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Split Sermon
by Ian Henderson
Works - Living God's Way
given Bristol UK 11 Aug 2012
We are clearly told in scripture that though we are not saved by our works - we are rewarded according to them. But what works? This sermon explains the need to live God's Way. (6.0 Mb)
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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
Samaritans and Syncretism
given Bristol UK 11 Aug 2012
Syncretism - the mixing of alien ideas with God's Truth - can be a major problem to God's True Church. But it is not a new problem - particularly when it involved the Samaritans. This sermon examines the topic within the areas: Pagan roots; The physical temple; God's Spiritual Temple. (9.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Why were you Born - part 1
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 4 Aug 2012
"Why were YOU born? Very few people ever stop to wonder if they were actually born for a purpose. Did YOU ever think about it? Most people just take their existence for granted. They know that they have to eat, wear clothes and have a place to live ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Why the Church?
given 17 Oct 1981 played Wales 4 Aug 2012
Begins: "I would like to ask this afternoon, and also to answer, 'WHY the Church?' Why should there be the Church? There are churches all over the western world. They're attended every Sunday by a good section of the population. Do most people realize why..." Mr Armstrong goes step by step into the subject to show how we are being prepared to rule and teach the Kingdom of God - implementing the economic, educational, religious and social systems of God. (View Transcript) (9.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
World Peace Coming
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 28 Jul 2012
"We've been having volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and eruptions of war and threats of war around the world. It has been the chief world news recently and now I want to tell you about an eruption at Mount Sinai believe it or not ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
First Things First
given Wales UK 28 Jul 2012
We can look back on our days either as Solomon who remarked that he hated life (Ecclesiastes 2:17) - or if we truly put first things first, with satisfaction. This sermon examines the subject within the categories: The Kingdom and His Righteousness; Prayer and Bible Study; The focus of God' Law; Christ's example; Satan's treadmill. (12.0 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
Cursed by Moral Decay
given Wales UK 21 Jul 2012
A recent court ruling that effectively stated that "God has no place in British law", is far more sinister than the judge who made the decision can possibly be aware. In days gone by events currently being witnessed all around us would be seen as from the hand of God. We deny that hand today - in law or otherwise - at our peril. (2.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Teaching Family Values Part 4
given Wales UK 21 Jul 2012
Continuing on from the three previous sermons in the series, this sermon asks the question, "what values?" It covers: Values for a select group; Values that build families as a crucible; Values from the Spirit and Intent of God's Law. (14.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Answered Prayer
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 14 Jul 2012
"This is Herbert W Armstrong with the Good News of the World Tomorrow, but in the world today I know that your life is beset with problems and troubles. Your mind harassed by fears and worries. There is only one way out of this and almost no one knows that way and is able to apply it. That way is answered prayer..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Teaching Family Values Part 3
given Wales UK 14 Jul 2012
Continuing on from the two previous sermons in the series, this sermon goes into "getting the crucible right". It covers: Using the Sabbath to teach; The divine concept of "our other half"; The family's sacred unit. (12.0 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
The Voice Across Time
given Bristol UK 7 Jul 2012
Parts of the Bible are written within a clear end-time setting - so much so that on occasions only during a very narrow point in history could the meaning of the passage be revealed. This sermonette explains. (2.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
given Bristol UK 7 Jul 2012
For God's Purpose to be achieved, certain key foundations have needed to be in place. This sermon examines 4 of them: Israel; David's throne; The blessings; and The Church. (13.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
An Unseen Hand
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 30 Jun 2012
"Now it was not too long ago, there was an editorial in one of our largest news magazines - The US News and World Report. It said that it would seem that the only hope of survival of humanity now is the sudden appearance of a strong unseen hand from someplace..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Teaching Family Values Part 2
given Wales UK 30 Jun 2012
Continuing the sermon from last week that dealt with blessings and cursings, this sermon goes into the people we will need to teach in the future and what position we will have - as the bride of Christ - via which to do so. It covers: God's values and His Family; Repentance in the resurrection; Repentance at the start of the Millennium. (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
True Church in Revelation 2 and 3
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 23 Jun 2012
"What's going to happen in the world from now? Is world-war 3 imminent? Is it being started? What is going to happen? Catastrophic events are prophesied from here on. They're going to affect you. Now we've been going through an outline of prophecy..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Teaching Family Values Part 1 - Blessings and Cursings
given Wales UK 23 Jun 2012
God expects us to be ready to teach His Way when Jesus Christ returns - including in the area of family values; something which is the very crucible of any society. The problem is, none of us have perfect families, so how can we be qualified and ready to teach? God Himself trains those he works with in two broad ways - with blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. Both aspects are there to teach. The sermon examines: Lessons in Church Families; Washing with the water of the Word; Blessings and cursings in Old Testament Israel. (11.0 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
Keep Looking Forward
given Wales UK 16 Jun 2012
Science fiction writers often paint a dark yet realistic picture of the future, with draconian power in the hands of a tyrannical elite. But beyond that the Truth of God is very different, with a loving Government ensuring each family is able to dwell at peace on its own land. This is the vision we must strive to hold onto through the difficult times. (2.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Endure to the End
given 26 Sep 1981 played Wales 16 Jun 2012
Begins: "Today is the day when in the world they are having football games, major league baseball games all over the country. In this country and around the world, we're facing a real economic repression or depression..." Mr Armstrong then goes right back to the beginning, putting what he has to say into the context of the big picture. And what he has to say is that statistically, 33% of those listening to him would not be in the Church in 10 years. (how true that was - except it was nearer 90%). But the antidote is to take our calling seriously, to overcome Satan's world, to grow in grace and knowledge - doing it all through the power of God, received through prayer - and to endure, to the end. (View Transcript) (10.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Kingdom Coming
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 9 Jun 2012
"The Government of God is coming - and what is government? Government is based on law. Government is based on a basic constitution or a Law. And a law or a constitution merely is a way that regulates our lives. It's a way of life. A lifestyle ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Being a Philadelphia Lawyer
given Wales UK 9 Jun 2012
Mr Armstrong often recounted the way his father felt he would grow up to be a Philadelphia Lawyer due to his many questions. And in many ways, this is precisely what he did become. But so also must we - if we are to be ready to administer and teach God's Spiritual Law in the future. This sermon examines: Pillars in God's Temple; Keeping God's Word; Not denying His Name; Overcoming this world's view of lawyers. (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Outline of Prophecy - The End of the World
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 2 Jun 2012
"Just how near are we to the end of the world? Or is there any such thing as a possible end of the world? How soon and where will Armageddon be fought? Or is this Armageddon just a myth or superstition? ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
End Time Israel
given Wales UK 2 Jun 2012
This continues the sermon given two weeks ago on God's End-time Purpose by focusing on the purpose of God for Israel in the end-time. It deals with: God's future model nation; Israel's main problem; God's only solution. (12.0 Mb)

2012-05-27 (Pentecost AM)

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by Chris Hancock
Of One Accord
given Bristol UK Pentecost 27 May 2012
God's Church has been shattered following the apostasy. But the Spiritual Temple to which Christ will return is to be His One True Church. That Church is going to be - as was the early Church - of one accord. (1.0 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sheila and Paula Henderson
Psalm 91 - Within Your Secret Place
given Bristol UK Pentecost 27 May 2012
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by Ian Henderson
Right and Wrong in the Church
given Bristol UK Pentecost 27 May 2012
In meaning of the day sermons, the question "why are we here" is often asked. In this sermon the question is "why are WE here" - and the answer has to partly be because of the faithfulness of an apostle sent by God. (13.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)