Hanukkah and Modern Zionism

ISRAEL - Ancient Hanukkah was a military victory by the Jewish Maccabees over the foreign domination of Israel by the Hellenistic Syrian Seleucids. In some ways, it looks like - modern Zionism. It's about Jewish ideals and survival. It's about the willingness to fight in order to survive as a nation in the Land of Israel.

Philadelphia man must pay $280,000 that he does not owe

USA - Though it was reluctant to do so, a Pennsylvania court has issued an order that requires a Philadelphia man to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of taxes that he doesn't even owe. As reported by PennLive.com, Commonwealth Court imposed the order for $280,772 in taxes on Nathan Lerner, even though city officials had acknowledged on the record that the tax bill he received was a "jeopardy assessment" that was based on pure fabrication.

Inequality in US Today is Worse than in Apartheid South Africa

USA - Inequality in America today is twice as bad as in ancient Rome, worse than it was in Tsarist Russia, Gilded Age America, modern Egypt, Tunisia or Yemen, many banana republics in Latin America, and worse than experienced by slaves in 1774 colonial America.

The Nazi party's guide to Christmas

GERMANY - A Nazi guide to Christmas - in which the Virgin Mary becomes German and the Archangel Gabriel is turned into an Ayran goddess - has been unearthed in an archive in the city of Dresden. As well as listing precise instructions for decorating the Christmas tree, faithful yuletide revellers were to be ordered to ditch Christmas carols in favour of more 'Germanic' ditties extolling motherhood, harvests and nature.

EU Looks to Iran, Russia to Help End Syria War

EUROPE - The European Union’s new foreign-policy chief said the bloc would try to step up co-operation with Russia and Iran over Syria, signaling a shift in Europe’s efforts to end the war there. The comments by Federica Mogherini, the EU foreign-policy chief, came after European foreign ministers on Monday threw their support behind a United Nations effort to negotiate a military “freeze” in Syria, starting in the besieged city of Aleppo.

Pakistan school massacre

PAKISTAN - A teacher is believed to have been burned alive while her pupils were forced to watch as Taliban gunmen stormed a school in Pakistan in an apparent revenge attack for Malala Yousafzai winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Nine Taliban terrorists attacked the Army Public School in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar today, slaughtering 132 children in the deadliest terrorist attack in the nation's history. Harrowing eyewitness accounts revealed how students were forced to watch as bodies were burned beyond recognition. Other survivors told how they played dead while insurgents scoured the school looking for children to shoot.

Facebook Filters Things You Aren't Supposed To See

USA - For the wretched souls addicted to Facebook, you are their economic engine. They mine your data, run facial recognition software on your pictures and you tell them everything about yourself, and everything about everyone you know. Governments are salivating at the idea of learning more about you and Facebook offers you up on a silver platter.

Hackers in charge

USA - Sony hack and theatre pullback reveals new era of hackers trouncing multinational corporations. Note the day of December 16th, 2014. That day will mark a milestone in history because it was the first time a US cinema chain censored the launch of a movie due to threats from hackers.

Canada Could Launch Parliamentary Review of 9/11 Commission Report

CANADA - An historic milestone in the 9/11 Truth Movement has been achieved by a dedicated group of activists in Ottawa, Ontario, with the presentation of a petition in the House of Commons requesting a "parliamentary review of the omissions and inconsistencies in the official United States of America 9/11 Commission Report."

The 28 internet acronyms EVERY parent needs to look out for

UK - If you thought you had teenage internet speak cracked by getting to grips with acronyms such as 'LOL' (for 'laugh out loud') and 'LMK' (for 'let me know'), think again. Do you know the meaning of 'IWSN' or 'GNOC'? Considering these are acronyms for 'I want sex now' and 'get naked on camera' used by youngsters, it's probably a good idea that parents do.

California Needs 11 Trillion Gallons of Water to End Drought: NASA

USA - Eleven trillion gallons — that's the amount of water that NASA scientists say would be needed to replenish key California river basins in what they're calling the first-ever estimate of the water necessary to end an episode of drought. That 11 trillion gallons is the deficit in normal seasonal levels that NASA said a team found earlier this year in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins, using Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites.

Next Week: A Modern-Day Hanukkah Miracle

ISRAEL – Jews throughout the world are ushering in the festival of Hanukkah Tuesday evening with the lighting of the hanukkiah - the 9-branched candelabra often referred to as a "menorah" after the 7-branched version that was lit daily in the holy Temple, prior to its destruction in 70 CE.

Muslim cleric at Temple Mount to Jews: ‘Time to kill you has come’

ISRAEL - Proclaiming invective words before a crowd at the Al Aqsa Mosque — built right on top of the Temple Mount (orthodox Jew’s holiest site) — a Muslim cleric sounded off a foreboding sermon threatening Jews, telling them “the time to kill you has come.” In what is being interpreted as an aggressive summonsing of ISIS — The Islamic State terrorist group overtaking the Taliban as the most brutal jihadist outfit on the planet — Sheik Omar Abu Sara yelled out a prophetic message, citing the Islamic holy book, the Quran.

EU court takes Hamas off terrorist organisations list

EUROPE - A top court of the European Union has annulled the bloc's decision to keep the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas on a list of terrorist groups. The decision had been based not on an examination of Hamas' actions, but on "factual imputations derived from the press and the internet", judges found. The court said the move was technical and was not a reassessment of Hamas' classification as a terrorist group. It said a funding freeze on the group would continue for the time being.

Liberate the Temple Mount for Israel's Survival

TEMPLE MOUNT, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Arab spokesmen, unlike their Israeli counterparts, are not ashamed to be “intransigent” or to cherish territory. Arab spokesmen, unlike most of their Jewish counterparts, are not ashamed to make the Temple Mount the center of their new war against Israel. Arab spokesmen care so much about the site that they can claim that Abraham wasn’t a Jew, that Jews never had a Temple in Jerusalem, that Jews in Biblical Israel are “the descendants of monkeys and pigs”.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)