The 21 Coptic Martyrs are role models for all Christians

VATICAN - The Coptic Church has acclaimed the 21 victims as martyrs by inserting them into their liturgical calendar (February 15), much like our own equivalent canonisation. Pope Francis has informally though publicly called them martyrs. Theologians need urgently to investigate the possibility of an ecumenism by (or in) blood, as well as an absolution by blood.

Half of residents in NYC speak language other than English at home...

USA - The number of foreign-born residents has increased drastically over the last four decades. In 1970, roughly 18 percent of New Yorkers were foreign-born. In 2010, that figure was up to 37 percent, according to the Census and the NYC Department of City Planning. Roughly half of the city’s residents speak a language other than English at home. A quarter of New York City residents -- 1.8 million – are not English proficient, according to the Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Affairs.

Tory MP Claims ASTROLOGY can solve health service

UK - The NHS crisis could be solved if doctors used astrology, a Tory MP has claimed. David Tredinnick claimed medics should look to the stars to take the 'pressure' off struggling hospitals. The MP for Bosworth in Leicestershire argued that astrology should 'have a role to play' in healthcare.

‘Mein Kampf’: A historical tool, or Hitler’s voice from beyond the grave?

GERMANY - Old copies of the offending tome are kept in a secure “poison cabinet,” a literary danger zone in the dark recesses of the vast Bavarian State Library. A team of experts vets every request to see one, keeping the toxic text away from the prying eyes of the idly curious or those who might seek to exalt it. “This book is too dangerous for the general public,” library historian Florian Sepp warned as he carefully laid a first edition of “Mein Kampf” — Adolf Hitler’s autobiographical manifesto of hate — on a table in a restricted reading room.

Gold and silver prices: The next bank rigging scandal?

USA - The world's biggest banks are still reeling from the consequences of the Libor and foreign exchange scandals, but US authorities are now investigating the possibility of more rigging. Several banks are being scrutinised over how they set influential benchmarks in the markets for gold, silver, platinum and palladium in London, with at least 10 under investigation from the Department of Justice (DoJ) and Commodities and Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), according to reports.

FTSE 100 breaks 1999 record to hit all-time high

UK - Britain's benchmark index has surpassed the peak it reached just before the dotcom bubble burst. The FTSE 100 has broken a record that had stood for more than 15 years and hit a new all-time high, boosted by investor optimism about Greece and reassurance from the US Federal Reserve on interest rate rises.

Greece bailout: Government unveils reform summary

GREECE - Greece has unveiled an outline summary of reforms demanded by eurozone leaders in order to secure a bailout extension. The measures include plans to combat tax evasion and tackling fuel and tobacco smuggling. Government officials said they were releasing the summary before formally submitting it to guard against leaks to the press.

Greece’s Leaders Face a Revolt at Home as They Try to Appease Creditors

GREECE - Greek leaders scrambled on Sunday to come up with a list of proposed changes to the nation’s austerity program that would be acceptable to their creditors by a Monday deadline, even as they faced a revolt by members of their own radical-left party, angered that the government had bent to demands by Brussels. An 11th-hour deal reached on Friday by Greece and eurozone finance ministers did nothing immediately to reduce the obligations Greece must fulfill to keep a lifeline of cash coming and avoid insolvency for the heavily indebted government.

Militants, migrants and the Med: Europe's Libya problem

EUROPE - Islamic State militants in Libya have vowed to attack Europe. Meanwhile, boatloads of migrants flee the collapsing state for European shores. Could the Mediterranean migration mask an influx of militants? Italy and Egypt have warned that Islamic State (IS) militants could hide among thousands of migrants rescued by European patrols.

Historic US-Iran nuclear deal could be taking shape

IRAN - Edging toward a historic compromise, the US and Iran reported progress Monday on a deal that would clamp down on Tehran's nuclear activities for at least 10 years but then slowly ease restrictions on programs that could be used to make atomic arms. Officials said there were still obstacles to overcome before a March 31 deadline, and any deal will face harsh opposition in both countries. It also would be sure to further strain already-tense US relations with Israel, whose leaders oppose any agreement that doesn't end Iran's nuclear ambitions. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to strongly criticize the deal in an address before Congress next week.

Getting Paid to Kill Jews

ISRAEL - It is by now no secret that the Palestinian Authority uses large portions of the international financial aid it receives to provide salaries and other payouts to terrorists who kill Jews. But a fresh investigation by journalist Edwin Black has revealed that this is not some automatic, blind welfare system, but rather a very deliberate effort to reward those who have chosen the path of violence, and therefore encourage others to do the same.

Justin Welby: living wage failings an embarrassment to the Church

UK - It is an embarrassment to the Church of England that some parts of the organisation still do not pay all workers a “living wage” while campaigning for companies to do so, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has admitted. But the Most Rev Justin Welby brushed aside claims of hypocrisy from some MPs, emphasising that the Church remains committed to all parishes, cathedrals and dioceses paying the rate - calculated based on the cost of living - as soon as possible.

Somali terror group Al-Shabaab calls for attack on London's Oxford Street

UK - Al-Shabaab has released a graphic video calling for 'Westgate-style' attacks on shopping districts such as Oxford Street in London as well as major shopping centres in the United States and Canada. The threat is being taken seriously by security officials across the Atlantic after the group called on Jihadis living in the west to target major shopping centres in their home cities.

Water thefts on the rise in drought-stricken California

USA - As California's drought drags on, officials are cracking down on thieves who wrench open fire hydrants and ignore or tamper with meters to access one of the state's precious commodities - water. In some cases, wells dry up and scofflaws start stealing water from hydrants. In other cases, trucks in need of water for dust control and construction tap hydrants without using meters that charge them.

Taps run dry in Brazil's biggest city as drought bites

BRAZIL - Ediane Marquis is in a rush to leave work at an infant school in the east of São Paulo. It is the afternoon in Brazil's commercial capital, and she knows her mother-in-law will be without water as the city struggles with its worst drought on record. "The water goes off at 1pm and comes back on the next day," said Mrs Marquis, 51. "Her bathroom and utility area are connected to the mains supply so she has to come to my house. It's changed her life, it's changed everything."

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)