Germany’s defence minister calls for total militarisation

GERMANY - The German government is using Israel’s genocidal war against Gaza and the NATO war offensive against Russia to aggressively push the militarisation of domestic and foreign policy. This is underlined by statements made by Defence Minister Boris Pistorius (Social Democrat, SPD) in the latest edition of the ZDF programme “Berlin Direkt.”

Addressing the intensification of international wars and crises and the German role in them, Pistorius said:
“We need a change of mentality. In the troops, it is in full swing. I notice that, for example, when we talk about the Lithuanian brigade. We need it in the Defence Ministry, where we have set the course. But we also need it in society as a whole, and we also need it in politics. The federal government has clearly committed itself to the [NATO] two-percent target.

But, very importantly, the change of mentality in society is also right. We have to get used to the idea again that the danger of war could be looming in Europe, and that means we have to become fit for war, we have to be fit for defence, and we have to position the Bundeswehr [Armed Forces] and society for it.”

The last time Germany was “capable of war” and “capable of defence,” it destroyed the entire continent and committed the greatest crimes in human history with the war of extermination against the Soviet Union and the murder of six million Jews in the Holocaust. To “set up society for this,” the ruling class needed a fascist dictatorship that brutally suppressed any opposition.

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