Does Russia Have A Secret Space Weapon?

RUSSIA - Concerns have been raised that a mysterious object that Russia put into orbit could in fact be some form of top secret space weapon. In the last three weeks alone satellite trackers have noticed it actually adjusting its own trajectory prompting fears that Russia has secretly placed a weapon in orbit designed for destroying other satellites. The news that Russia could be operating a secret weapon from space will only add to the current mystery that surrounds Russia's military endeavours after a huge flash of light was seen in the sky over Russia earlier this week. The flash of light was caught on camera and has left scientists and experts baffled as to the cause with some suggesting that it could be the result of a top-secret weapon.

Netanyahu: Blood libel against us led to Jerusalem terror attack

ISRAEL - Prime minister says lies about Israel wanting to destroy Muslim holy places at Temple Mount have led to wave of terror attacks, including Tuesday's synagogue massacre in Jerusalem. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Tuesday night against people taking the law into their own hands to avenge Tuesday’s murderous attack in Har Nof, and also called for national unity at a time of enormous challenges facing the country.

Netanyahu and the Temple Mount Status Quo

ISRAEL - By Rabbi Chaim Richman: “Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has consistently based his Temple Mount policy on maintaining the pre-existing "status quo" that his government inherited concerning Jewish presence and prayer on the Temple Mount. He has stated repeatedly and forcefully to foreign leaders and representatives, and to local and international media alike that his policy is "No Change in the Status Quo," meaning Jews (and other non-Muslims) can freely enter the Temple Mount (during the limited hours that the Mount is open to non-Muslims), but Jews under no circumstances can pray on the Temple Mount.”

Israel Political Parties: The Jewish Home

ISRAEL - The Jewish Home ("HaBayit HaYehudi," in Hebrew) is a religious, Zionist political party in Israel. It is currently led by Naftali Bennett. Originally established in November 2008, prior to elections for the 18th Knesset, the Jewish Home was a coalition of a number of right-wing national religious parties including Moledet, the National Religious Party and Tkuma.

ECB ready to buy government bonds, Draghi signals

EUROPE - European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi has indicated that he is prepared for the bank to buy government bonds if necessary to ward off a spiral of recession and deflation in the eurozone. Addressing MEPs on Monday (17 November) as part of his quarterly 'monetary dialogue' with members of the European Parliament, Draghi said that the bank's governing council was "unanimous in its commitment to using additional unconventional instruments within its mandate".

Germany now prominent in Iran nuclear talks

GERMANY - Berlin is pushing for a rapid conclusion to the Iran nuclear program negotiations. The talks must absolutely be successfully concluded by the November 24 deadline, insist leading German foreign policy-makers along with the German Foreign Minister personally. This is "technically" feasible; it must be resolutely pursued politically. Further postponement would be counterproductive.

The EU is a Union of Rules, Not a Union of Force

IRELAND - John Bruton - a former Prime Minister of Ireland:

“The European Union (EU) is a group of sovereign states, who are sovereign in that they are entirely free to leave the EU. This freedom to leave means the EU is not a “super state.” There is no coercive force — and no EU army — to make Britain or any other country remain in the union. Britain enjoys a freedom, within the EU, that colonies did not enjoy within the British or other European empires. Britain is, therefore, entirely within its rights in considering the option of leaving the EU, although that does not mean such a course would be wise. The EU does not exist on the basis of coercion. It exists on the basis of common rules or treaties that EU members have so far freely abided by, even when particular decisions were not to their liking. If countries started systematically ignoring EU decisions, the union would soon disappear.”

Taps run dry in São Paulo drought

ATIBAIA, BRAZIL — Seen from a micro-light aircraft, flying low near this small town in Brazil’s interior, the scale of the water crisis blighting São Paulo, a megalopolis 40 miles away, was frighteningly clear. Four of the five reservoirs in an interlinked system that supplies 6.5 million people, more than a third of its metropolitan population, were vividly depleted. Caked red banks of exposed earth showed just how low the water levels had fallen.

3 Billion Gallons Of Fracking Wastewater Pumped Into Clean California Aquifiers

USA - Dear California readers: if you drank tap water this morning (or at any point in the past few weeks/months), you may be in luck as you no longer need to buy oil to lubricate your engine: just use your blood, and think of the cost-savings. That's the good news.

All 50 US states feel freezing temperatures, four dead in New York

USA - Temperatures in all 50 US states dipped to freezing or below on Tuesday as an unseasonably cold blast of weather moved across the country while heavy snow prompted a state of emergency in western New York and contributed to the deaths of four people. Every US state, including Hawaii, was bitten by temperatures at the freezing point of 32 degrees F (0 C) or below, the National Weather Service (NWS) said. It was the coldest November morning across the country since 1976, according to Weather Bell Analytics, a meteorologist consulting firm. Typically, such cold is not seen until late December through February, the NWS said. Parts of Erie County, western New York, had 60 inches (1.5 m) of snow, with more falling, said Steven Welch of the National Weather Service near Buffalo.

Breaking News: Corruption Discovered in the PLO!

ISRAEL - Does that headline surprise you? Maybe if you just got off a spaceship from Mars, or if you have been sleeping for the past 50 years. But if you have been following the news just a bit, you have probably noticed that over the past 20-odd years, the international community has been pouring billions of dollars of financial aid into the PLO and its offshoot, the Palestinian Authority, to help the poor refugees establish a state. As this massive influx of money has come in, the "Palestinian refugees" are still in camps with nothing, but Abbas and his PLO functionaries (and Hamas) have become millionaires. Simply put, someone is making millions off of international good will, but that is not helping resolve the problem, and is not providing assistance to those in need.

Rubin: Situation tense at Temple Mount

ISRAEL - While Shiites and Sunnis kill each other in Syria, an even more dangerous religious war could soon explode in Jerusalem, involving Jews, Muslims and Christians. I refer to the mounting Israeli-Arab tensions over control of the Temple Mount, or Haram al-Sharif, as Muslims call it, in Jerusalem's Old City, which is Judaism's holiest site and the third holiest for Islam. "The Temple Mount is a powder keg, and arsonists have the upper hand," blared a Wednesday headline in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz.

Netanyahu told Jordan’s king to take reins at Temple Mount

JORDAN - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at a meeting in Amman last week, called on Jordan’s king and the Islamic foundation that administers the Temple Mount to exercise their authority to prevent disturbances at the holy site, according to details revealed in an Israeli report Monday.

New EU foreign policy chief: Recognizing a Palestinian state is not enough

EUROPE - European foreign ministers are meeting in Brussels Monday morning to discuss the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process amid growing calls by local politicians for the member states to unilaterally recognize Palestine as a state. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini of Italy, told reporters that the topic in front of the EU council of foreign ministers is boosting the EU’s role in a renewed peace process.

Missouri governor declares state of emergency

USA - Missouri's governor declared a state of emergency on Monday and authorized the state's National Guard to support police in case of violence after a grand jury decides whether to indict a white police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black teenager.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)