Portugal on collision course with EU as centre-Right government falls after 11 days

PORTUGAL - Leftist anti-austerity forces wait in the wings after bringing down shortest government in Portugal's history. Portugal's centre-right government has collapsed after 11 days, after Left-wing forces bought down Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, putting the country on a collision course with the EU.

Al Qaeda Terror Boss Discovered On Migrant Boat

ITALY - A convicted terrorist has been caught trying to smuggle himself into Europe by posing as an asylum seeker, in a stark event proving correct those who warned of terrorists taking advantage of the European Union’s lax border controls.

On the brink: Christianity facing Middle East purge within decade

MIDDLE EAST - The dwindling Christian population of the Middle East could vanish completely within a decade unless the global community intervenes, say alarmed aid groups who say followers of the Bible are being killed, driven from their land or forced to renounce their faith at an unprecedented pace.

$944,143,000,000: Social Security Administration Spending Hit Record

USA - Social Security Administration Spending Hit Record in FY2015; $6,345 For Every American With a Job. Spending by the Social Security Administration - which includes payments for Social Security and disability benefits as well as Supplemental Security Income payments and the administrative costs for these programs - hit a record $944,143,000,000 in fiscal year 2015, according to data published by the US Treasury.

Behold: Sessions tweets photo of 5,554-page TPP bill

USA - The administration's Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty legislation is 5,554 pages long, twice that of Obamacare, a legislative nightmare highlighted in a tweet from Senator Jeff Sessions Monday. The Alabama Republican used his photo to alert critics that because the bill is fast-tracked, it cannot be filibustered or amended. Not only is the legislation filled with 2 million words, it measures exactly 2 feet high and weighs an amazing 100 pounds. The TPP is a trade agreement among 12 Pacific Rim countries.

China to Allow Direct Conversion Between Yuan and Swiss Franc

CHINA - China took another step to boost the yuan’s global usage, saying it will start direct trading with the Swiss franc, as the nation pushes its case for reserve-currency status at the International Monetary Fund. The link will start on Tuesday, the China Foreign Exchange Trade System said in a statement, making the franc the seventh major currency that can bypass a conversion into the US dollar and be directly exchanged for yuan.

Is America too fat to fight?

USA - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is a controversial figure in Western media because of his hard line on immigration. However, he dares to speak truths that make other politicians run for cover. One of these is the family. Shannon Roberts reports today on Orban's views on the rapid ageing of Europe.

Chinese Warships Dock In Florida With Ceremony

USA - With 3 Chinese warships docking at the US Navy Base in Mayport, Florida, Zero Hedge tells us that US Defense Secretary Ash Carter continues to wave a 'big stick' around the South Pacific despite the obvious contradictions soon after China warned they'd be preparing for the worst and the US recently testing China's territorial waters in the South China Seas.

Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ Takes Aim At Climate Deniers

USA - Phony data and corrupt scientists are just not enough to convince advocates to give up on climate change rhetoric. This underscores the religious nature of climate change as a form of Earth worship.

France Warns As Climate Summit Nears, ‘Life On Planet At Stake’

FRANCE - The byword on global warming is always the same: Alarmism and fear mongering. The odds are rapidly increasing that the Paris summit could experience a melt-down of its own if too many nations pull out of negotiations. Early signs of panic are evident.

Every UN Climate Summit Hailed As ‘Last Chance’ To Stop ‘Global Warming’

UNITED NATIONS - We are wearied of the UN always claiming that each meeting is the “last chance”, but if they didn’t say this, they couldn’t get anyone to do anything. The claims are obviously bogus if not downright incredulous.

EU leaders set to unleash NEW wave of migrants with 'mad' plot to woo African nations

EUROPE - European leaders are set to open the floodgates for hundreds of thousands of fresh migrants in a secret plot to woo African nations, it emerged today. The plans, which will see the EU throw open its doors to foreign students, doctors and entrepreneurs, have been branded "mad" at a time when the continent is facing an unprecedented migrant crisis.

Luxembourg's FM Jean Asselborn warns of EU collapse due to refugee crisis

EUROPE - Luxembourg's Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn has said the EU might "break apart" under the strain of the migrant crisis. His words come as politicians find themselves at odds over how to deal with the crisis. Asselborn said on Monday the EU might be heading toward a collapse, as member states struggle to cope with the influx of refugees trying to reach Europe.

SURPRISE! You're Eating Fukushima Radiation

USA - Americans and Canadians have been eating radioactive fish filled with bloody, cancerous tumors, as a result of contamination with radiation in the Pacific ocean from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. As of June, 2015, the radiation in the Pacific Ocean reached the US West Coast; the seafood you've been eating from the Pacific ocean is loaded with Cesium-137 and Strontium-90. Both radioactive.

Professor’s EPIC Class Intro Has Gone VIRAL; Here’s Why

USA - Professor Mike Adams took liberalism and progressivism to task in his viral class introduction that will leave you cheering. In a time where college students are offended by pretty much everything, one professor at UNC-Wilmington decided to cut through the rhetoric and let his students know that they aren’t the special snowflakes liberals that their parents would have them believe. His epic class introduction has gone viral, and for good reason: this is the most common sense lecture to come out of any college in a long time.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)