Goldman Sachs, HSBC, BASF sued in first US metals price manipulation case

USA - Four major global firms are to appear in a New York court accused of manipulating platinum and palladium prices for eight years. The law suit is the first of its kind in US history. Those accused include units of Goldman Sachs Group, the world’s biggest global investment bank, HSBC Holdings, Europe's largest bank by market value, the metals unit of BASF SE (BAS), the world’s largest chemical company, and Standard Bank Group from South Africa, the world’s largest producer of platinum and second largest producer of palladium after Russia. The plaintiffs claim the manipulations of precious metals prices, which is believed to have started in 2007, have cost purchasers millions of dollars, Reuters reports.

The REAL Looting Is Happening On Wall Street … Not In Ferguson

USA - The looting in Ferguson, Missouri is bad. The looters are giving the peaceful protesters against the shooting of Michael Brown a bad name, and provoking an armed (and over-militarized) response by the police. But let’s put things in perspective …Wall Street’s crimes and fraud have cost the economy tens of trillions of dollars. The big banks are still engaged in mind-blowing levels of manipulation and crime. Nobel prize winning economist Joe Stiglitz and well-known economist Nouriel Roubini say that we’ve got to jail – or perhaps even hang – some bankers before they’ll stop looting the economy. Nobel prize winning economist George Akerlof has demonstrated that failure to punish white collar criminals – and instead bailing them out - creates incentives for more economic crimes and further destruction of the economy in the future.

Bank of England will raise interest rates despite euro gloom, says Mark Carney

UK - Despite several clouds over the UK economy, the Bank of England’s team of interest rate setters is determined to deliver an interest rate hike as their next change in policy. Speaking in front of MPs on Tuesday, Mark Carney, the BoE’s Governor, said the central bank’s “next move in policy is going to be an increase” to Bank Rate. There were no formal discussions of additional easing in the minutes of the MPC’s last meeting, despite a deterioration in “the global economics conditions … in two of the major economies, Europe and Japan”. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), the body of nine members that votes on Bank policy, have elected to disregard a worsening situation in the global economy.

Earliest Winter Weather in Decades Hits USA

USA - Cold temperatures have socked much of the country early, bringing freezing temperatures and mounds of snow in some of the earliest winter weather in decades. Winter has debuted early in the USA. So early, in fact, that river ice has already ended the shipping season on the upper Mississippi river. The shipping season was ended early on November 20, the earliest shut down since records were first started in 1969. This month areas of Michigan and Western New York were slammed with snow up to six feet in depth in some places snarling traffic and causing roofs of buildings to collapse under the strain. But the early snowfall didn't wait until November to hit the nation. As early as the day after Labor Day Barrow, Alaska found one of its earliest significant snowfalls in recent memory. There was even snow in Chicago on Halloween Day, the first appreciable snow fall on that scary night since 1993.

Bubonic Plague Spreads in Madagascar

MADAGASCAR - Madagascar said Monday it was trying to contain an outbreak of plague - similar to the Black Death that swept medieval Europe - that has killed 47 people and is spreading to the capital Antananarivo. "The plague" has been taking lives in the most gruesome of ways for thousands of years. And guess what: It's still here. The health ministry said there had been 138 suspected cases since the beginning of the year and warned that the death toll was likely to rise in coming months. Two people have been infected in Antananarivo, one of them dying, and health workers have mounted a pest control campaign through slum areas around the city, the World Health Organization (WHO) said. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, the country has recorded on average 500 cases of plague every year since 2009. The Black Death, otherwise known as the bubonic plague, is estimated to have killed some 25 million people across Europe in the Middle Ages.

'No justice, no peace': Michael Brown family denounce grand jury process

USA - Michael Brown's father was the only person not wearing a suit. While the lawyers and civil rights leaders addressed the cameras in sharply-tailored outfits, Michael Brown Senior stood silently in a white T-shirt with a four-word message: "No justice, no peace."

Ferguson Riots, Immigration Reform Framing Coming Civil War Around Race

USA - Chaos has engulfed Ferguson, Missouri as the mainstream media is directing national attention to divisive racial issues at a time of rising tyranny in America. Sensational revelations about government corruption are becoming a regular occurrence under the Obama administration. Ordinary Americans are being targeted while known terrorists are escorted through security.

The Modernized Slave Labor System: Also Known as the Prison Industrial Complex

USA - The United States prison system, not only a machine for mass incarceration, but a machine for modernized slave labor. The United States has 5% of the world’s population, yet we have 25% of the world's prison population. Land of the free, right? It would seem the statistics say otherwise, since the official drug war president Nixon announced in the 70's, our prison population has grown over 700%!

Once Again, The Temple Mount is the Heart of the Matter

ISRAEL - In Jewish tradition, the Temple Mount, Har Habayit, is uniquely holy, special and significant. Not only the site of the First and Second Temples, the Mount, Mount Moriah, is considered to be the site where Abraham sacrificed Isaac, Jacob dreamed of the ladder ascending to heaven, and in some interpretations, the site of Gan Eden itself. And while our political leaders are eager to mute its significance, our adversaries have correctly perceived its importance.

The Temple Mount: To the Jew First

ISRAEL - "Israel must rescind the abusive authority of the Muslim Waqf, restore law and order, and open up the Temple Mount to peoples of all faiths to come to worship and pray at this holy place," says Israeli pastor. "The time has come for the Jews to again declare, 'The Temple Mount is in our hands.'"

Protests spread across US

USA - Some 2,000 National Guard troops dispatched to the St Louis area helped police stave off a second night of rioting and arson after a grand jury declined to indict a white policeman in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager, as sympathy protests spread to several US cities. President Barack Obama appealed for dialogue, and his attorney general promised that a federal probe into the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in August would be rigorous. Officer Darren Wilson, the policeman who shot him, said his conscience was clear.

Iran: ‘Americans Have Very Clearly Surrendered’

IRAN - Top Iranian leaders have been celebrating a recently inked extension in nuclear negotiations with the West, with leading military figures and politicians saying that the deal is a sign that the “Americans have very clearly surrendered to Iran’s might,” according to regional reports.

Putin Warns Obama – You’ve Turned USA & West Into Godless Sewer

RUSSIA - With God as our witness to the truthfulness of the following statement, we thus testify: Never in our sickest nightmares would we ever have believed that the President of Russia, not the POTUS [President of the United States] would be the man of Christian faith and values.

'The danger to a black child in the US is not a white police officer. It's another black'

USA - Rudy Giuliani is doubling down his controversial comments about 'black-on-black crime,' saying he saved thousands of African American lives by cutting the murder rate during his tenure as New York's mayor. 'The danger to a black child in America is not a white police officer. That's going to happen less than 1 percent of the time,' he told Fox and Friends this morning. 'The danger to a black child, if it was my child, is another black - 93 percent of the time it's going to be another black.'

An Infallible, Liberal Pope?

VATICAN - Pope Francis has been back in the news. Most recently, because the Vatican confirmed that he will visit the United States next year, but earlier because of the much-discussed extraordinary synod on the family. At this gathering, some prelates drafted a document evincing an unprecedented welcome to gays and divorced Catholics before it was criticized and ultimately shot down by other bishops.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)