Our Message for This Generation: Yes We Can!

ISRAEL - Our sages teach that all the spiritual power and potential for growth that Chanukah brings, is packed into the last day of the holiday, known as 'Zot Chanukah'. This week's inspiring edition of Temple Talk focuses on the life-changing lessons of Chanukah for this generation... the generation that is closer than ever to the rebuilding of the Holy Temple. It's all about transforming dreams into reality, fixing blurry vision, and recognizing our brothers... and each other.

Thirty Years After 1984: A Year In Review

USA - Ok, 1984 was published in 1949, but let’s put aside that technicality for a moment and focus on the last couple years of current events and how eerily similar they have been to the events in George Orwell’s dystopian novel.

Popular Pope Francis takes own path in Vatican

VATICAN - In the course of 2014 Pope Francis consolidated his position as one of the most popular pontiffs of modern times, more popular even than the recently-sainted Pope John Paul II. He invented a new easy style of communication at the Vatican, brought in fresh blood, and publicly lambasted power-hungry princes of the church - the cardinals and bishops who run the Catholic Church's Rome headquarters; he also found time to play an active diplomatic role in helping the US and Cuba bring to an end 50 years of public enmity.

France has never had this many unemployed people before

FRANCE - More people were unemployed in France in November than ever before, data showed on Wednesday, highlighting continued weak activity in the eurozone's second-largest economy. The Labour Ministry said the jobless total in mainland France rose by 27,400 to 3.49 million in November, a 0.8 percent increase over one month and 5.8 percent over one year. The rise was sharpest among unemployed aged 50 or over, up 11 percent on the year. President Francois Hollande has seen his popularity fall to the lowest ratings in French polling history, with a key factor being his failure to live up to promises to tackle unemployment.

Russia condemns Ukrainian law that paves way to Nato

RUSSIA - Ukraine's parliament took a historic step towards Nato on Tuesday, drawing swift condemnation from Russia. MPs in the government-controlled chamber overwhelmingly adopted a bill dropping Ukraine's non-aligned status – a classification given to states such as Switzerland that refuse to join military alliances and thus play no part in wars. Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, said the decision was "counterproductive" and "only heats up the confrontation, creating the illusion that accepting such laws is the road to regulating the deep internal crisis in Ukraine".

Russia faces oil export catastrophe, snared in OPEC price trap

RUSSIA - Vladimir Putin faces a catastrophic shortfall of at least $80 billion (£51 billion) in oil export revenue over the next year, after Opec kingpin Saudi Arabia signalled there will be no easing in the price war it has launched to recapture market share.

Islamic State did not shoot down Jordan plane, says US

MIDDLE EAST - The Jordanian plane that crashed in Syria was not shot down by Islamic State (IS) militants, the US says. The plane was lost in IS territory on Wednesday morning, and the pilot has been captured. IS militants said that they shot down the plane with a heat-seeking missile. However, the US says "evidence clearly indicates" that this is not true. Jordan is one of four Arab states in a US-led coalition that has launched air strikes on IS targets in Syria. Correspondents say that IS is assumed to have a limited air defence capability. However, IS fighters have downed Iraqi and Syrian government planes in the past, and the group's full capabilities are not known.

Sliding oil prices leave Venezuela on brink of financial collapse

VENEZUELA - The ongoing plunge in global oil prices is pushing Venezuela toward economic collapse just as President Nicolas Maduro — the hand-picked successor to the late socialist Hugo Chavez — faces mounting international criticism for jailing opposition figures after months of street protests. Where Chavez once drew praise from the world’s leftist elite for using the high price of crude oil during the 2000s to underwrite a socialist revolution, a growing number of analysts in Washington say Mr Maduro is clinging to power in a country on the edge of becoming a failed state. Venezuela still boasts some of the world’s largest known crude reserves, but it has continued for too long spending more on government programs than it has collected in oil revenue, analysts say. The average price of oil has dropped from more than $100 a barrel to less than $60 during recent weeks, only adding to Venezuela’s woes.

Storm and tornado hit southern US, killing at least four

USA - A severe storm bringing a tornado, heavy rain, hail and lightning has hit parts of the southern US, killing at least four people and disrupting electricity supplies, officials say. Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant has declared an emergency in two counties. His office said thousands were without power around Columbia, about 130km (81 miles) south-east of Jackson. "We've got whole roofs lying in the road, people trapped in houses, cars flipped over," a local sheriff said.

Rare Islamic State visit reveals 'brutal and strong' force

MIDDLE EAST - A German author given rare access to territory run by Islamic State has told the BBC that the group is stronger, more brutal and harder to confront than he had expected. Juergen Todenhoefer spent six days in the IS city of Mosul in Iraq, travelling there via Raqqa, in Syria. Mr Todenhoefer said he found IS followers highly motivated and supportive of the group's brutality. He said the spread of fighters meant they were hard targets for air strikes.

The year history came back to Europe

UKRAINE - Looking back, Poland’s Donald Tusk said on 1 December, the day he took over as the new president of the EU Council: “Politics has returned to Europe. History is back”. Nato has called Russia’s new form of warfare - a mix of covert military action, political subversion, economic coercion, and propaganda - “hybrid war”. It's a war designed to legitimise Putin’s authoritarianism at home and restore Russia’s influence in former Soviet states. It's also a war against Nato and the EU more directly. But as the year ends, it's becoming clear the conflict will last a long time. If the US or Germany are unwilling to risk escalation by confronting Russia, it will be the end of the Western alliance.

Israel looks on Europe with dismay

ISRAEL- Countries, one after another, fall prey to the lobbying of left-wing fringe groups allied to a Palestinian agenda by the introduction of anti-Israel resolutions. One after another, nations fall like dominoes, not wishing to appear out of step with an ill-considered mantra of Palestinianism that contradicts European commitments that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must be settled by the two parties involved, without any external or unilateral moves that may endanger or foreclose such an outcome.

Giulio Meotti Lights a Menorah at the Arch of Titus

ROME, ITALY - The candles lit at the site where Rome commemorated its victory over the Jews are a symbol of Jewish renewal in the face of anti-Semitism. The Arch of Titus, built by Domitian in 81 CE, is a triumphal Roman commemoration of the bloody victory of his father Vespasian and brother Titus over Judea and their burning of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD.

Unesco is Complicit in Temple Mount Terrorism

ISRAEL - Unesco's stance on the Temple Mount is a violation of its promise to “create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values.” Unesco, the UN cultural agency which has the temple of Parthenon as a logo, is complicit in the vandalism and terrorism taking place at the world's most important temple site: the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Dow Average Tops 18,000

USA - US stocks rose, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDU) rallying past 18,000 for the first time, after data showed the world’s largest economy grew at the fastest pace since 2003 last quarter. Treasuries declined with gold, while the dollar and crude oil advanced. “The market was roaring yesterday, and going into the end of the year it keeps pushing higher,” Stephen Carl, principal and head equity trader at New York-based Williams Capital Group LP, said by phone. “These numbers are adding fuel to the fire. The Fed is part of the fueling of everything, and you have to couple that with the year-end push.” The dollar rose and Treasuries fell on speculation the data, along with higher employment and lower gasoline prices, support the case for the Fed to raise benchmark rates next year.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)