Warnings over resurgence of German far-Right movement Pegida

GERMANY - Fears are growing in Germany of a far-Right resurgence stoked by the refugee crisis, after nearly 20,000 took to the streets of Dresden in the biggest rally by the Pegida anti-immigrant movement for months. Martin Schulz, the German president of the European parliament, warned of the potential for “far-Right violence and brutality” while Sigmar Gabriel, the German vice-Chancellor, accused Pegida’s leaders of using the “battle rhetoric” of the early Nazi party. The charge came as one of the speakers at a massive Pegida rally in Dresden spoke of regret that “the concentration camps are out of action”.

Things Are Getting Scary: Global Police, Precrime and the War on Domestic ‘Extremists’

USA - Are you afraid that the government is plotting to confiscate your firearms? Do you believe the economy is about to collapse and the government will soon declare martial law? Do you display an unusual number of political and/or ideological bumper stickers on your car? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be an anti-government extremist (aka domestic terrorist) in the eyes of the police. As such, you are now viewed as a greater threat to America than ISIS or al Qaeda. Let that sink in a moment.

Genetic Modifications: Micro Pigs Make Debut In China

CHINA - Have you been pining for a “teacup” pig but worried that the supposedly petite porcine pet might grow as big as your bathtub? A Chinese biotech firm says it now has the answer: a genetically modified swine that tops out around 33 pounds.

Chinese Scientists Again: Now Its Genetically Modified Dogs

CHINA - Chinese scientists have created genetically-engineered, extra-muscular dogs, after editing the genes of the animals for the first time. The scientists create beagles that have double the amount of muscle mass by deleting a certain gene, reports the MIT Technology Review.

‘Super-fast’ Asteroid Will Give Earth A Close Shave On Halloween

NASA - A huge ‘super-fast’ asteroid is going to fly past our planet this Halloween - and has caught scientists by surprise. Scientists at NASA’s Pan-STARRS observatory in Hawaii say that the asteroid, named 2015 TB145, came as a surprise to the scientists, who spotted it less than two weeks ago. NASA says we’ve got nothing to worry about from the 2,000ft rock - which they admit has a ‘highly eccentric’ orbit. The asteroid, 2015 TB145, will pass Earth 499,000 miles away. NASA says, ‘The asteroid is on an extremely eccentric and a high inclination orbit. This is the closest approach by a known object this large until 1999 AN10 approaches within 1 lunar distance in August 2027.’ The space agency says that the asteroid poses no threat to life on Earth, but will be visible via telescopes on the 31st.

Canada to withdraw fighter jets from Syria and Iraq strikes

CANADA - Canadian Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau has confirmed he will withdraw Canadian fighter jets from the air strikes against Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria. He informed US President Barack Obama of his decision hours after leading his Liberal Party to victory in the polls.

Keystone & TPP under question as Canada elects Liberal PM

CANADA - The Liberal party’s victory in the Canadian general election is raising questions about the new government’s commitment to the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Keystone XL pipeline, projects of interest to the US championed by the outgoing cabinet.

OPEC Is About to Crush the US Oil Boom

SAUDI ARABIA - After a year suffering the economic consequences of the oil price slump, OPEC is finally on the cusp of choking off growth in US crude output. The nation’s production is almost back down to the level pumped in November, when the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries switched its strategy to focus on battering competitors and reclaiming market share.

It’s Illegal To Tell the Truth

USA - John Kiriakou is an American patriot who informed us of the criminal behavior of illegal and immoral US “cloak and dagger” operations that were bringing dishonor to our country. His reward was to be called a “traitor” by the idiot conservative Republicans and sentenced to prison by the corrupt US government.

German MPs 'drawing up plans' to close borders in challenge to Merkel's refugee policy

GERMANY - German MPs have reportedly drawn up plans to close the country’s borders in a direct challenge to Angela Merkel’s refugee policy. The move is the latest threat to the Schengen Agreement on border-free travel in continental Europe.

Saudi urges Iran to stop 'meddling' in neighbourhood

SAUDI ARABIA - Saudi Arabia's foreign minister on Monday urged Iran to stop "meddling" in the affairs of the kingdom's neighbours, warning that Riyadh stood ready to confront Tehran's actions. Iran openly backs President Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian war and is accused of also being behind rebels who overran large parts of Yemen last year and early this year.

Death toll from the Hajj pilgrimage stampede rises to 2,177

SAUDI ARABIA - The death toll from the stampede that struck the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia last month has risen to at least 2,177 pilgrims, latest figures show. The toll keeps rising from the September 24 disaster outside Mecca as individual countries identify bodies and work to determine the whereabouts of hundreds of pilgrims still missing. The official Saudi toll of 769 people killed and 934 injured has not changed since September 26 and officials have yet to address the discrepancy. King Salman ordered the investigation into the disaster, the deadliest in the history of the annual pilgrimage.

Chinese admiral visits Iran, wants closer defense cooperation

CHINA - China wants to deepen military ties with Iran, a senior Chinese admiral was quoted as saying on Thursday after a meeting with Iran's defense minister in Tehran. Admiral Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of staff of the People's Liberation Army, told Iranian Defence Minister Hossein Dehghan that China paid great attention to developing relations with Iran, China's Defence Ministry said.

Oregon couple who chose prayer over doctors will go to prison for child’s death

USA - Dale and Shannon Hickman don’t believe in doctors. Because of this religious conviction, set forth by the cult the couple belongs to, Oregon City’s Followers of Christ Church, the Hickmans let their premature infant die after being being born at home rather than seek medical help. As a result of this decision, the couple was convicted of manslaughter in 2011.

Why the BBC Is Biased Against Israel

UK - A grossly erroneous report on last week's Jerusalem attack seems to corroborate claims about the broadcaster's deep-seated anti-Israel bias. It doesn't: The real reason for the mistake is much more alarming, and it has nothing to do with Israel.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)