USA - What kind of year is 2025 going to be? If you ask 1,000 different people that question, you will probably get 1,000 different answers. There are some that are very optimistic about the year ahead, but there are others that are very pessimistic about the year ahead. In fact, Gallup just conducted a survey that discovered that most Americans believe that 2025 will be a year of “political conflict, economic difficulty, international discord, increasing power for China and Russia, and a rising federal budget deficit”…
It appears that 2025 will also be a year of war. The US and Israel are openly talking about conducting a pre-emptive strike on Iran’s nuclear program, North Korea is threatening to invade South Korea, and long-range NATO missiles continue to hit targets deep inside Russia. In response, the Russians just fired missiles at Kyiv…
Elsewhere, Chinese President Xi Jinping is boldly declaring that “reunification” with Taiwan is inevitable and nobody will be able to stop it… Will 2025 be the year when China finally pulls the trigger? When it happens, we will instantly be at war with China. Ominously, the Chinese are in the midst of “the largest military build-up of any nation in the world since Germany in the 1930s”…