Major storm knocks out power, disrupts flights in California

USA - A Pacific storm lashed drought-parched northern and central California on Thursday with heavy rain and high winds, knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes, disrupting flights, washing out roads and prompting school closures in the Bay Area.

This Is How a Prisoner of War Feels About Torture

USA - The release of a Senate report on the CIA's former interrogation program brought both political division and shock on Tuesday. While the shock was more universal, the division fell mostly along partisan lines with one notable exception: Senator John McCain.

Nazis Called Their Torture “Enhanced Interrogation” Too

USA - Just ran across an older piece documenting that the CIA and crew did the exact same things the Nazis did to torture people … and even called it the exact same thing. The Nazis’ “enhanced interrogation” – just like America’s – included: Sleep deprivation, Cold, Blows, Hard surfaces… Sadly, American officials apparently took a page from the Nazis … and the Communists.

Guess What Happened the Last Time Commodity Prices Crashed Like This?

USA - It isn’t just the price of oil that is collapsing. The last time commodity prices were this low was during the immediate aftermath of the last financial crisis. The Bloomberg Commodity Index fell to 110.4571 on Monday – the lowest that it has been since April 2009. Just like junk bonds, industrial commodities are a very reliable leading indicator. In other words, prices for industrial commodities usually start to move in a particular direction before the overall economy does.

Bank of America sees $50 oil as Opec dies

USA - The Opec oil cartel no longer exists in any meaningful sense and crude prices will slump to $50 a barrel over the coming months as market forces shake out the weakest producers, Bank of America has warned.

The rise of plastic pollution

UK - More than five trillion pieces of plastic - weighing as much as two large cruise liners - are floating in the world's oceans. The total weight of all the plastic pollution in the seas is estimated to be almost 269,000 tonnes. An international team of scientists made the calculation after gathering data from 24 expeditions mounted over a period of six years between 2007 and 2013.

‘Sitting Ducks': Move Carriers Out of the Gulf, into Mediterranean

MIDDLE EAST - My first missions to support an aircraft carrier in 1983 were flown in the Gulf of Oman in an EP-3 ARIES I/ORION aircraft, providing coverage for a US aircraft carrier from a land base. Then, even the slightest movements by Iran in the Persian Gulf would send the massive aircraft carrier stationed there scrambling for the wide open maneuver space of the North Arabian Sea. This has changed.

American Dream Is Out of Reach, Poll Shows

USA - Despite an improving economy and jobs picture, the public is more pessimistic than it was after the 2008 financial crisis that it is possible to work hard and become rich, according to a New York Times poll. The poll, which explored Americans’ opinions on a wide range of economic and financial issues, found that only 64 percent of respondents said they still believed in the American dream, the lowest result in roughly two decades. Even near the depth of the financial crisis in early 2009, 72 percent of Americans still believed that hard work could result in riches.

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech

USA - While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the mote in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

'Weather bomb'

UK - It's bringing disruption to northern UK with no power in thousands of Scottish homes but what does the phrase, 'weather bomb', mean? With waves reaching heights of 52ft off the Outer Hebrides on Wednesday morning and wind speeds of 77mph, it's fair to say the UK is experiencing severe weather. The Met Office is predicting widespread gales for the northern half of the UK with blustery wintry showers, perhaps thundery, with snow likely across northern parts at times.

Greece’s stock market just suffered its worst collapse ever

GREECE - Greece’s Athex Composite GD, -7.35% tanked almost 13% Tuesday — the biggest drop for the index on record, according to FactSet. The renewed jitters came after the government, in a surprise move late Monday, said it would bring forward presidential elections to December 17, potentially, setting the scene for snap elections in early 2015.

France told to avoid 'secular war' after nativity scene ban sparks uproar

FRANCE - France faced calls to avoid a “war of secularism" after a court banned a nativity scene in a town hall, igniting a nationwide row yesterday. The court in Nantes ordered regional authorities in the western town of La Roche-sur-Yon to remove the crib from the mayoral entrance hall, following a complaint from the secular campaign group Fédération Nationale de la Libre Pensée [The National Federation of Free Thought]. The council is appealing against the decision, and has received backing from far-Right Front National leader Marine Le Pen, who described it as “stupid and blinkered secularism”. Bruno Retailleau, the local senator, exclaimed: “Next we’ll be banning epiphany cakes at the Élysée Palace.” He threatened to take the case to the European Court of Human Rights.

Driving Force for the EU Army

GERMANY - Military experts of the SPD group in the German Bundestag are calling for an EU "military academy" and "permanent military headquarters" along with other steps toward establishing an EU army. "As Social Democrats, we want to be the driving force in Europe of a parliamentary controlled European army," declared its "Working Group on Security and Defense Policy" in a position paper.

Al-Aqsa speaker: The slaughter of the Jews is near

ISRAEL - A sheikh giving a spontaneous sermon at the al-Aqsa mosque recently called for the “slaughter” of the Jews, saying they were “the most evil creatures to have walked this Earth.” “Talking about the traits of the Jews requires one to get into a special mode, because we are dealing with people to whom every single vile trait has been attributed,” the sheikh says. “They were the masters of these vile traits, and they taught their secrets to others.”

With future uncertain, Colorado shields its water

USA - With demand increasing across the West, Colorado is drawing up a strategy to keep some of the trillions of gallons of water that gush out of the Rocky Mountains every spring — most of which flows downstream to drought-stricken California, Arizona, Nevada and Mexico. Colorado wants to ensure its farms, wildlife and rapidly growing cities have enough water in the decades to come. It's pledging to provide downstream states every gallon they're legally entitled to, but not a drop more. "If anybody thought we were going to roll over and say, 'OK, California, you're in a really bad drought, you get to use the water that we were going to use,' they're mistaken," said James Eklund, director of the Colorado Water Conservation Board, which wrote the draft after a series of public meetings.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)