Netanyahu is Re-Elected

ISRAEL - If you understand the basics of Israeli politics, the reason why Netanyahu will remain the prime minister is easy to understand. Even if Isaac Herzog’s Zionist Union finished first with the expected four-seat margin, he was going to have a difficult time getting a coalition that commanded a majority of the Knesset since they would have had to rely on anti-Zionist Arab votes or Haredi or right-wing parties that are unlikely to want to sit in his Cabinet.

3 European Powers Say They Will Join China-Led Bank

EUROPE - Ignoring direct pleas from the Obama administration, Europe’s biggest economies have declared their desire to become founding members of a new Chinese-led Asian investment bank that the United States views as a rival to the World Bank and other institutions set up at the height of American power after World War II.

Bank of England director: 'Greece will not in any realistic scenario repay its debts'

UK - A senior Bank of England official has said that Greece will never be able to get rid of its enormous debt mountain, since the "political pain" that its leaders would suffer would make it impossible. Alex Brazier said that Greece could, in theory, run a surplus large enough to shrink its debt mountain, which currently runs to 176 percent of GDP, after bail-outs worth €245 billion.

Israel's chief rabbis now allow Jews to enter al Aqsa area?

ISRAEL - The settler-affiliated news portal Arutz 7 reports that the sign in the entrance to the al Aqsa compound has been changed to read “According to Torah law, entering the Temple Mount area by an impure person is strictly forbidden due to the holiness of the site”. Signed by Israel's Chief Rabbinate, the sign previously noted entry was forbidden to every Jewish person, regardless of his religious state of purity.

Germany faces paying billions to Greece in compensation for wartime atrocities

GERMANY - Germany should pay reparations to Greece for ‘serious wrongs’ by the Nazis, members of Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition said last night. The German Chancellor has angrily rejected demands from Greek ministers for Berlin to pay £240 billion in compensation for Nazi atrocities during the Second World War.

Germany Warily Assumes Greater Global Role

GERMANY - Germany, Europe’s economic behemoth, has never been as prosperous, secure and free as it is today. It is the world’s fourth largest economy and one of the world’s top exporters. Twenty-four years after its reunification, Germany has become America’s most valuable European partner, says Annette Heuser, executive director and founder of the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Washington-based arm of a German-based organization promoting trans-Atlantic ties.

ISIS replacing Taliban in Afghanistan

AFGHANISTAN - The Islamic State has infiltrated into Afghanistan and is attempting to step into the Taliban's boots, acknowledged the UN Security Council. Russia’s representative to the UN warns Central Asian states could be the next stop for the Islamic extremists. The presence of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) fighters in the country has been confirmed by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).

EU Launches Central African Republic Army Reform Mission

EUROPE - The European Union has launched an advisory military mission in the Central African Republic to help the country rebuild its army. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Monday that the mission "will help the Central African Republic turn the corner" after a major sectarian conflict killed at least 5,000 people.

Massive surprise drills launched in Arctic on Putin’s orders

RUSSIA - Thousands of Russian troops were put on alert Monday morning after President Putin ordered a surprise large-scale military drill to test the armed forces' readiness to counter challenges in the country’s north and particularly in the Arctic.

Police use stop and search powers on 300 toddlers

UK - Research shows hundreds of under-fives have been frisked by officers in the last five years, often because of fears they have been forced to carry drugs or guns. Police have used controversial stop and search powers on nearly 300 toddlers over the last five years, new figures have disclosed.

Sarah Vine: It's YOU who's the real bigot, Sir Elton

UK - This week’s very public row between Elton John and the Italian fashion duo Dolce & Gabbana is so over-the-top I did at first wonder whether it might not be some complex publicity stunt. In essence, Sir Elton has taken great offence to comments made by Messrs Dolce and Gabbana to an Italian magazine in which Domenico Dolce confessed that he does not agree with gay adoptions, adding that ‘the only family is the traditional one. You are born to a mother and a father — or at least that’s how it should be,’ he continued, adding: ‘I call children of chemistry synthetic children.’

David Cameron told drive for EU treaty change is 'mission impossible'

UK - David Cameron’s plan to reform the European Union through treaty change is “mission impossible”, the European Council president has said. Donald Tusk said he was willing to help Mr Cameron in his attempts to renegotiate Britain’s terms of membership but warned changing EU treaty laws would be like opening “Pandora’s Box”.

US Army sending armoured convoy 1,100 miles through Europe

EUROPE - The US Army says it will soon be sending armored Stryker vehicles on a 1,100-mile convoy through six European countries to show solidarity to allies in the wake of recent Russian actions in the Ukraine and Crimea that have Eastern Europe on edge. The move was first reported Thursday in the military newspaper Stars and Stripes. US Army Europe posted the Stripes story on its website on Friday.

New York synagogue promotes gender equality

USA - B’nai Jeshurun, a 190-year-old Upper West Side synagogue deeply involved in issues of fairness, peace, and justice, is celebrating National Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day by launching the Shout Equality social media campaign.

Netanyahu: If I'm elected, there will be no Palestinian state

ISRAEL - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhau said Monday that if he were to be reelected, a Palestinian state would not be created, in a definite disavowal of his 2009 speech, in which he had voiced support for the principle of two states for two peoples.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)