Real-life ‘Jurassic Park’? Siberian lab set to clone extinct mammals

RUSSIA - Russian scientists have begun their quest to clone pre-historic animals, including but not limited to a woolly mammoth, hoping that Siberian permafrost will give them a competitive advantage and the good possibly of finding undamaged DNA samples to resurrect the ancient species.

German government promoting the German arms industry

GERMANY - The German government is firmly committed to promoting the German arms industry. According to a "strategy paper" recently adopted by the cabinet, the government is planning to "increase investments" in the development of "defense-related technologies."

People who sleep less than six hours are four times more likely to catch a cold

UK - Lack of sleep is the most important factor in determining whether someone will catch a cold, new research has found. Sleepers who managed fewer than six hours of slumber each night are four times more likely to get ill than those who manage at least seven. It is the first study to categorically connect people's natural sleeping habits with their risk of picking up a virus. Sleep was found to be a more important factor in catching a cold than stress, smoking, education, or income, all of which are known to impact on overall health. Researcher Professor Derk-Jan Dijk, who leads a sleep and physiology unit at Surrey, said sleep was a fundamental ‘pillar of health’ alongside diet and exercise. Professor Dijk, said: “Insufficient sleep, defined as inadequate or mis-timed sleep, is increasingly recognised as contributing to a wide range of health problems.”

Europe breaking up? EU could scrap free movement in wake of migrant crisis

EUROPE - European bosses are threatening to scrap free movement within its nations and bring back border controls as the migrant crisis deepens across the continent. German chancellor Angela Merkel said the Schengen zone, which allows people to move across 26 European countries without the need for passports checks, could not continue unless all nations take in a share of immigrants.

Theresa May Says EU Citizens Should Only Be Allowed To Immigrate Here If They Have Jobs

UK - Only European migrants with jobs lined up should be allowed in to the UK, Theresa May has said, as she blamed Europe's "system of no borders" for the recent migration crisis. The Home Secretary said the principle of free movement within the EU has allowed jobless citizens to move countries in search of work and benefits, putting pressure on public services and infrastructure. She added that the events of this summer, which has seen hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees risking their lives to reach Europe, should act as a "wake-up call" to EU leaders. Earlier this week official data showed net migration in to Britain had reached a record high, hitting 330,000 in the year to March. Mrs May said the figure was "far too high" and "simply unsustainable".

Czech President Calls for Army to Defend Border Against Migrants

EUROPE - The Czech Republic should defend its borders, using the army to expel “illegal immigrants” because the European Union isn’t curbing the influx of refugees into the bloc, President Milos Zeman said. Zeman’s comments echoed those of other politicians calling for the EU to take action to stem the flood of people into the region from Syria and other conflict areas as they travel through Greece and the Balkan states to western Europe. “Of course I would wish for the EU to strengthen its borders, but I don’t see any real action,” Zeman told reporters in Prague Castle on Monday. “Therefore I believe the Czech Republic should take of its borders alone and expel illegal immigrants from the borders, including with the use of the army.”

China isn’t the crisis some would have you believe

CHINA - It is never possible to be sure that we aren’t about to face disaster. Some people seem to have made a living by foreseeing trouble ahead. The American stock market has “forecast” something like 10 of what turned out to be the past two recessions. And there is no reason why the Chinese stock market shouldn’t follow the same pattern.

The unreal, unhealthy world kids can see online

USA - The unreal, unhealthy world kids can see online that parents may never have heard of. No wonder Steve Jobs was low tech at home.

Polygamists sue to have their ‘marriages’ recognised

USA - It didn’t take long. Within weeks of the US Supreme Court decision to legalise same-sex marriage, polygamous families have sued to have their own relationships recognised as marriages. Kody Brown and his four wives are the stars of Sister Wives, the reality TV show about the day-to-day life of a polygamous family. The Browns used to live in Utah, where the government prosecutes openly polygamous spouses, so they have moved over the border. Nevada has a more relaxed approach to these issues. The Browns are on a roll. In December 2013 they won a legal victory when a Federal district court overturned parts of a Utah statute banning polygamous marriages. But the Utah Attorney-General has appealed. He claims that women and children in polygamous relationships are often abused and that courts have consistently reprehended polygamy.

Apocalypse now - Our incessant desire to picture the end of the world

USA - As is typical of our time, over the past few months, many newscasters have used the words apocalypse or apocalyptic to evoke the negative implications of events as diverse as the threat of Grexit, music streaming wars, an asteroid threat, the American housing market, the migrant crisis, the continuing war in Syria and the negative state of the world more generally. Not to mention the flurry of posts which have appeared about upcoming instalments in the highly successful X-Men franchise, X Men: Apocalypse or our obsession with zombies.

Women should dress modestly or expect to ‘entice a rapist’

UK - Women who walk around drunk and provocatively dressed should expect to be sexually assaulted, Chrissie Hynde, the lead singer of the Pretenders, has suggested. The former chart topper claimed in a Sunday newspaper interview that scantily clad women were likely to “entice a rapist” and that it is their “fault” if they are attacked. She discloses in a new memoir how she was abducted and sexually assaulted by a motorcycle gang in Ohio in the early 1970s – but concludes it was “all my doing” because of the way she was dressed and the fact that she was under the influence of drugs. “If I'm walking around and I'm very modestly dressed and I'm keeping to myself and someone attacks me, then I'd say that's his fault. But if I'm being very lairy and putting it about and being provocative, then you are enticing someone who's already unhinged — don't do that.”

Mystery surrounds dead fish washed-up on beach that even seagulls won't touch

UK - Britain's most beautiful beaches have been covered in thousands of tiny fish in a Bank Holiday mystery. Beachgoers at Branscombe and Sidmouth were swamped with thousands of tiny fish, believed to be whitebait. Families enjoying a day out were shocked to find piles of dead fish at the high water mark during the Bank Holiday weekend. Questions remain over how the fish ended up on the Devon beaches and why none of the hungry seagulls will touch them. The seabirds that have plagued Britain's holidaygoers this summer seemed to be refusing to take advantage of the free meal in front of them.

PASTORPOCALYPSE - At least 400 church leaders to RESIGN Sunday

USA - This Sunday could be a distressing day for millions of churchgoers across the country. As many as 400 pastors, some of them leading megachurch congregations, may resign following the Ashley Madison leak.

Armed patrols and spot checks planned for European trains

EUROPE - Security on Europe's rail networks will be stepped up with cross-border armed patrols and increased spot checks on trains, European ministers said on Saturday. Tickets on international routes could also bear passengers' names, under a proposal to be considered by European states. In response to the foiled gun attack on a French train last weekend, Theresa May, the Home Secretary, and ministers from eight other European countries agreed at a meeting in Paris to step up cooperation between national police and security forces. The ministers stressed the need for “coordinated and simultaneous checks on targeted routes” and urged the European Commission to strengthen gun control.

‘Unprecedented show of military cooperation’

RUSSIA - As Russia and China were staging their biggest joint maritime exercises in history, RT correspondent Daniel Bushell was aboard the Russian flagship to take the action in first hand. Chinese and Russian commanders coordinating the drills, which have been dubbed ‘Joint Sea 2015 II,’ described it as an “unprecedented show of military cooperation,” according to Bushell. A total of 22 ships, 20 aircraft, 40 armored vehicles, and 500 marines from the two countries, including the Varyag missile cruiser, flagship of the Russian Pacific fleet; and the Shenyang destroyer, the Chinese flagship, participated in the active phase of the exercises. The drills were held in Peter the Great Bay not far from the port-city of Vladivostok in Russia’s Far East, as the vessels conducted their training operations in both Russian territorial waters and neutral waters in the Sea of Japan.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)