Philadelphia Boy Scouts council allows openly gay leaders

USA - A Boy Scouts council in Philadelphia will welcome qualified scoutmasters and den mothers regardless of sexual orientation, in opposition to the national organization's ban on openly gay scout leaders, the council president said on Friday. The move by the Cradle of Liberty Council, which serves more than 15,000 members in the Philadelphia area, comes a month after Robert Gates, president of The Boy Scouts of America, called for an end to the long-time ban on adult gay leaders. "When we heard the remarks, we thought it was a good time for change," said council president James Papada, who announced the unanimous vote by the council's board of directors.

Call me Caitlyn or else: the rise of authoritarian transgender politics

USA - The Vanity Fair photo of Bruce Jenner in a boob-enhancing swimsuit is being described as iconic. Bruce, one-time American athlete, now wants to be known as Caitlyn, having recently undergone some gender transitioning. And he’s using the cover of the latest Vanity Fair to make his ‘debut as a woman’. Next to the headline ‘Call me Caitlyn’, he’s all photoshopped svelteness, pampered hair and look-at-me breasts, in what many experts are already describing as ‘an iconic image in magazine history’.

Greek Debt Committee Just Declared All Debt To The Troika

GREECE - It was in April when we got a stark reminder of a post we first penned in April of 2011, describing Odious Debt, and why we thought sooner or later this legal term would become applicable for Greece, because two months ago Greek Zoi Konstantopoulou, speaker of the Greek parliament and a SYRIZA member, said she had established a new "Truth Committee on Public Debt" whose purpose was to "investigate how much of the debt is ‘illegal’ with a view to writing it off."

LATEST: Greek debt crisis endgameComment

EUROPE – The European Central Bank agrees to pump more money into Greece's banks as Russia enters the ring. Summit planned for next Monday, as €1 billion pulled from banks yesterday and senior Government figures say Grexit is inevitable.

• ECB forced to stave off bank collapse

• €1 billion pulled from Greek banks yesterday amid fears of bank run

• Russia enters the ring saying it is "ready to consider the question of giving financial aid"

Emergency summit planned for Monday after no deal made at Eurogroup meeting yesterday

Greek debt 'illegal, illegitimate and odious'

GREECE - A committee convened by the Greek parliament has claimed much of the country's debt of 320 billion euros was illegally contracted and should not be paid. Following an official parliamentary investigation, speaker Zoe Konstantopoulou described the debt as illegal, illegitimate and odious. She told the BBC that Greek people "should fight for justice".

Germany plans for exit from eurozone of Greek 'clowns'

EUROPE - Germany has disclosed that it is making contingency plans for Greece to leave the euro as "make or break talks" are expected to end without agreement today. Wolfgang Schaeuble, Germany's finance minister, said he was not hopeful that Greece and its creditors would reach agreement on the release of new bail-out funds.

'Foreign shocks' could harm US financial stability: Lew

USA - US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew warned Congress on Wednesday that foreign turmoil, such as Greece's debt crisis, could destabilize the US financial system. "In today's globally integrated financial markets, foreign shocks have the potential to disrupt financial stability in the United States," Lew said in testimony to the House of Representatives financial services committee.

Greeks admit they will default at the end of the monthComment

GREECE - Prime minister Alexis Tsipras says he is ready to assume responsibility for his government’s negotiating stance as “uncontrollable crisis” beckons. The Greek government has admitted it will become the first developed country in history to default on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) if its creditor powers fail to strike a deal with the Leftist government over its eurozone future in the coming days.

Humans will be extinct in 100 years says eminent scientist

AUSTRALIA - Eminent Australian scientist Professor Frank Fenner, who helped to wipe out smallpox, predicts humans will probably be extinct within 100 years, because of overpopulation, environmental destruction and climate change.

If we need the Pope to teach us about science…

USA -What the head of an anti-science body like the Catholic Church says about climate change is about as relevant as Kim Kardashian on the eurozone. It’s a funny old world. Environmentalists are dancing with glee after Pope Francis issued a statement calling on every man, woman and child to stand together to tackle the issue of climate change

Jewish settlers burn, destroy Catholic Church on the banks of the Galilee sea

ISRAEL - Extremist Jewish settlers at dawn Thursday burned the Catholic Church of Tabgha, which is located on the banks of the Galilee sea. Media sources said the arson attack caused heavy material damage to the Church, pointing that attackers spray-painted anti-Christian remarks on its walls. Hebrew graffiti was found, reading “the false gods will be eliminated”, and material damage was inflicted on the church.

Pope Francis encyclical calls for end to fossil fuelsComment

VATICAN - The Pope has issued an encyclical, calling for fossil fuels to be "progressively replaced without delay". Pope Francis urges the richer world to make changes in lifestyle and energy consumption to avert the unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem. Environmentalists hope the message will spur on nations ahead of the UN climate conference in Paris in December.

Britain Tries to Dodge Its Own Waterloo in Tangled EU Debate

UK/EUROPE - The European prime ministers and presidents who gather in Brussels next Thursday will face two separate crises. The twin problems, the apparent climax of the long-running Greek drama, and Mr Cameron's curtain-raiser to UK renegotiation, disguise the depth of the real problem. The tortuous detail, the twists and turns to these two stories tend to obscure the fact that they are the symptoms, not the disease.

Oren sees a US alliance in tatters, and Israel ‘on our own’

ISRAEL - Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the United States from 2009 to 2013, chose to give his book on that period in Washington the catchy title “Ally”. But this new memoir — an unprecedented case of a former public servant so quickly writing up sometimes intimate revelations on acutely sensitive core issues — does not describe an alliance at all.

Number displaced worldwide hits record high - UN report

UNITED NATIONS - The number of people displaced by war, conflict or persecution reached a record high of nearly 60 million around the world in 2014, a UN report says. The document by the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, says the number of people forced to flee their homes rose by 8.3 million from the previous year. The continuing conflict in Syria is seen as a major factor behind the record numbers. UNHCR head Antonio Guterres told the BBC the "world is a mess". "The drama is that if people think that humanitarians can clean up the mess. It's no longer possible. We have no capacities to pick up the pieces. More and more people are suffering, and unfortunately for many of them there is no chance to support them."

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)