Here Come The Grasshoppers…

USA - It was just a matter of time before the grasshoppers joined the party. In 2023, global crops have been devastated by plague after plague. Farmers in the US and elsewhere have had to deal with seemingly endless drought, unprecedented heat, nightmarish flooding and horrifying outbreaks of disease. In fact, citrus greening disease is one of the primary reasons why the orange harvest in Florida is only going to be about half as large as it was last year.

It has just been one thing after another for our farmers, but ravenous hordes of insects has been one plague that has been noticeably absent from the list. Unfortunately, that has now changed. Just recently, a swarm of grasshoppers that was so enormous that it was actually spotted by weather radar systems descended upon Tooele, Utah… Global food prices have risen to crazy levels, and they will soon go even higher.

In the UK, one consumer group says that prices on some food items have already increased by up to 175 percent since 2021… This is a global problem. And there is no solution in sight. In fact, as I have extensively detailed, global famine is on the way no matter what our leaders do now. But most people do not want to hear such things. Most people just want to hear that everything is going to be just fine, and the mainstream media dutifully obliges day after day…

Our comment

Well over 2,500 years ago, the prophet Isaiah was inspired to write the following which applies to our people today:

“Now go and write down these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the end of time as a witness that these people are stubborn rebels who refuse to pay attention to the LORD’s instructions.

They tell the seers, ‘Stop seeing visions!’ They tell the prophets, ‘Don’t tell us what is right. Tell us nice things. Tell us lies. Forget all this gloom. Get off your narrow path. Stop telling us about your “Holy One of Israel”.’

This is the reply of the Holy One of Israel: ‘Because you despise what I tell you and trust instead in oppression and lies, calamity will come upon you suddenly — like a bulging wall that bursts and falls. In an instant it will collapse and come crashing down.You will be smashed like a piece of pottery — shattered so completely that there won’t be a piece big enough to carry coals from a fireplace or a little water from the well.’” (Isaiah 30:8-13, NLT)

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)