The German Path to an EU Army

GERMANY - The German government is accelerating the creation of an EU army by means of bilateral military cooperation. The German-Polish "declaration of intent" on military cooperation of the two countries' armed forces, signed in the middle of the week, is the most recent example.

Germany will not recognise Palestinian State

GERMANY - Assistant Spokeswoman for the German Foreign Ministry Susan Shibley said on Friday that her country would not follow in the footsteps of Sweden and recognise a Palestinian State, Anadolu news agency said. She was speaking at a press conference held in Berlin. She said that her country has been supporting a solution for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict based on the two-state plan via a deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Germany 'would accept UK exit from EU' to protect migration rules

GERMANY/UK - Chancellor Angela Merkel would rather see the UK exit from the European Union than compromise over the principle of free movement of workers, according to the German magazine Der Spiegel.

'Jordan Must Internalize Temple Mount is Under Israeli Control'

ISRAEL - Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) responded to the Jordanian government's threat to revoke the 1994 peace agreement with Israel, due to controversy over the Temple Mount. Israel temporarily closed the Mount to both Jewish and Muslim worshippers on Thursday, in an attempt to calm tensions.

Potential Ties Between Europol and Russia Demand UK Split from Police Agency

UK - UK’s fierce debate about the European Union is often misunderstood across the Atlantic. It has unfortunately become a tradition of the US foreign policy to view the EU as synonymous with ‘strong’ Europe. So much so that a couple of years ago, President Obama visited Britain and declared the US wanted Britain to remain in the EU – an intervention remembered here without much warmth. Yet he is hardly original in seeing the Union, as opposed to the nation-states of Europe, as a better and more reliable ally of the US against various enemies from radical Islamists to Putin’s Russia.

Cameron's bid to guarantee EU referendum fails

UK - British Prime Minister David Cameron's hopes of enshrining into law a promise of a referendum on EU membership have collapsed after lawmakers on Tuesday (28 October) said that his Liberal Democrat coalition partners had blocked the legislation. Cameron wants to renegotiate Britain's ties with Europe and hold a referendum by 2017, while the Liberal Democrats and the opposition Labour Party say a vote would be destabilising.

‘Declaration of war’: Abbas warns over 1st Al-Aqsa Mosque closure since 1967

TEMPLE MOUNT, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – The Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem has been closed to all worshipers for the first time since 1967. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas called the closure a ‘declaration of war.’ Both Jewish and Muslim worshipers will be prohibited from visiting the site “until further notice,” Israel’s public security minister said. Following the announcement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered "a significant hike" in the number of police forces patrolling Jerusalem, Naharnet Daily reports.

Arab Rioters Vow: 'It's an Intifada, We Won't Be Stopped'

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Arabs in Jerusalem attacking Jews on a regular basis reveal 'no peaceful solutions' exist, and jail time will not check their violence. Mohammed (20) told them after his recent four month stint behind bars for his role in the violence that he would not be stopped from returning to terrorism. "It's an intifada, there are no peaceful solutions”

Police Fold to World Pressure for Muslim Temple Mount Access

TEMPLE MOUNT, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – Limited Temple Mount access for Muslims, none for Jews on Friday as top Sunni group denounces 'barbaric' closure to stop terrorism. Israeli police folded to a chorus of international criticism on Thursday evening and decided to reopen the Temple Mount on Friday - for Muslims only, not for Jews. "It was decided to restore (the compound) to normal," police spokeswoman Luba Samri told AFP. Police had ordered the temporary closure of the Temple Mount on Thursday so as to calm the tension following the assassination attempt on Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick. Despite access on Thursday being closed to both Jews and Muslims, Muslims reportedly were allowed on the Mount anyway before rioting and being dispersed.

Shaked: Allow Jews to Pray on the Temple Mount

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – MK Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home) on Thursday called on the government to announce new regulations regarding Jewish prayers on the Temple Mount, as a response to the shooting of leading Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick. Speaking to Arutz Sheva, Shaked said that Glick is an example of a human rights activist who conducts himself in a democratic manner, and criticized many of the leading Israeli media outlets that chose to describe Glick as an “extremist right-wing activist”. "Yehuda would always ascend the Temple Mount without provocation. I hope the police will come around and let him hold tours on the Temple Mount, and that the Prime Minister will come to his senses and approve the regulations on visiting times to the Temple Mount, so that the Jews can continue to visit and pray there,” she said.

Restoring Justice and Sanity on the Temple Mount

TEMPLE MOUNT, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – The horrific shooting of Yehuda Glick, Executive Director of LIBAH, and one of Israel’s foremost activists on behalf of Jewish civil rights for access and prayer on the Temple Mount, is shocking but not surprising. The orientation of the Police, treating Jewish visitors as un-indicted criminals, while allowing for brazen, aggressive and threatening behavior by Arab men and women on the Mount, has created the background for inevitable violence and bloodshed.

Senator Ted Cruz: Obama’s Unprecedented Attack on Israel

USA - This week, the world was treated to yet another embarrassing display of the Obama administration’s incompetent foreign policy. This is an unprecedented attack on a critical ally of the United States at a moment of international crisis. It is a de facto admission to the mullahs in Tehran that the Obama administration thinks it is too late to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons. It is an inexcusable betrayal of the national security of the American people. Do the Democrats agree with what Obama administration officials are saying about Israel and its leaders? Do they also concede that a nuclear Iran is inevitable? These questions should be asked — and answered — before Americans head to the polls next Tuesday.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel: Get Used to Endless War

USA - Sometimes it feels like what's happening now, at any given moment, is bigger, more important, worse, and more dangerous than before. Luckily, that often turns out to be incorrect: Today's news is tomorrow's hazy memory, and what once seemed like an existential threat is now nothing more than an unpleasant recollection. It sure seems like there are frightening events happening everywhere today — from ISIS to Ebola, Russian imperialism to Chinese saber-rattling, climate change to congressional dysfunction. But is it really worse, or will this, too, pass?

The Crisis In US-Israel Relations Is Officially Here

USA - The Obama administration's anger is "red-hot" over Israel's settlement policies, and the Netanyahu government openly expresses contempt for Obama's understanding of the Middle East. Profound changes in the relationship may be coming.

Google Survey: Majority Of US Citizens Think US Gives Too Much To Israel

USA - The majority of US citizens, according to a Google Consumer Survey, think the US gives too much aid to Israel: Today 6 in 10 Americans believe the US gives too much aid to Israel. The policy and political implications of this finding are stark. Elected officials passing ever larger aid packages and supplemental spending for Israel simply cannot claim they are representing the majority interests of their constituents. American presidents proclaiming the US‐Israel bond is “unbreakable” cannot claim such a bond is willingly underwritten by US taxpayers. The finding also shines yet more light on Israel lobby organizations as the major factor coming between most constituents and their representatives and quietly working to ensure that Israel’s majority share of the US foreign aid budget continues.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)