EU civil war over Germany's migrant plan continues

NETHERLANDS - Geert Wilders vows to copy it for the Netherlands and Hungary welcomes Berlin to the '#stopmigration club'. Civil war has broken out in Europe over Germany's new plans to introduce strict border controls - with populist leaders giving their support for similar measures. Yesterday Germany's government presented rigorous rules on asylum that would see more people turned away at its frontiers, a day after it announced it would start carrying out controls on all its land borders. While Germany risks alienating the Left with its hardened stance on migration, Dutch politician Geert Wilders vowed to copy the plan for the Netherlands. And Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán shared his support for the measures, welcoming Germany to the so-called #StopMigration club.

At a time of heightened tension over the issue of migration within Europe, Right-wing leaders on the continent have espoused support for the plan. Swedish MEP Charlie Weimers, of the Sweden Democrats, told MailOnline that Europe faced challenges securing borders due to the 'madness' of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel's policies. But the move risks fracturing Germany's 'traffic light coalition'. Within Germany, the Greens, centre-left SPD and liberal FDP fiercely oppose the Rwanda proposals as being both illegal and costly. 'The problem is not migration. It's Islamism.'

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