Facebook can gain direct access to your mobile

UK - Facebook can gain direct access to a person’s mobile and take pictures or make videos at any time without explicit consent, MPs warn as they call on social media companies to simplify their terms and conditions. The MP said that they should simplify the conditions of using their services, which are designed for US courts, because they are so impenetrable that “no reasonable person” can be expected to understand them.

Students Urge Gov't: Recognize Abbas's Role in Munich Massacre

ISRAEL - Israel must formally declare Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas responsible for the 1972 Munich massacre, the Students for Israel movement appealed to the Ministry of Defense Tuesday. From September 5-6 1972, masked terrorists stormed the apartments where Israeli athletes were staying in the Olympic Village for the 1972 Munich games. The terrorists took the athletes as hostages and demanded the release of 200 Arabs from Israeli prisons.

Abbas playing with fire on Temple Mount

TEMPLE MOUNT, ISRAEL - After relative calm for the last 10 years, terror has returned to the streets of Jerusalem. Palestinians have driven cars into women, children and newborns waiting for the train, and this week terrorists stormed into a Synagogue in a part of Jerusalem which is uncontestably part of Israel by every international standard, and murdered in cold blood four unarmed civilians in the midst of their early morning prayers.

New Whispers of Pre-emptive Strike on Iran as Nuclear Deadline Passes.

ISRAEL - Monday was the deadline to resolve the nuclear showdown with Iran. No deal was struck. Rather, seven more months were added to the negotiations. Meanwhile, the Ayatollah Khamenei vowed yet again to annihilate the State of Israel. Now we face several very serious questions:

Cornered but unbound by nuclear pact, Israel reconsiders military action against Iran

ISRAEL - Historic negotiations with Iran will reach an inflection point on Monday, as world powers seek to clinch a comprehensive deal that will, to their satisfaction, end concerns over the nature of its vast, decade-old nuclear program. But reflecting on the deal under discussion with The Jerusalem Post on the eve of the deadline, Israel has issued a stark, public warning to its allies with a clear argument: Current proposals guarantee the perpetuation of a crisis, backing Israel into a corner from which military force against Iran provides the only logical exit.

Temple Mount inciters have done one good thing

ISRAEL - Without meaning to, Israeli right-wingers calling for access to the Temple Mount are awakening some long-dormant sentiments among the Israeli public. My father-in-law, Mordechai Shalev, who passed away recently, told me once when I came back from the Temple Mount – a site I really love, and not for nationalist reasons – “That’s a place whose beauty is unfathomable.”

British Royals Refuse to Visit Israel

UK - You won't find the British royals in the holy land. Elliott Abrams calls it, "The bizarre story of the refusal of British royals to visit Israel, while they are constantly in the Arab world, continues." "The Queen has never set foot in Israel and Prince Charles set foot there briefly only once, for the Rabin funeral," Abrams, a former deputy national security adviser in the George W Bush administration, observes. "By contrast, in just the month of November 2014 we found Prince Andrew and Prince Harry at what the Foreign Office must have considered a diplomatic necessity: the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Prince Andrew also visited Saudi Arabia (at the request of the Foreign Office, it was announced).

IDF Chief Rabbi: No Link to Temple Mount in Islam

ISRAEL - The chief rabbi of the Israel Defense Forces, Brigadier General Rafi Peretz, said during a lecture to seminary students in early November that the Temple Mount has no legitimate religious significance in Islam and that Muslims “imagine” a religious bond to the site. When they pray, he said, they bow in the direction of Mecca “with their backsides to the Temple Mount.”

Voters reject plan to force Switzerland to stockpile gold

SWITZERLAND - Swiss voters have overwhelmingly rejected a plan to force the Swiss National Bank to buy thousands of tonnes of gold, giving the SNB breathing space as it attempts to protect the franc against a quantitative easing blitz from the European Central Bank.

Switzerland's government said on Sunday afternoon that 77 percent of voters in Sunday’s referendum rejected proposals to make the central bank hold 20 percent of its assets in the precious metal. This result was a blow to a right-wing Swiss People’s Party, which launched the “Save Our Swiss Gold” campaign in a reactionary backlash against the SNB accumulating hundreds of billions of depreciating euros.

Pope’s speech to the European parliament: rediscover your core values

EUROPE - Few speeches about Europe these days arouse much enthusiasm. The subject is more likely to be greeted with boredom or acrimony, the debate conducted in instant and shallow slogans. So the pope’s message to the European parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday, calling for a break from the current angst and “a return to the conviction of the founders of the European Union” came as something of a shock.

Germany and France Aim to Avert a ‘Lost Decade’

EUROPE - The economy ministers of France and Germany called on Thursday for urgent overhauls and a series of investments in both countries to help prevent them and the eurozone from falling into a stagnation trap. Flanked by the German and French flags during a news briefing at the French Finance Ministry, Emmanuel Macron, the French economy minister, and his German counterpart, Sigmar Gabriel, called for a “New Deal” as they released a report that warned of a “lost decade” of growth if France and Germany stood by and did nothing.

'It's hard to build peace; but living without peace is an absolute nightmare'

VATICAN - 'It's hard to build peace; but living without peace is an absolute nightmare'. In an exclusive, wide-ranging interview, his first to the Israeli media, Pope Francis expresses his sadness at the Jerusalem synagogue attack and the lack of peace between Israelis and Palestinians, voices his hatred for anti-Semitism and talks of his fears for the Christian communities persecuted by the Islamic State.

Swiss, French call to bring home gold reserves

EUROPE - The financial crisis in Europe is prompting some nations to repatriate their gold reserves to national vaults. The Netherlands has moved $5 billion worth of gold from New York, and some are calling for similar action from France, Switzerland, and Germany. An unmatched pace of money printing by major central banks has boosted concerns in European countries over the safety of their gold reserves abroad.

Inside OPEC room, Naimi declares price war on US shale oil

AUSTRIA - Saudi Arabia's oil minister told fellow OPEC members they must combat the US shale oil boom, arguing against cutting crude output in order to depress prices and undermine the profitability of North American producers. Ali al-Naimi won the argument at Thursday's meeting, against the wishes of ministers from OPEC's poorer members such as Venezuela, Iran and Algeria which had wanted to cut production to reverse a rapid fall in oil prices.They were not prepared to offer big cuts themselves, and, choosing not to clash with the Saudis and their rich Gulf allies, ultimately yielded to Naimi's pressure.

Billions wiped off energy shares as investors rush for exit

USA - A fresh slide in the price of crude wiped tens of billions of dollars off oil companies' market value on Friday and signalled an end to the sector's safe-haven status, as fears mounted over future profits and dividend payouts. Fund managers described the last 24 hours of trading as "capitulation" - the point at which a sell-off becomes widespread and panic-driven - as investors reassessed whether the sector could keep gushing cash after OPEC's decision not to cut oil production to fight a supply glut.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)