Every executive order Trump has signed in the last 24 hours

USA - Donald Trump has issued a flurry of executive orders and directives as he seeks to put his stamp on his new administration on issues ranging from immigration, gender and energy, to criminal pardons. The President signed some orders from the US Capitol, where his swearing-in ceremony took place, and more later at the White House. Executive orders allow presidents to enact some policies without the consent of Congress and can take effect immediately. Some could later be challenged in court.

Members of Mr Trump’s team have been working on the orders for months, and intend to use them to signal an abrupt change in direction from the Biden administration. Here are some of the key executive orders signed on Mr Trump’s first day back in office:

  • Diversity initiatives dismantled

  • Only two genders will be recognised

  • TikTok ban paused for 90 days

  • US Capitol rioters pardoned

  • US-Mexico border security beefed up

  • End birthright citizenship

  • National energy emergency plan

  • End working from home

  • Restrictions on fossil fuel extraction reversed

  • Gulf of Mexico renamed

  • Death penalty for police murders

  • EV mandate scrapped

  • US to leave World Health Organization

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Just what is an Apostle?

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)