US admits there is a much scarier terrorist group than ISIS

USA - New intelligence has emerged warning Washington that its upcoming confrontation with the Islamic State may leave it blind to a more sinister and direct threat from a much lesser known terrorist group that has arisen from the ashes of the Syrian war. Very little information is being released at the moment by anyone within American intelligence circles, but the group calling itself Khorasan is said by officials to have concrete plans for striking targets in the United States and Europe as a chosen modus operandi – more so than the Islamic State (IS), formerly known as ISIS.

How Qatar is funding the rise of Islamist extremists

QATAR - The fabulously wealthy Gulf state, which owns an array of London landmarks and claims to be one of our best friends in the Middle East, is a prime sponsor of violent Islamists . Few outsiders have noticed, but radical Islamists now control Libya's capital. These militias stormed Tripoli last month, forcing the official government to flee and hastening the country's collapse into a failed state. Moreover, the new overlords of Tripoli are allies of Ansar al-Sharia, a brutal jihadist movement suspected of killing America's then ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and of trying to murder his British counterpart, Sir Dominic Asquith.

Couple returning from Syria 'were plotting assault on EU Brussels office'

BELGIUM - Belgium has been put on edge over potential Islamist terrorist attacks for the second time in four months amid reports that a man and woman who had returned from the war in Syria via Turkey were plotting an assault on the European Union's main offices in Brussels. According to the Dutch public broadcaster, NOS, the couple were detained in Belgium where investigators were said to have proof of a planned attack on the Berlaymont building, the offices housing the European commission. According to the Dutch broadcaster, citing Belgian investigators, the couple may be charged with belonging to a terrorist organisation, of breaking laws on possession of weapons, and of funding terrorism.

Cameron in battle to stem rebellion over vow to Scots

UK - David Cameron will today seek to head off a back-bench rebellion over new powers for Scotland, amid concerns that his ambitious timetable for English votes for English laws may be derailed. The Prime Minister will meet more than 20 Tory backbenchers at Chequers, where he will try to allay concerns over devolution and set out his vision to block Scottish MPs from having a say on English legislation. On Friday, Mr Cameron sought to quell anger among his backbenchers after agreeing in advance of the referendum to hand more power to Scotland and to maintain high levels of public funding for Scots.

Alex Salmond says No voters were 'tricked'

SCOTLAND - The First Minister goes back on his promise to accept the referendum result and raises the prospect of Scotland unilaterally declaring independence. Alex Salmond has raised the prospect of Scotland unilaterally declaring independence without another referendum as he abandoned his promise to accept the result and claimed that No voters were “tricked”. The First Minister appeared to blame elderly Scots, who were most hostile to leaving the UK, for holding back younger generations and argued that independence is inevitable after they die off. In a startling intervention, he also claimed that another referendum may not be required to break up Britain as the Scottish Parliament could unilaterally declare independence after gaining increasing numbers of powers.

Pope in Albania Urges Muslims to Condemn Extremism

ALBANIA - Pope Francis called Sunday for Muslims and all religious leaders to condemn Islamic extremists who "pervert" religion to justify violence, as he visited Albania and held up the Balkan nation as a model for interfaith harmony for the rest of the world. "To kill in the name of God is a grave sacrilege. To discriminate in the name of God is inhuman," Francis told representatives of Albania's Muslim, Orthodox and Catholic communities during a half-day visit to Tirana in which he recalled the brutal persecution people of all faiths suffered under communism.

Pope Francis says Albania is a model of religious harmony

ALBANIA - In his first trip to a Muslim-majority country, Pope Francis held up Albania as a model of religious harmony compared to the sectarian savagery sweeping across the Middle East. Large crowds lined the broad avenues of Tirana, the capital, on Sunday as the Pope was driven into the centre of the city after a short flight from Rome. The Pope said that "authentic religious spirit is being perverted" in many parts of the world and that "religious differences are being distorted and manipulated." That had led to "conflict and violence", said the Pope, who recently gave his conditional approval to US air strikes against ISIL extremists persecuting Christians and other minorities in Iraq.

The world's richest terrorist organization just got richer

IRAQ - A video uploaded onto the internet and translated by MEMRI shows Islamic State (IS) fighters parading a haul of millions of dollars and several gold ingots seized from the home of a prominent Iraqi official in Nineveh Province. The treasure trove was found in the home of Osama al-Nujayfi, the former speaker of Iraq's parliament; in the video an IS fighter estimated its value in "the billions". Whatever the precise amount, it's certainly a coup for the jihadi group which has swept through Iraq and northern Syria and is believed to be largely self-sufficient financially.

Security stepped up at Vatican over fears of terror attack

VATICAN - Security in the Vatican has been increased after intelligence agencies reportedly intercepted an unspecified threat against Pope Francis, on the eve of his visit to Muslim-majority Albania. The number of uniformed and plain clothes police patrolling St Peter's Square during the Pope's weekly audiences on Sunday and Wednesday has been increased, sniffer dogs are being used and extra metal detector machines have been installed, the Italian media reported on Saturday.

Neither warmongers nor wimps

EUROPE - It is a very German discussion that has been occupying the media of Europe’s largest economy for the last few months. It started with a cover story in the leading news magazine Der Spiegel that called on policymakers to “Stop Putin. Now.” The conservative daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) followed suit with an op-ed demanding a new “double-track-decision” that would show Europe’s “economic, political and military readiness to retaliate” against Russia.

Military integration could bring Euro army

EUROPE - In June this year the Dutch 11th airmobile brigade officially joined the German army in a ceremony attended by the Dutch and German defence ministers. Dutch soldiers will now serve as part of a German division of rapid-response troops under the command of a German general. The Dutch admit its motivation is to pool equipment and training in order to cut costs.

Crowdfunding Campaign for Third Temple Close to Goal

Israel - A crowdfunding initiative to rebuild the Third Temple in Jerusalem has gained steam, the Temple Institute stated Wednesday, and is close to reaching its $100,000 goal. The indiegogo campaign has reached close to $71,000 in fifty days, according to the Institute, and is expected to surpass the target before the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) next week.

With Temple Mount as flashpoint, violence rises in Jerusalem

ISRAEL - Hatred and nationalism have been seething in Jerusalem since three Israeli teens were slain on the outskirts of Hebron, and even more so during their funeral procession and following the killing of Palestinian youth Mohammed Abu Khdeir in East Jerusalem's Shuafat neighborhood. Even as the United States mobilizes a broad Shiite-Sunni coalition against the fanatical Islamic State, the third most important city to Muslims has become a playing field for religious extremists and nationalists from both sides.

War against ISIS, starts new "order" for the Middle East

GERMANY - Foreign policy makers in the German Bundestag are calling for the deployment of the Bundeswehr against the terrorist organization "Islamic State" (IS) in Iraq. The CDU/CSU parliamentary group's foreign policy spokesperson, Philipp Mißfelder, does "not rule out" German participation in air strikes against IS. A colleague of his parliamentary group could imagine German military deployment "within the framework of surveillance flights."

In Weddings, Pope Francis Looks Past Tradition

VATICAN - Cautioning that marriage is “not a television show” but a symbol of “real life” with “joys and difficulties,” Pope Francis married 20 couples from the Diocese of Rome, some of them less than paragons of traditional Catholic values. While the Roman Catholic Church considers sex out of marriage a sin, some of the couples married by the pope had already lived together and one had a grown child. Some couples had been previously married. But in Francis’s new, more forgiving church, these otherwise familiar domestic arrangements were not considered an impediment. Being married by the pope had seemed “such an impossible thing that then — when we discovered that it was happening, that it wasn’t a dream — well, it transformed us,” Guido Tassaro, who married Gabriella Improta, said in an interview on Vatican Radio. The report described them as an “older couple” with children.

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Just what is an Apostle?

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)