Republicans React to Nuclear Deal; 'Shame on Obama'

USA - Senator Bob Corker 'deeply skeptical' about deal; Huckabee rebukes Obama admin for 'empowering Iranian regime'. Leading Republican Party figures have responded to the deal signed Tuesday morning between Iran and world powers - led by the United States - with skepticism.

Three Supreme Court Justices Have Been Ruling On Cases Involving Companies Whose Stock They Own

USA - The Supreme Court’s top justice and two associate justices have repeatedly ruled in cases involving companies in which they owned stock, according to a court watchdog group. The organization Fix the Court says in a report that Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justices Stephen Breyer and Samuel Alito have created potential conflicts of interest by participating in decisions that potentially affected their stock portfolio.

The Last Days of ‘Normal Life’ in America

USA - If you have got family and friends that you would like to visit before things start getting really crazy, you should do so within the next couple of months, because these are the last days of “normal life” in America. The website where I have posted this article is called “End of the American Dream”, but perhaps I should have entitled it “The End of America” because that is essentially what we are heading for.

Russia blocks atheist webpage over 'insulting' believers

RUSSIA - A Russian atheist social networking page was blocked Monday on the back of a court ruling that it insulted the feelings of religious believers. The group called "There is no God" on the VKontakte networking site - which had over 26,000 followers - went offline for users across the whole country.

The Really Big One

USA - Most people in the United States know just one fault line by name: the San Andreas, which runs nearly the length of California and is perpetually rumored to be on the verge of unleashing “the big one.” That rumor is misleading, no matter what the San Andreas ever does. Every fault line has an upper limit to its potency, determined by its length and width, and by how far it can slip.

Greece debt crisis: Eurozone summit reaches agreementComment

EUROPE - Eurozone leaders have reached agreement over a third Greek bailout after marathon talks in Brussels. EU chairman Donald Tusk said leaders agreed "in principle" on negotiations for the bailout, "which in other words means continued support for Greece". Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that after a "tough battle", Greece had secured a "growth package" of €35 billion (£25 billion), and won debt restructuring. Greece will now have to pass reforms demanded by the eurozone by Wednesday.

Bewildered Greeks Left Wondering What Happened To Referendum 'No' Vote

GREECE - Less than a week after they celebrated their rejection of a harsh austerity plan, many Greeks are struggling to understand why Alexis Tsipras is signing up to even deeper spending cuts. Less than a week after they triumphantly gave international creditors a bloody nose by rejecting a harsh austerity plan, angry and bewildered Greeks are left wondering how they now find themselves swallowing an even worse deal.

Greece News: Three Days To Prevent Grexit As Leaders Issue Ultimatum

GREECE - Greece faces "time-out" from the single currency bloc if its government does not agree to implement creditor demands, draft deal shows. Greece has been given until Wednesday to push through a series of harsh austerity measures or face suspension from the eurozone, as policymakers insisted it remained up to Athens to win back creditors’ trust.

Dear Britain, There Is Life Outside The EU

EUROPE - Iceland, Switzerland and Norway all enjoy the perks of the European market without the burden of the EU. So come on out - the water's lovely. Is it possible to be part of a European market but not of a political union in Europe? Absolutely. Our countries are doing precisely that now. And you know something? It’s working pretty well.

Iranian Media Outlines Nuclear Deal - And It's Very Bad Indeed

IRAN - Expected deal to immediately lift all sanctions, arms embargoes against Iran and close UN files on Iranian nuclear program. Semi-official Fars news agency in Iran has published an outline of the expected nuclear agreement between Iran and Western powers. The most notable aspect of the deal is that "all economic, financial and banking sanctions against Iran will be terminated for good on day one after the endorsement of the deal."

Democrats Introduce Bill to Ban ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ as ‘Anti-Gay’ Words

USA - Fresh off the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, Democrats in California have introduced a bill that would ban the words “husband” and “wife” from being used in federal law because they are “gendered terms” and discriminate against gay people. The words husband and wife were deleted from California state law last year in order to accommodate same sex marriage.

The Earth Erupts! Three Volcanoes Ablaze

• Hundreds of people evacuated from villages located at the foot of the Colima Volcano in western Mexico

• The Villarrica Volcano, around 460 miles south of the Santiago, Chile has been erupting overnight

• An ash cloud from Mount Raung on Java, Indonesia has forced Bali airport to close for the second time this week

• Mount Sinabung in Sumatra, Idonesia, has been erupting

Jade Helm Exercise Kicks Off and The Military Is Banning Media From Covering It

USA - Its official: the much-scrutinized military exercise known as Jade Helm 15 is kicking off this week. While concerns about the training exercise were shrugged off as a “conspiracy theory,” the military and now mainstream media are openly acknowledging the drills. Most telling of all is that the military is barring media access and coverage of the controversial Special Operations exercise.

The EU’s Bid To Crush 'National Egoism’ Is Tearing It Apart

EUROPE - The dream of a cosily 'united Europe' is running into a brick wall of political reality. To understand why we are looking at an extraordinary watershed in history, we might ask what a series of events and dramas dominating the news have in common. We begin with the ongoing tragi-farce over Greece and the euro, following that referendum where the Greeks were asked to choose between a “Yes” campaign, which held that their country must remain firmly in both the euro and the EU, and a “No” campaign arguing equally firmly that Greece must remain in both the euro and the EU.

24 hours to save the euro: Germany prepares for a 'temporary' Greek exit as euro project on the brink of collapse

GERMANY - The German government has begun preparations for Greece to be ejected from the eurozone, as the European Union faces 24 hours to rescue the single currency project from the brink of collapse. Finance ministers failed to break the deadlock with Greece over a new bail-out package, after nine hours of acrimonious talks as creditors accused Athens of destroying their trust. It leaves the future of the eurozone in tatters only 15 years after its inception.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)