Livni, Herzog vow to keep Western Wall under Israeli control

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - The two leaders of Israel’s center-left political camp, who have united their parties for the current election campaign, declared on Sunday night that the Western Wall plaza in the Old City of Jerusalem will always remain under Israeli control, despite its location in East Jerusalem. Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog and Hatnua party chief Tzipi Livni lit the menorah at the site as part of the eight-day Hanukkah festival that began last Tuesday night.

Video Shows Extreme Sport Performance on top of Al Aqsa Mosque

ISRAEL - Jewish visits to Temple Mount may be deemed a 'provocation' by Muslim authorities, but using the Al Aqsa Mosque for extreme sports is a-OK.

Temple Mount Hosts Pro-Hamas Rally

ISRAEL - A large group of Palestinian Muslims sporting green Hamas headbands rallied on Friday atop Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, where they called for an Islamist conquest of the city. Hamas flags were seen in plenty, and many of the demonstrators loudly pledged allegiance to the group’s most notorious terrorists.

Ramifications of the "War on Terror"

GERMANY - The debate over the racist "PEGIDA" mobilization continues in Germany. Following the recent mass demonstration in Dresden "against Islamization" with 15,000 people participating, members of the German political establishment have begun recommending that the demonstrators be taken "seriously" and that their demands - at least partially - be met. German Muslims are already beginning to feel the ramifications of this agitation.

IMF holds back Cyprus bailout funds

EUROPE - The International Monetary Fund has said it will not release a further €88 million (£69 million/US$108 million) in bailout money for Cyprus on Friday after the country’s parliament delayed a key foreclosure law that was due to take effect at the end of December. “Following today’s suspension of the existing legislation on foreclosure, critical requirements for the completion of the fifth programme review are now no longer met,” the IMF said in a statement. Its board had been set to discuss Cyprus’s progress with the loan programme on Friday and was thought likely to release the next instalment of aid. Cyprus needed an international bailout of €10 billion (£7.8 billion/US$12 billion) from the European commission and the monetary fund in early 2013, largely due to problems in its banking sector.

$4.20 Per Pound: Price of Ground Beef Climbs to Another Record

USA - The average price of a pound of ground beef climbed to another record high - $4.201 per pound - in the United States in November, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). A year ago, in November 2013, the average price for a pound of ground beef was $3.477 per pound. Since then, the average price has increased 20.8 percent in one year. Five years ago, in November 2009, the average price of a pound of ground beef was $2.062, according to the BLS. The price has since climbed by $2.139 per pound, or 103.7 percent.

Under Francis, a Bolder Vision of Vatican Diplomacy EmergesComment

VATICAN - Perhaps the timing was purely coincidental. But a day after he was credited with helping to broker the historic diplomatic breakthrough between Cuba and the United States, Pope Francis began his Thursday morning by greeting a new crop of envoys to the Vatican, and offering some advice. “The work of an ambassador lies in small steps, small things, but they always end up making peace, bringing closer the hearts of people, sowing brotherhood among people,” he said. “This is your job, but with little things, tiny things.”

Pope urges Lutherans and Catholics to take further steps towards unity

VATICAN - Pope Francis met on Thursday with a delegation of German Lutheran and Catholic leaders, urging them to continue working towards the goal of unity among all Christians. The delegation was headed by the presiding bishop of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany, Gerhard Ulrich, together with members of the ecumenical commission of the German Catholic Bishops Conference. Philippa Hitchen reports:

Forget bombs…

USA - Forget bombs - the Sony hacking is petrifying proof of how the West could be brought to its knees. If the Russians or North Koreans launch an all-out cyber attack they could effectively bring Western society to its knees within just 15 minutes. A few days ago, the first reviews began to trickle in for the comedy The Interview, which depicts a shambolic attempt to assassinate the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

Forget 'evil' Putin - we are the bloodthirsty warmongers

UK - Since 1989, Moscow, the supposed aggressor, has – without fighting or losing a war – peacefully ceded control over roughly 180 million people, and roughly 700,000 square miles of valuable territory. The EU (and its military wing, Nato) have in the same period gained control over more than 120 million of those people, and almost 400,000 of those square miles.

New York City Police Department officers were 'assassinated'

USA - The two New York City police officers who were ambushed and shot to death in their vehicle on Saturday were "quite simply, assassinated," and the suspect had made Instagram posts that were very anti-police, the New York police commissioner said. New York Police Department Commissioner William Bratton said the officers, Liu Wenjin and Raphael Ramos, were shot in the head without warning after the gunman approached the passenger window of a marked police car and opened fire. The suspect, 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley, then ran inside a Brooklyn subway station and fatally shot himself in the head. A silver handgun was recovered at the scene, Bratton said. Brinsley had announced online that he was planning to shoot two "pigs" in retaliation for the police chokehold death of Eric Garner, authorities said.

Israel should allow Jews to celebrate Hanukkah miracle on Temple Mount

ISRAEL - Over the eight days of Hanukkah, Jews around the world light the menorah, or the ‘hanukkiyah’ as it’s called in Israel, to celebrate the miracles that happened in the days of the Maccabees. Jewish groups in many cities internationally are joined by public officials who take part in the pirsumi nisa, the public announcement of the miracle, by lighting huge menorahs in public squares. Ironically, the only place in the Western world where Jews are not allowed to light the menorah, is the exact location where the miracle took place, namely, the Temple Mount.

North Sea oil industry 'close to collapse'

UK - The tumbling oil price has left the UK’s North Sea oil industry ‘close to collapse’ experts warned today. North Sea oil and gas tycoon and government adviser Sir Ian Wood has said around 10 per cent of jobs may go, while Robin Allan, chairman of the independent explorers' association Brindex and Premier Oil executive, said today that at current oil prices it is ‘almost impossible to make money’. A report into the sector found 35,000 jobs could go over the next five years following the sharp fall in the price of oil. Brent crude has nearly halved since June and touched over a five-year low this week amid increased US shale oil supply and the continued output from Opec.

Industry Fears Massive Losses Through Espionage

USA - To see the impact of cyber attacks on US industry and its Pentagon customers, one need look no further than last month’s Zhuhai Airshow, where China’s military showed off its J-31 stealth fighter and JY-26 “Skywatch-U” 3-D long-range air surveillance radar.

BBC's current affairs programmes 'failing to address radical Islam'

UK - The BBC is failing to address the “awesomely difficult questions” facing Britain, including the economy and the threat of radical Islam, according to the corporation’s former chief. John Birt, director-general of the BBC from 1992-2000, said its current affairs analysis was falling short. “What it’s not sufficiently doing is addressing the very big, awesomely difficult questions our country and our world are facing at the moment,” he said. “I am talking about a much more strategic need on all the big questions we face. Every economy bar one in the G7 is more productive than the UK – these are the big issues that go undiscussed,” he told a media conference at London’s City University.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)