UPDATE: Greek deal in sight as Germany bows to huge global pressure for debt relief

EUROPE - Germany is at last bowing to pressure as a chorus of countries and key institutions demand debt relief for Greece, a shift that could break the five-month stalemate and avert a potentially disastrous rupture of monetary union at this Sunday’s last-ditch summit. In a highly significant move, the European Council has called on both sides to make major concessions, insisting that the creditor powers must do their part as the radical Syriza government puts forward a new raft of proposals on economic reforms before a deadline expires tonight.

Central Banks Scramble to Rescue… Stocks, Not Greece

EUROPE - Stocks are sacred. Except those in Greece where no one knows when banks will reopen and what currency or IOUs or whatever they will dispense when they do reopen, and no one knows how Greek businesses are supposed to function under these circumstances, how they’re supposed to pay their employees and produce and sell things and provide services. And no one knows what Greek stocks are worth because the Athens Stock Exchange remains closed.

Germany Wants Russian Sanctions Lifted To Safeguard Economy

GERMANY - The Minsk II ceasefire must be respected by both Russia and Ukraine if sanctions against Moscow are to be lifted, said a German lawmaker on Monday, according to Tass, a pro-Russian news site.

Between Berlin and a Hard Place: Greece and the German Strategy to Dominate EuropeComment

EUROPE - “If the euro fails, then Europe fails,” said the Chancellor in May of 2010, shortly after the first Greek bailout program was agreed. “The euro is in danger. If we do not avert this danger, then the consequences for Europe are incalculable and then the consequences beyond Europe are incalculable.” Merkel worked closely with Mr Schauble at the Finance Ministry and her Minister of Economics, Rainer Brüderle, to write a draft proposal outlining the changes Germany wanted in the European Union.

“Five days to save Greece from the abyss” warn European leaders

EUROPE - The European Union faces "the most critical" moment in its 64-year history, after leaders warned they had five days to prevent Greece from careering out of the euro and into a full blown humanitarian crisis. "Our inability to find agreement may lead to the bankruptcy of Greece and the insolvency of its banking system", said Donald Tusk, head of the European Council, after talks between Greece and its partners ended without agreement on Tuesday night.

Merkel Must End Devil's Pact with America

GERMANY - Following the latest revelations about surveillance by the United States on the German government and media, it is high time for Chancellor Angela Merkel to take action against the systematic spying. The German-American friendship no longer exists.

Will Angela Merkel Save the European Ideal?

GERMANY - In any great political crisis, there comes a moment when great leadership is required — the sort of leadership that prioritizes the general good over sectional interests and that shapes events rather than reacting to them. Following Sunday’s referendum in Greece, the European debt crisis, which is ultimately a political crisis, has reached such a moment. Because of the way the European Union works, only Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, is in a position to preserve not just Greece’s continued membership in the eurozone but the larger vision of an open, democratic, and fraternal Europe that has dominated the continent’s history for the past seventy years.

German missile battery receives orders from… unknown ‘hackers’ – report

GERMANY - The German Patriot air and missile defense systems, stationed at the Turkish border with Syria, have carried out “unexplained” commands allegedly issued by unknown hackers, according to a German media report since rebutted by the government. The US-produced missile systems, belonging to the German Bundeswehr armed forces and based on the territory of NATO ally Turkey since 2013, have been compromised, according to a report in the German Behörden Spiegel.

ISIS Set to Invade Europe

LIBYA - ISIS members could infiltrate Europe together with masses of refugees from Libya, Syria, and Iraq – ironically fleeing ISIS terror in their homelands, said Michele Coninsx, head of the EU's judicial cooperation agency Eurojust. Speaking Monday in Brussels, Coninsx told reporters that the EU was working together with other countries to prevent the migration of ISIS terrorists. She declined to specify exactly what steps were being taken.

Israel slams UNESCO for ‘deliberately’ ignoring Jerusalem’s Jewish, Christian roots

UNITED NATIONS - In declaring the Temple Mount area a “Muslim holy site of worship,” the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on July 7 issued a “completely one sided resolution” on the Old City of Jerusalem that “deliberately ignores the historical connection between the Jewish people and their ancient capital,” Israeli officials said.

Settlers: ban Muslim entry to Al-Aqsa from July 26

ISRAEL - ‘Temple Mount’ organisations and groups have demanded in an official letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu that Al-Aqsa Mosque be closed to Muslims for a week from July 26. The closure of the mosque compound would include the week of ‘The destruction of the Temple’, a Jewish holiday which comes a week after Eid al-Fatr at the end of Ramadan. Al-Aqsa Foundation said that settlers had demanded Al-Aqsa Mosque be closed to Muslims during this week, and that settlers be permitted to enter, from July 26.

Good Luck Finding a Place to Hide as Global Markets Crumble

USA - Investors tend to respond to impending doom by selling risky stuff and hiding out in safer assets - namely, bonds in places such as Germany and the US. There’s a problem with that formula this time around: Traders aren’t so sure they can find anything that’s truly safe right now.

Puerto Rico's 'unpayable' debt: is this the Greece of the western hemisphere?

PUERTO RICO - Democratic presidential frontrunner joins calls to allow the US territory to restructure its $72 billion debt as senators prepare new legislation. In Washington, two Democratic senators hope to move forward within weeks with legislation in Congress that would allow the US territory to restructure debts in bankruptcy court, instead of risking chaos.

Where’s the Pope’s Encyclical on Christian Persecution?Comment

VATICAN - Pope Francis recently released a new encyclical. Portions of it deal with environmentalism, global warming, and climate change. Naturally, this has prompted controversy. It’s noteworthy that Francis didn’t merely make a passing comment on global warming during this or that sermon, but that he issued a papal encyclical on the matter.

Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

ISRAEL - A re-established and self declared Israeli Sanhedrin, the religious High Court composed of 71 sages, has declared that it is putting Pope Francis on trial unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem. In February 2013, the Vatican officially recognized the “State of Palestine” but more significantly, the Vatican signed a treaty in June with “Palestine” in which the Holy See switched its diplomatic relations from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the “State of Palestine”.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)