UK Police Target Schoolchildren As Young as FOUR With Tax Payer Funded, Transgender Propaganda

UK - Police and local government agencies in the United Kingdom are distributing a “pioneering” document for “empowering teachers to encourage and support” transgenderism in schools at the “earliest stages” after a four-year-old child identified as transgender. The “School Transgender Guidance” document has been distributed to all schools in the Cornwall area, and been named as “best practice” by the UK government’s Department of Education. It says transgenderism can potentially be identified in those as young as two, and discusses powerful, irreversible and controversial treatments for prepubescent children. The UK is leading the way, and authorities in Canada launched similar guidelines in 2014, as did the US Department of Education. New York State followed this year and just days ago similar guidelines sparked a huge controversy in Alaska.

Khamenei urges Islamic unity against real enemies: US and Israel

IRAN - Iran’s supreme leader claimed Saturday that Islamic nations were being manipulated into internal strife by the world’s “bullies” and urged Islamic unity in the face of what he identified as the Umma’s two greatest enemies: the US and Israel.

Iranian Official: We “Reject the Existence of Any Israeli on This Earth”

IRAN - Hussein Sheikholeslam, a senior adviser to Iran’s Speaker of Parliament, told the Hamas-affiliated newspaper al-Resalah that Tehran “reject[s] the existence of any Israeli on this earth,” a position he says Iran relayed to the P5+1 powers during the nuclear negotiations, The Times of Israel reported Wednesday.

Iranian EMP attack on US 'Shariah-compliant'

IRAN - Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon that complies with Islamic law should be grounds enough for Congress to kill the agreement between Iran and the West, since just a “Shariah-compliant” bomb could “threaten the existence of the United States,” according to two experts.

China, Russia to launch largest-ever joint navy exercise

CHINA - The Chinese and Russian navies are gearing up for their largest-ever joint exercises, slated to begin Thursday in the Pacific with more than 20 ships and featuring anti-submarine operations as well as a joint-beach landing. The “Joint Sea 2015 II” exercises will run through August 28 in the Sea of Japan and off the coast of Vladivostok. While analysts say the operations have increased in size and sophistications during recent years, the Chinese and Russian navies have held five such joint exercises over the past decade. But in the current round of exercises, Chinese frigates have reportedly made their first-ever visit to the Russian Novorossiysk naval base in the Black Sea.

Russian troops to join China’s parade to celebrate victory over Japan in WWII

CHINA - Russia will be one of ten foreign countries that will take part in a grand parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of China's victory over Japan, which has put strain on the already-tense relationship between Beijing and Tokyo. "Their participation in the parade is a clear indication of their willingness to jointly commemorate victory in the World anti-fascist War, and a symbol of the pursuit of and hope for lasting world peace," Qu Rui, deputy chief of the Operations Department of the General Staff Headquarters of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) told the media in Beijing. China has worked hard to remind the world that it suffered casualties of at least 15 million people, mostly civilians, in its fight against Axis Japan, a role, Chinese politicians say is underplayed in Western narratives of World War II.

It Starts: Broad Retaliation Against China in Currency War

CHINA - The biggest global “tail risk” is China’s deteriorating economy and an emerging market debt crisis, according to BofA Merrill Lynch’s monthly poll of fund managers. And 48% of them were expecting the Fed to raise rates, despite languid growth and low inflation expectations.

So what exploded in China on 12 August?

CHINA - China silences the reasons and consequences of the country's largest industrial disaster that happened in the city port of Tianjin on Wednesday, 12th of August. The blasts are still going on, residents take to the streets for spontaneous protests. And there occurs a parallel with Chernobyl - not only given the facts of concealment, but also the extent of the tragedy. So, what exploded in China?

German firm to run Greek airports as sell-off begins

GERMANY - A German firm was this week chosen to take over 14 Greek airports as Athens begins selling off its assets to meet the terms of its bailout deal. It is not the first time Greece’s economic crisis has boosted the coffers of its biggest creditor.

Are the Feasts of the Lord for today?

USA - Many Christians refer to them as “the Jewish feasts or holidays.” Yet, nowhere in the Bible are they referred to as such. Instead, God refers to them as His “Feasts of the Lord.” They were practiced from the time of Moses, through Jesus, through the Apostles and early church and, according to prophetic scripture, will be practiced in the Kingdom of God after the return of Jesus – by all nations.

Greece crisis: PM Alexis Tsipras quits and calls early polls

GREECE - Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has announced he is resigning and has called an early election. Mr Tsipras, who was only elected in January, said he had a moral duty to go to the polls now a third bailout had been secured with European creditors. The election date is yet to be set but earlier reports suggested 20 September.

Belfast Pastor on Trial for Offending Islam

NORTHERN IRELAND - An evangelical Christian pastor in Northern Ireland has made his first court appearance after he was charged with making "grossly offensive" remarks about Islam. James McConnell, 78, appeared at Laganside Magistrates Court in Belfast on August 6, after local Muslims complained that he delivered a sermon in which he described Islam as "heathen" and "satanic."

ISIS Re-Establish Their Hold On Qaddafi’s Home Town

LIBYA - The UN says 38 were killed in the rising. Fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) militants have reestablished dominance over the Libyan city of Sirte after using brutal force to suppress a rebellion by residents of the city in recent days. The militants shelled a residential neighborhood and hung at least four bodies from lampposts in the coastal city, according to witnesses who spoke to the UN Support Mission in Libya. The militants also beheaded 12 people, according to the foreign minister from Libya’s internationally-recognized government who spoke to officials from Arab states in Cairo on Tuesday. Meanwhile, as in Iraq and Syria, ISIS have established a stronghold, which could be a base for future growth in Libya and beyond, amid the vacuum of civil war.

California Land Sinking Due To Groundwater Pumping Amid Drought

USA - Vast areas of California's Central Valley are sinking faster than in the past as massive amounts of groundwater are pumped during the historic drought, NASA said in new research released Wednesday. The research shows that in some places the ground is sinking nearly two inches each month, putting infrastructure on the surface at growing risk of damage. Sinking land has occurred for decades in California because of excessive groundwater pumping during drought conditions, but the new data shows it is happening faster. Mark Cowin, head of the California Department of Water Resources, said the costly damage has occurred to major canals that deliver water up and down the state. In addition, wells are being depleted, he said.

Rouhani Hits Israel With 1969 Al-Aqsa Arson Libel

IRAN - Iranian president reviles Israel for 'massacre' attempt to burn down Al-Aqsa mosque - except it was done by an insane Australian Christian. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Thursday gave credence to an old libel to attack Israel, falsely accusing it of a 1969 arson attack against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)