European Central Bank injects bumper emergency cash to banks

EUROPE - Wolfgang Schaeuble says the Troika are not to blame for Athens' cash crisis, insisting the country had long been "living above its means". Germany's finance minister has insisted only Europe can save the bankrupt Greeks as the European Central Bank provided its biggest liquidity boost to the country in over three months.

SEC Commissioner Furious At Deutsche Bank's "decade of lying, cheating and stealing"

GERMANY - Last week we commented on the latest travesty in the legal system when Deutsche Bank paid $2.5 billion to settle charges that it had manipulated LIBOR, EURIBOR and various other -BORs. As usual in situations such as this one, not a single banker went to prison, but there was some hope that Deutsche Bank's gross criminal conduct would at least land it on the SEC's "bad actors" list, which is like the Dodd-Frank equivalent of ‘time out’ and restricts the offender from participating in exempt securities offerings.

Saudis’ UK-made war jets outnumber RAF’s

SAUDI ARABIA - Saudi Arabia has twice as many British-made warplanes at its disposal for its bombing campaign in Yemen than those that are available for the entire [British] Royal Air Force, The Telegraph can disclose.

Bankrupt Greeks avoid IMF default as they blame Troika divisions for debt stalemate

GREECE - Athens says 'serious disagreements and contradictions' among its creditor powers are holding back talks as it makes its latest IMF payment. Greece’s embattled government has blamed a schism within its creditor powers for the three-month bail-out impasse which risks throwing the country out of the eurozone.

Welcome to the one place in Europe where the cash machines aren't working

GERMANY - There's a cash crisis going on in one of the eurozone's most important economies. But it's the Germans, not the Greeks, who are struggling to get their money out of holes in the wall. A series of labour strikes in Europe's largest economy have seen the country's capital hit by gridlock, leading to dwindling ATM reserves, and sending the transport network into meltdown.

Building work starts on first all-robot manufacturing plant in China’s Dongguan

CHINA - Construction work has begun on the first factory in China’s manufacturing hub of Dongguan to use only robots for production, the official Xinhua news agency reported. A total of 1,000 robots would be introduced at the factory initially, run by Shenzhen Evenwin Precision Technology Co, with the aim of reducing the current workforce of 1,800 by 90 per cent to only about 200, Chen Xingqi, the chairman of the company’s board, was quoted as saying in the report.

12 Million trees are dying due to California drought

USA - At least 12 million trees have died in California’s national forests because of four years of extreme drought, scientists say. An aerial survey of select areas in Southern California and the south Sierra Nevada in early April showed that millions of trees have died and were “most severely drought impacted,” said biologist Jeffrey Moore, acting regional aerial survey program manager for the US Forest Service.

California Adopts "Unprecedented" Restrictions On Water Use

USA - Of course, cutting back will come at a steep cost for utility companies who will promptly attempt to replace an estimated $1 billion in lost revenue by raising prices for consumers. Between rising utility costs and fines of up to $10,000 for egregious violations of the state's conservation efforts, hydration just got a lot more expensive in California — unless you're a ‘Fracker’, in which case none of this applies.

Record number internally displaced by conflict

NORWAY - Conflict and violence around the world have displaced a record 38 million people inside their own countries, a new report says. The figures published by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) were described as the worst in a generation.

Japan Engineers Design Robotic Bear to Aid in Assisted Suicide

JAPAN - A team of engineers working for the JSDD, with help from the Orient Industry Company have created an experimental robotic bear to assist in euthanasia and assisted suicide in Japan. The growing suicide rate, as well as the senior population is becoming an increasing concern. Hospital Staff, and Suicide Assistant Volunteers from the JSDD are required to help euthanize those who are unable to themselves due to physical, or psychological reasons.

Liquidity drought could spark market bloodbath, warns IIF

USA - Evaporating liquidity and higher US interest rates will cause huge market swings with potentially catastrophic consequences, Institute of International Finance warns. Investors face a “painful” adjustment in a world of evaporating liquidity and higher US interest rates that will trigger huge market swings with potentially catastrophic consequences, the Institute of International Finance has warned.

The 76 Trillion Dollar Global Bond Bubble is About to Explode

USA - Warren Buffett believes “that bonds are very overvalued”, and a recent survey of fund managers found that 80 percent of them are convinced that bonds have become “badly overvalued”. The most famous bond expert on the planet, Bill Gross, recently confessed that he has a sense that the 35 year bull market in bonds is “ending” and he admitted that he is feeling “great unrest”.

Texans Are Worried About a Military Takeover

USA - US Special Operations Command is preparing to launch a five-month, multi-state exercise across private and public land to prepare Army special forces for threats anywhere in the world. Or at least that's what the Pentagon would want you to believe. Officials and citizens in Texas, one of the states involved, see something potentially more nefarious in the exercise, dubbed Jade Helm 15. And now Representative Louie Gohmert is joining them.

Secrecy Over TPP Fuels Growing Opposition In Congress

USA - Support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership is dropping in response to the lack of transparency over the controversial deal. The back-room push for the corporate-friendly Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact may be backfiring on its supporters, as more and more lawmakers in US Congress drop their interest in the deal over its extreme secrecy.

US economy slides into reverse as trade deficit balloons

USA - New data suggest that the size of the world's largest economy may have shrunk at the start of the year. The US economy may have slipped into reverse at the start of the year, as a widening trade deficit has taken its toll. While official estimates of first quarter growth showed a very small increase, new data on the trade balance suggest that the world’s largest economy may be in worse shape than previously believed. The US trade deficit widened by $15.5 billion (£10.2 billion) in March, to a gap of $51.4 billion, following a port strike which ended in late February and a surge in imports.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)