China stock market turmoil returns as house price data spooks investors

CHINA - China's stock market sell-off resumed at a brutal pace on Tuesday, as fears that the housing market could overheat panicked investors. Shares listed on the country's main index, the Shanghai Composite, fell by nearly 6.2 percent despite apparent interventions by Beijing to stabilise the market during the session. Trading was characterised by volatile swings in the index, which has come to act as a barometer for the health of the world's second-largest economy. There is growing concern that China's economic slowdown will be more severe than forecast, while the widely-expected rise in interest rates in the US has also weighed on investors. Moreover, Beijing's decision to embark on a devaluation of the yuan last week suggested that the country's role in the global economy is shifting, and that authorities are keen to shore up the economy as growth slows.

World shipping slump deepens as China retreats

CHINA - Ports across the world suffer worst hit since the Lehman crisis as emerging markets wilt, but trade may not matter so much to global GDP any longer. World shipping has fallen into a deep slump over the late summer, dashing hopes of a quick recovery from the global trade recession earlier this year and heightening fears that the six-year economic expansion may be on its last legs. Freight rates for container shipping from Asia to Europe fell by over 20 percent in the second week of August, even though trade volumes should be picking up at this time of the year. The Shanghai Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) for routes to north European ports crashed by 23 percent in five trading days. The storm in the shipping industry comes as the New York state manufacturing index for July plummeted to a recessionary low of minus 14.9, the lowest since the Great Recession and one of the steepest one-month drops ever recorded.

Angela Merkel expects IMF to take part in Greek bailout

GERMANY - German Chancellor says the International Monetary Fund will probably take part in a new bailout for Greece. German Chancellor Angela Merkel tried to reassure sceptical lawmakers on Sunday that the International Monetary Fund would take part in a new bailout for Greece, before a parliamentary vote in which many of her conservatives may break ranks and reject the rescue.

The California Drought Is So Bad, It Might Be Killing The Giant Sequoia

USA - A full-grown giant sequoia is a thirsty tree. In the height of summer, the millenia-old behemoths, some of which grow upwards of 30 stories tall, can guzzle 500 to 800 gallons of water per day. They can also survive a variety of scourges that would fell an inferior conifer - beetles, wildfires, storms. But scientists are worried the species may have met its match in the ongoing California drought.

Is it Certain That Iran Aims to Eliminate Israel’s Jews?

IRAN - While it’s uncertain how long Iran’s current leadership will remain in power, it is certain that this leadership is fanatically determined to eliminate the Jews in Israel. Among evidence supporting this view is one item generally overlooked: The very name of the regime’s elite “Quds Force.”

Greek government on its 'last legs' while Angela Merkel faces growing rebellion in Berlin

GREECE - 'Deep wounds' within ruling Syriza party and growing disquiet in Berlin threaten to derail political support for a new €86 billion Greek rescue. Key ally of German chancellor says he is undecided on whether or not to support Greek rescue package. Greek MPs are poised to hold a vote of confidence in the government of Alexis Tsipras after Leftist party rebels deserted the prime minister over the punishing terms of a third international bail-out agreement.

Germany, Not China, Is Today’s Real Trade Culprit

GERMANY - China’s decision to allow its currency to drop in value looks like an act of economic war, an effort to cheapen its currency to boost exports and prosperity at home while hurting trade partners. But Germany, not China, is the real winner in global currency and trade wars right now.

‘Let the hag burn’: Rise in attacks on refugees fuels German debate on racism

GERMANY - A surge in xenophobic attacks and hate speech targeting asylum seekers in Germany is igniting a firestorm in the nation where the Nazis taught the dangers of intolerance. Prominent personalities have condemned the attacks as well as a recent rash of public vitriol on social media and elsewhere.

China hoarding gold in move to challenge dollar

CHINA - Despite devaluing its currency four days in a row last week, China appears to be hoarding gold in an effort to win a place in the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs. It’s a move that fund analyst Jeffrey Borneman, CEO of Rampart Portfolio Partners, LLC, described in an interview with WND as, ultimately, a challenge to the US dollar as the world’s leading reserve currency in international trading.

Away From Dollar: Russia, China to Create Entirely Different Gold Market

CHINA - While key Western banks are artificially restraining gold prices to breathe life into the diluted and devalued dollar system, Russia,China and other emerging economies are involved in “the genial move” to establish an entirely different gold market, F William Engdahl underscores. Key central banks, particularly the Federal Reserve and Bank of England, and Western market players have long been accused of clandestine gold price manipulating aimed at preserving the dollar’s role “as world reserve currency primus,” the American-German economic researcher and historian writes.

Nearly half of Americans live in areas prone to earthquakes, study says

USA - You don't have to live in California to be at risk of experiencing an earthquake, according to a new study. Research released by the US Geological Survey indicates nearly half of Americans live in earthquake-prone areas. "The new exposure estimate is nearly double the previous 2006 estimate, based on population growth and advances in science," said William Leith, a senior science adviser for earthquakes at the USGS.

More than 143 million Americans could be exposed to potentially damaging ground shaking caused by earthquakes, the study concludes. Researchers looked at how populations have grown in earthquake-prone areas, and they say improvements in data collection provide a more accurate estimate than in years past.

Did You Know That The US No Longer Has Any Strategic Grain Reserves At All?

USA - The US does not have any strategic grain reserves left at all. Zero. So if a major food crisis hit this country, our government would have nothing to give us. The US strategic grain reserve was initially created during the days of the Great Depression. Back then, the wisdom of storing up food for hard times was self-evident. Unfortunately, over time interest in this program faded, and at this point there is no strategic grain reserve in the United States at all. Of course if there are no major national emergencies of any kind and life just continues on normally for decades to come, this will not be an issue. But what if something does happen?

Amazon Only Perfected What American Work Culture Created

USA - Nasty, brutish and short. The Amazon workplace, as depicted in this weekend’s damning New York Times front page story, is apparently a Hobbesian world where over-achieving employees work 24/7 for bosses who demand slavish devotion at the expense of their health and personal life until they finally burn out and quit. Does that really seem that unusual to anyone?

Doomsday clock for global market crash strikes one minute to midnight as central banks lose controlComment

UK - China currency devaluation signals endgame leaving equity markets free to collapse under the weight of impossible expectations. It is only a matter of time before stock markets collapse under the weight of their lofty expectations and record valuations. When the banking crisis crippled global markets seven years ago, central bankers stepped in as lenders of last resort. Profligate private-sector loans were moved on to the public-sector balance sheet and vast money-printing gave the global economy room to heal.

American Jewry’s fateful hour

USA - American Jewry is being tested today as never before. The future of the community is tied up in the results of the test. If the Jews of America are able to mount a successful, forceful and sustained opposition to President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, which allows the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism to become a nuclear-armed state and provides it with $150 billion up front, then the community will survive politically to fight another day.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)