Air Force facing increasing shortage of fighter pilots

USA - The Air Force doesn't have enough fighter pilots in its active duty cockpits due to forced structure cuts and increased airline hiring, leading to a long-term drop in those available to train new pilots and test new aircraft, service leaders told lawmakers Thursday.

Deep Freeze on Great Lakes Halts Cargo Shipments

USA - The trip to pick up a load of iron ore powder in Conneaut, Ohio, was supposed to take four days by way of the Great Lakes. But within sight of its destination, the cargo ship, the Arthur M. Anderson, got trapped in ice. Two heavy icebreakers from the Canadian Coast Guard eventually broke the vessel free.

Rich Man’s Bank Hit by Bank Run, Collapse, “Bail-In”

EUROPE - In Europe nary a day seems to go by without some mention or rumor of a bank run or bank closure. Ground Zero of the current troubles is Greece, whose broken financial system is now wholly dependent on regular infusions of euros from the ECB. The moment those infusions stop – something the ECB has warned could happen at any time – the country’s banking system collapses.

Washington Blinks: Will Seek Partnership with China-Led Development Bank

USA - Don’t look now, but Washington just blinked. As we’ve documented exhaustively over the past week, pressure has been building steadily for the US to strike some manner of conciliatory tone towards China with regard to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a China-led institution aimed at rivaling the US/Japan-backed ADB. Britain’s decision to join China in its new endeavor has prompted a number of Western nations to throw their support behind the bank ahead of the March 31 deadline for membership application.

Yemen worshipers were cursing Jews when mosque blown up

YEMEN - A video recording of a deadly terrorist attack at a Shiite mosque in Yemen on Friday revealed that worshipers were chanting a slew of hateful slogans just as a suicide bomber detonated himself, killing scores of people. The bombing, one of three committed in a pair of mosques, was carried out by the Islamic State during weekly prayers. At least 142 people were killed and 351 were wounded in the attacks, carried out in the Shiite rebel-controlled capital city of Sana’a.

LGBT-friendly siddur affirms Reform’s open-tent policy

USA - The Reform movement’s rabbinic association unveiled its new High Holidays prayer book — one that continues the movement’s trend toward inclusive liturgy — at the group’s 126th annual convention. Mishkan HaNefesh, the Reform’s first High Holidays prayer book, or mahzor, since 1978, was a major focus of the Central Conference of American Rabbis conference that concluded here Wednesday.

Monsanto chief admits ‘hubris’ is to blame for public fears over GM

USA - The American company that produced the world’s first genetically modified crop has admitted for the first time that its “hubris” [extreme pride or self-confidence] in promoting the technology contributed to a consumer backlash against genetically modified food.

Trevor Phillips: The inconvenient truths about race

UK - Britain is indebted to the former equalities head for highlighting the mess in which multiculturalism has left us all. If you want to understand the full loopiness and intellectual dishonesty of multiculturalism, just talk to my friend Adam, who lectures in African history.

'The Fourth Reich': What Some Europeans See When They Look at Germany

EUROPE - May 30, 1941 was the day when Manolis Glezos made a fool of Adolf Hitler. He and a friend snuck up to a flag pole on the Acropolis in Athens on which a gigantic swastika flag was flying. The Germans had raised the banner four weeks earlier when they occupied the country, but Glezos took down the hated flag and ripped it up. The deed turned both him and his friend into heroes.

US House urges Obama to send arms to Ukraine

USA - The US House has passed a resolution calling on President Barack Obama to send lethal weapons to Ukraine, despite the fragile truce in the eastern part of the country. The non-binding resolution was approved by an overwhelming majority of 348-48.

Sacramento is in the fourth year of a record drought

USA - Nestlé is draining California aquifers, from Sacramento alone taking 80 million gallons annually. Nestlé then sells the people's water back to them at great profit under many dozen brand names. The city of Sacramento is in the fourth year of a record drought – yet the Nestlé Corporation continues to bottle city water to sell back to the public at a big profit, local activists charge.

Military Officials Say Hezbollah on the Brink of War

ISRAEL - The Lebanon-Israel border has been relatively quiet over the past several months, with no incidents recorded since January. But another war could be on the way - and it will cost billions of shekels, experts say. Military Intelligence officials, the IDF, and the defense establishment are all preparing for an inevitable full-fledged war with Hezbollah, Walla! News reports Tuesday - due, at least in part, to the increasing boldness of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Prince Charles warns economic system has 'enormous shortcomings'

USA - Prince Charles spoke of an “economic system that seems to have enormous shortcomings” at one of the final events of his four day royal tour of the United States. The future King gave a speech yesterday tackling the environmental and economic issues facing the world at the Cathedral of the Assumption in Louisville, Kentucky.

Big Bang theory could be debunked by Large Hadron Collider

SWITZERLAND - Scientists at Cern could prove the controversial theory of ‘rainbow gravity’ which suggests that the universe stretches back into time infinitely, with no Big Bang. The detection of miniature black holes by the Large Hadron Collider could prove the existence of parallel universes and show that the Big Bang did not happen, scientists believe.

‘Nature’s revenge’: Dead Sea surrounded by 3,000+ sinkholes growing at alarming rate

ISRAEL - Hundreds of sinkholes are forming each year around the drying Dead Sea that could face being completely parched by 2050. Its basin shrinks by a meter per year due to severe water mismanagement.

“It’s nature's revenge,” Gidon Bromberg, the Israeli Director at EcoPeace Middle East, told ABC.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)