Wearables at work: the new frontier of employee surveillance

UK - He only had himself to blame, Mike Weston thought ruefully as he strapped a Fitbit to his wrist one cold February morning. His company was about to start tracking him 24 hours a day, gathering data on everything from his sleep quality and heart rate to his location and web browsing habits.

Top Muslim Imam Blames West for ISIS

MIDDLE EAST - Grand imam of Al-Azhar in Cairo says Arabs think America created and is propping up ISIS to create 'fragmentation,' and protect Israel. The West has an interest in the "fragmentation" of the Islamic world and is partly to blame for the rise of Islamic State (ISIS), one of the world's top Muslim clerics claimed to AFP in an interview on Tuesday.

Eurosceptic Italian party delivers 200,000-signature petition for exiting euro

ITALY - Italian Eurosceptic ‘The Five Star Movement’ (M5S) has filed a new petition with 200,000 signatures, calling for a referendum on the country’s exit from the Eurozone and Italy’s monetary future with the European bloc. The signatures were presented to the Senate on Tuesday, according to a post by movement leader Beppe Grillo on his blog.

Forget the G7 summit – Bilderberg is where the big guns go

AUSTRIA - Covering issues from Europe to terrorism and IT, the lesser known Bilderberg policy conference includes prime ministers, CEOs from banks, airlines, oil and the arms industry, and even George Osborne. As one summit closes, another opens. Thursday sees the start of the influential Bilderberg policy conference, which this year is being held in Austria, just 16 miles south of the G7 summit, and in a similarly inaccessible luxury alpine resort. The participant list for the conference has just been released by the organisation, and some big names leap off the page.

Beer in Bavaria on Tap for Obama

GERMANY - Feasting on Bavarian beer and sausages, President Barack Obama on Sunday celebrated decades of US friendship with Germany despite recent challenges and said the country "is proof that conflicts can end and great progress is possible." Obama kicked off an overnight visit to attend the Group of Seven summit of world leaders by focusing on mending relations with host Germany, visiting the picturesque Alpine village of Kruen with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

World leaders plead with Greece to make bargain as 'time is very short'

EUROPE - Angela Merkel and Barack Obama have urged Greece and its creditors to agree a deal as debt standoff becomes an international priority. Greek stocks have taken another hit as the embattled country and its creditors have failed to make progress, despite pressure from world leaders to strike a deal.

US court invalidates law that let Jerusalem-born citizens list Israel on passports

USA - Ruling considered a victory for the Obama administration who says Congress encroached on president's power in passing law; Palestinians say ruling 'a clear message that Israel occupies East Jerusalem.' The US Supreme Court on Monday struck down a law that would allow American citizens born in Jerusalem to have Israel listed as their birthplace on passports.

Why business is booming under Islamic State one year on

MIDDLE EAST - The Syrian businessman was enjoying a much-needed holiday in Turkey when the phone call came from the tax inspector of the Islamic State. His business partner in Raqqa had been arrested, the inspector told him, and he would not be released until his company paid the $100,000 (£65,000) it owed the "Caliphate".

Never Mind FIFA, How about a Crackdown on the Banksters?

USA - FIFA boss Sepp Blatter’s sudden resignation this week only days after being re-elected shows that the US campaign to bust the football federation over alleged financial corruption is probably going to intensify during the weeks and months ahead. The US authorities are throwing a book of charges at the organisation, ranging from bribery to commercial fixing, racketeering to tax evasion. It is claimed by the Americans that the corruption at FIFA amounts to $150 million.

Don't be afraid of Russia, Putin tells West

RUSSIA - Russia is not a threat to the West, President Vladimir Putin insisted in an interview published on Saturday, saying he was still committed to a Ukraine peace deal after a fresh flare-up in the country's east. "I would like to say - there's no need to be afraid of Russia," Putin told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera in an interview published Saturday, ruling out a major conflict between Russia and NATO member countries. "The world has changed so much that people in their right mind cannot imagine such a large-scale military conflict today." "We have other things to do, I can assure you," the Russian president said. "Only a sick person - and even then only in his sleep - can imagine that Russia would suddenly attack NATO."

Israel, Saudi Arabia, acknowledge holding secret talks on Iran

MIDDLE EAST - Representatives from Israel and Saudi Arabia have publicly admitted for the first time that they met secretly to discuss their common foe Iran, even though Saudi Arabia does not officially acknowledge Israel’s existence. The admission was made at a symposium held on Thursday at the Council on Foreign Relations, a foreign-policy think tank based in Washington, DC.

British aid billions 'subsidizing' third world defence budgets

UK - Research by the House of Commons Library found that defence spending has increased in some of the biggest recipients of British taxpayers' aid cash. The billions of pounds of British taxpayers money spent in developing countries is helping to “subsidise” their defence budgets, MPs say.

Greece told to strike a deal or face 'dramatic consequences'

EUROPE - Time is running out for Syriza and Greece's lenders to find common ground, European leaders warn. Greece's creditors are losing patience with the country's uncompromising stance on its debt obligations, with the heads of the European Parliament and Commission calling on Alexis Tsipras's government to find common ground for a deal or face "dramatic consequences".

Is the Pope a communist?

VATICAN - Pope Francis's critique of free-market economics has made him an icon for the Left and prompted claims that he is a communist. The leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics has called capitalism a source of inequality at best - and at worst a killer. Is the Pope, as his critics claim, a red radical?

George Soros Seeks To ‘Expand War In Ukraine’

USA - Earlier this week, using hacked and leaked documents and pdfs created by, among others, George Soros' most recent wife who is less than half his age, we showed something fascinating: the puppetmaster behind the entire Ukraine conflict may be none other than George Soros himself.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)