EU Showdown: Greece Takes on the Vampire Squid

GREECE - Greece and the troika (the International Monetary Fund, the EU, and the European Central Bank) are in a dangerous game of chicken. The Greeks have been threatened with a “Cyprus-Style prolonged bank holiday” if they “vote wrong.” But they have been bullied for too long and are saying “no more.”

Anonymous declares war on terrorist websites

FRANCE - Hacktivist group Anonymous has threatened to avenge the recent terrorist attacks in France by tracking and bringing down jihadist websites. The group’s YouTube message directly confronts Al-Qaeda and Islamic State on the Charlie Hebdo massacre. “We are declaring war against you, the terrorists,” says a figure wearing the symbolic Guy Fawkes mask in a new online clip, released with a statement.

“I am not Charlie Hebdo”

FRANCE - Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. In the attack upon the satirical Parisian magazine, Charlie Hebdo, which left ten staff and two police officers dead, it is evident that the somewhat noble motto of the republic of France was utterly disgraced. Disgraced by the gunmen who ended those lives, and disgraced by the magazine staff who used their talents to publish a weekly journal of ridicule and mockery. Charlie Hebdo (Charlie weekly) is no stranger to controversy. The magazine began in 1960 as Hara-Kiri and soon took on the slogan “mean and nasty” which came directly from an early reader’s complaint letter.

Hezbollah leader on Charlie Hebdo: ‘Extremists more offensive to Islam than cartoons’

MIDDLE EAST - Islamic extremists following a ‘takfiri’ ideology are more offensive to the Prophet Mohammed than Western satirical cartoons, chief of the Lebanese military faction Hezbollah, Hasan Nasrallah, said following the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack. "The behavior of the takfiri groups that claim to follow Islam have distorted Islam, the Koran and the Muslim nation more than Islam’s enemies … who insulted the prophet in films … or drew cartoons of the prophet," the Hezbollah leader said in a televised speech to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed, according to Lebanon’s Daily Star.

We think the Paris terrorists were offended by Charlie Hebdo's satire. What if we're wrong?

FRANCE - We've bought the idea that Islamic terrorists are genuinely outraged by satirical cartoons. But maybe we're playing into their hands. Here's a theory. Terrorists aren't offended by cartoons. Not even cartoons that satirise the Prophet Muhammad. They don't care about satire. For all I know they may not even care about the Prophet Muhammad. Instead, they merely pretend to be offended by cartoons, in order to give themselves a pretext to commit murder.

9/11: Canadian Support for Parliamentary Review

CANADA - The poll we commissioned last month — thanks to the generous support of so many of you — shows that Canadians are with us in supporting a parliamentary review of 9/11. Among the most important findings are: There is popular support and little opposition to a parliamentary review, with 33% saying they are in favor, 26% neither for nor against, and only 19% opposed. Now we will determine if Canada’s 308 Members of Parliament are willing to represent their constituents on this issue.

Army Chaplain Rebuked for Citing Christian Faith

USA - Army Chaplain Captain Joseph Lawhorn was rebuked for citing his Christian faith during suicide prevention training, the Washington Times reports. Now 20 nonprofit organizations dedicated to religious freedom are lining up in support of Lawhorn, sending a letter to Army Secretary John McHugh “urging him to overturn action” against Lawhorn.

The Ecumenical Imperative: Intrinsic to the Church

VATICAN - In late November, Pope Francis told the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity that ecumenism — the quest for unity among Christians — must be an ever-present concern for the Church. Acknowledging problems created by new divisions over moral and doctrinal issues, the Pope emphasized the importance of “spiritual” ecumenism — common prayer and cooperation in good works — as well as the ecumenism of blood, that is, recognizing all martyrs for the Faith.

Britain battered by hurricane-force winds

UK - Hurricane-force winds have battered northern Britain overnight with gusts reaching 113mph on the island of Stornoway. The ferocious Atlantic storm has caused chaos with at least 75,000 homes without power this morning and all train services across Scotland are suspended for 'safety reasons' until at least 10am. Gusts peaked at 113mph on Stornoway - the strongest winds since records began in 1970 - while wind speeds hit 110mph at Loch Glascarnoch in the Highlands, 97mph in Altnaharra and 61mph in Glasgow and Edinburgh. At the summit of Cairngorm speeds hit 140mph.

‘Muslims don't believe in freedom of speech’ – radical cleric Choudary

UK - Radical British preacher Anjem Choudary has come under heavy criticism for controversial remarks regarding Wednesday’s terrorist attack in Paris. London based Choudary wrote a letter, published by US news outlet USA Today, claiming that Muslims “did not believe in the concept of freedom of expression,” and that the Sharia (Islamic law) was more important than the legal systems of liberal democracies.

Le Pen May Gain as Magazine Attack Strains French Divide

FRANCE - France’s Front National leader Marine Le Pen pinned the blame for the killing of 12 people in Paris yesterday on Islamic radicals, as mainstream leaders tried to downplay the religious dimension of the attack.

Europe's struggle with Islamism

EUROPE - In the heart of Europe in 2015, the killing of cartoonists and journalists for allegedly insulting God still comes as a shock, despite the rising number of such attacks in recent years. In rational, post-Enlightenment Europe, religion has long since been relegated to a safe space, with Judaism and Christianity the safe targets of satire in secular western societies.

New terror in Paris

FRANCE - A policewoman was shot in the back and killed and a hero street cleaner was shot in the face as he tried to grapple with the gunman in a second horrific attack on the streets of Paris within 24 hours. The officer, who has not been named, died this morning after being attacked just before dawn in Montrouge, a suburb in the south of the French capital. A street cleaner who stepped in to try and disarm the gunmen is also said to be in a serious condition, after he was shot in the face. The shooting came less than 24 hours after the massacre at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, which left 12 dead - including two police officers. It is not known if the two attacks are linked.

Nigel Farage blames Paris attack on 'rather gross policy of multi-culturalism'

UK - Nigel Farage has been accused of exploiting the murders of cartoonists in France for political gain after saying the attack was a result of “a really rather gross policy of multi-culturalism”.

Suspected Islamists kill 12 in Paris attack on satirical weekly

FRANCE - Hooded gunmen stormed the Paris offices of a satirical magazine known for lampooning Islam and other religions, killing at least 12 people in the most deadly militant attack on French soil in decades.

‘Charlie Hebdo’ (Charlie Weekly) is well known for courting controversy with satirical attacks on political and religious leaders of all faiths and has published numerous cartoons ridiculing the Prophet Mohammad. Jihadists online repeatedly warned that the magazine would pay for its ridicule.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)