California chaos offer a preview of what El Niño could bring

USA - The storm that slammed into the high desert and mountains of Southern California this week was one for the record books. Intense rain sent massive mudflows onto highways, picking up cars and pushing them into one another. Hundreds of vehicles were trapped in mud up to 20 feet deep; in some cases, motorists were stranded overnight.

EU using the migrant crisis as an excuse for the creation of EU armed forces

UK - UKIP defence spokesman, Mike Hookem MEP has branded the EU as “opportunistic chancers” after it was announced that EUNAVFOR-MED was to move into a new phase of offensive operations against people traffickers in the Mediterranean, saying the new role was the “opening gambit” for the creation of combined EU armed forces.

The new game: American dominance is being challenged

UK - A continent separates the blood-soaked battlefields of Syria from the reefs and shoals that litter the South China Sea. In their different ways, however, both places are witnessing the most significant shift in great-power relations since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

China Says Military Will "Stand Up And Use Force" If US Sends Warships To Islands

USA - Earlier this week, US officials indicated that they are set to go through with a plan to sail warships around China’s man-made islands in the Spratlys. “It’s just a matter of time when it happens,” one government source told WSJ.

ISIS planning ‘nuclear tsunami’

USA - Nuclear annihilation across the globe. This is what a German reporter who successfully embedded with the Islamic State says the terror group is planning. Jurgen Todenhofer released his findings in a book titled “Inside IS - Ten Days in the Islamic State,” reports the UK’s Daily Express.

Wal-Mart’s worst stock crash in 27 years

USA - Now that a major global recession has begun, you would expect major retailers like Wal-Mart to run into trouble as consumer spending dries up, and that is precisely what is happening. On Wednesday, shares of Wal-Mart experienced their largest single day decline in 27 years after an extremely disappointing earnings projection was released. The stock was down about 10 percent, which represented the biggest plunge since January 1988.

Central Banks Are a “doomsday machine” sitting on a $100 trillion market implosion

USA - Former Reagan budget chief David Stockman has warned that the global markets are dangerously close to collapse and that, were it not for artificial forces, the world economy would suffer a $100 trillion market implosion.

HISTORIC DISCOVERY: Physicists 'PROVE' God DIDN'T create the Universe

CANADA - A TEAM of scientists have made what may turn out to be the most important discovery in HISTORY – how the universe came into being from nothing. The colossal question has troubled religions, philosophers and scientists since the dawn of time but now a Canadian team believe they have solved the riddle. And the findings are so conclusive they even challenge the need for religion, or at least an omnipotent creator – the basis of all world religions.

The American Food Shortage You Knew Nothing About

USA - The United States simply is not growing enough vegetables to meet its needs, data collected by the USDA’s Economic Research Service indicates. Around 1.65 cups of vegetables were available per person per day in the United States in 2013, even though dietary guidelines recommend a person consume 2.5 to 3 cups of vegetables a day, NPR reported, using government data.

Compulsory Adult Vaccination Bill 792 Signed Into Law

USA - Governor Jerry Brown has signed SB 792, a bill to further strengthen California’s mandatory vaccine laws by requiring that adults who work or volunteer at day care centers be vaccinated. A violation of the act is a crime.

Obama Keeps Ignoring Advice of Military Commanders…

USA - Obama keeps ignoring advice of military commanders. In the end, President Obama was forced to listen to his generals — not his political instincts — on Afghanistan troop levels, and he decided to split the difference. Mr Obama is keeping 5,500 troops in Afghanistan beyond his presidency, about half the strength recommended by his top general in-country. It marks the sixth time he has rejected the advice of a ground commander on the force size in the long Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Military experts call that streak unprecedented for a commander in chief.

The feminization of America accelerates as universities shame men for being men

USA - The Left's feminization of male culture in America is continuing unabated on campus after campus around the United States, with the most recent effort emanating from Vanderbilt University in Nashville. The Media Research Center reports that the university's Women's Center is set to host a week-long event that will focus on lecturing men about a concept sponsors are calling "healthy masculinity," whatever that is.

Halloween Is The Biggest Day Of The Year For The Fastest Growing Religion In America

USA - If you are a witch, Halloween is not just another holiday. For Wiccans, the festival known as “Samhain” is the time when the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest, and so communication with the other side is the easiest.

Obama gives Pope Francis the fingerComment

USA - President Obama has decided that his invited guests for the arrival of Pope Francis next week will include transgender activists, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, and a nun who criticizes church policies on abortion and euthanasia. The Vatican has objected. It notes that photos taken with the pope might be used to suggest his endorsement of activities he does not approve.

Pope Francis praises US-Cuba detente as model for world

VATICAN - Pope Francis’ hailed detente between the United States and Cuba as a model of reconciliation for the world, urging Presidents Barack Obama and Raul Castro to persevere in building normal ties as the pontiff launched a 10-day tour of the former Cold War foes Saturday.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)