change. (8.1 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Extended Sermonette by Ian Henderson |
Going in the Right Direction given Bristol UK 9th Aug 2003 |
Just as we can become lost by going in the wrong direction down a path, so we can become lost in life by going back to the world, rather than towards God's Kingdom. This was seen by many of God's servants, sometimes thousands of years into the future: Moses, Paul, Peter, and Mr Armstrong are highlighted. (2.8 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Extended Sermonette by Jon Bowles |
Why The Righteous Sometimes Suffer given Wales UK 2nd Aug 2003 |
This extended sermonette was sparked by the pastors comments from Mr Don Billingsley about a bad car accident. Four points are covered: God's view is different; The main thing God wants us to learn; time and chance; our only course of action. (3.7 Mb) | ||
mp3 rm stream | Sermon by Mr Armstrong |
The Sabbath Question given 23 Oct 1981 - played Wales UK 26th July 2003 |
This Sermon deals with how we should be keeping the Sabbath holy. It examines a number of aspects including: The need to assemble on the Sabbath; Proper dress for services; Is it OK to go to a restaurant on the Sabbath? Driving long distances on the Sabbath; Making the Sabbath a delight; The need to have a balanced approach. (10.4 Mb) | ||